Chapter 1221

Mu Huan, "..."

Just now, she seemed to kick something hard...

She hurriedly got up and reached out to pull Bao Junyan, "I'm sorry husband, I'm sorry... I just had a dream, dreaming that someone threw a toad at me, the sticky lumpy feeling was too much for me, so I kicked it angrily Who knows, I actually kicked it!"

"You were touching my face just now." So, did she treat his face as a toad?

Mu Huan, "..."

She involuntarily looked at Bao Junyan's face, and then...

I really feel like it.

Bao Junyan seemed to see what she was thinking, stood up, and walked to the sofa without saying a word.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Seeing this, Mu Huan got out of bed and followed.

"Sleep on the sofa."

"If you don't sleep on the bed, what kind of sofa do you sleep on?"

"I'm afraid I'll scare you again, so I'll let you kick me out." That low voice was full of indescribable grievances and cuteness. She said before that she was afraid that seeing him like this at night would kick him out in shock. , and now she really kicks.

Mu Huan, "..."

When Bao Junyan was about to lie down.

Mu Huan stretched out her hands to hold his face, "It's probably because my husband is so handsome, these bumps grow on your face, and they become handsome bumps too!"

Bao Junyan, "..."

Didn't she just look at him and think he really looks like a toad?

"I think, I must really love you! Seeing you like this, I can't help but want to kiss you, especially want to hug you and sleep!"

Bao Junyan, "..."

"Come on, husband, let's go to bed!"

"I'm here, it's good." Bao Junyan said.

He knew that what she said were good words to coax him.

"Husband, do you want to be hugged by the princess, and I will carry you to the bed?"

Bao Junyan, "..."

Mu Huan didn't say anything, just bent down to hug him.

Bao Junyan, "...!!!"

When Mu Huan was about to hug Bao Junyan, he hugged her back.

Mu Huan put her arm around his neck.

Her husband is arrogant and coquettish. If he feels depressed in his heart, he never talks about it. He just makes people coax him when he is bored, but it is very easy to coax, just coax him.

"I asked other factories to work overtime to produce more than half of the medicines. Let's see the situation tomorrow. If there are no accidents tomorrow, let the factories here continue to produce. If there are accidents, Sentai or Senna Lin took the opportunity to find trouble, so the factory would not have to resume work."

"If we don't resume work, although it will take some more time to make medicines, it can be controlled within the scope of the plan and will not cause too much loss."

The batch of medicines produced by the factory here are already semi-finished products, so if they can't be wasted, Mu Huan still doesn't want to waste them.

However, if she needs to beg others for something or if someone threatens her with such a thing, then she will not accept it! Give up and give up!

"Anyway, things are done tomorrow. Let's go back tonight. I'll give you medicine tomorrow afternoon. When you wake up the next morning, your little face will be as white and smooth as a freshly peeled egg!" Mu Huan held him face said.

She used a layer of other medicine before giving him this medicine. This medicine is similar to the mechanism of a mask, but its effect is hundreds of times better than that of the mask. A layer of putrefaction will make his skin extremely smooth and tender!

Bao Junyan instinctively said, "No need to be white and smooth."