Chapter 63-64


Singled Out

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Disclaimer: Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me, its contents and characters, are the property of Jin Xiamo. This is a work of fiction. This is an amateur translation of the novel. Please support this site by reading translations from this page.

Trigger Warning: some violence (slapping, forceful kissing, punching, name-calling, cursing) portrayed in the story. Consider this your warning.

Translated by newbienoona

Edited and proofread by pumpkingirl920 and anks

Dissatisfied, she frowns. “I can’t hear you. Didn’t you eat lunch? Again, do you hear me?!”

“We hear you!” This time everyone summons the courage to answer.

“If that the case, let’s review the questions. If you don’t understand how we got to the answer after the review, come and ask me later. However, don’t ask me about it when we take tomorrow’s exam. Every time we finish a topic, head to the playground and run five laps.”

“What? Did I hear you correctly?” Some of the students doubting her statement dig their ears with a pen.

“Oooh, why do I have to do it?” Girls start crying helplessly. The class is a mess.

An Chuxia frowns. Are they stupid? As long as they attempt, they can do it! The problem lies in the subject, not the grade. The questions aren’t that hard to understand.

“I refuse to run, An Chuxia,” a boy stands up against her. It seems he didn’t understand what she’s trying to convey.

The teacher sitting in An Chuxia’s seat becomes restless. He makes it clear to the class: 10 questions a day, three at a time.

A student shakes his head and stands up. “An Chuxia, classmate… ah forget it. I’m at the bottom of the class. This isn’t a big deal. I still would inherit the family business.”

Being in a school for the rich means no matter what their test results are, the students’ future are limitless. Since they end up inheriting the family business, all they have to do is spend a few moments in college.

“I won’t give up and you should decice not to give up so easily either,” she firmly states. “Don’t give up on yourself before I give up on you.”

The classroom falls into silence once more.

The boy who stood up tilts his head, dissatisfied with her response.

“An Chuxia, please do not think we are magical. We are people who don’t test well. What don’t you understand?”

She sneers at the excuse. “Who is destined to be God? No one. God does not exist! There is only one choice: degeneration… or rebirth, if you are magical.”

She walks slowly toward the boy with a dissatisfied look. “How do you want to settle this? If you win, there’s restitution. But if I win… .”

“No, you will not win!” The boy cuts off her words. He doesn’t believe a little girl can beat him at his game.

“If I win, the class must unconditionally obey all the tasks I set!” She stands tall, her chin protruding like a queen with self-confidence.

“Fine,” with his voice lowered, the boy falls back to his seat. An Chuxia gently bends at the waist.

This is impossible! Almost all the students mentally scream while their eyes flash questions of doubt.


With My Fist I’ll Tutor

Translated by newbienoona

Edited and proofread by anks

A/N: Rebirth- a second chance

The boys fall to the ground, grimacing. One by one, they stare at her in disbelief. They never thought An Chuxia is the hands-on type.

“How about it? Standing still?” An Chuxia provokes the boys on the ground. “Stand up again!”

The boys try. They will their bodies up but An Chuxia pushes them back to the ground… Deliberately.

“Listen, no one will ever give you the chance of rebirth. Look at our class. We are singled out as it is, and that’s just now. Once we reach adulthood, people won’t say, ‘stand up again’. You will be ruined before you stand up, and any trace of your identity will be erased.”

The boys fall into thought.

A wave of applause breaks the tension. She doesn’t know who led it.

She offers a hand in front of the boy and smiles. “Come on, I believe you can solve the problem. They’re just a few questions.”

The boys look at An Chuxia. They take her hand to stand up. “An Chuxia, I will take the re-test and get that full score for you!”

”Well,” she says with a smile. “It’s never too late. I’ll show you the easiest way to analyze the problem. I’ve decided that if anyone did more than three questions by the time the retesting takes place, I will use my fist to tutor.”

This is more ruthless than running… .

That afternoon, year 1 Class A sits quietly while listening to An Chuxia break down the problem. She analyzes the subject methodically, not in depth, but enough to come to a solution and apply a technique needed to solve the problem.

Even the class teacher benefitted from her review.

In full disclosure, An Chuxia’s mother was a teacher. However, she didn’t graduate from university because she lacked the funds to graduate. Instead, she took the opportunity to be a kindergarten teacher.

An Chuxia believed her mother could’ve been a professor. This is why An Chuxia cannot regret being sent to this school to graduate.

Chuxia’s teaching methods, of course, was of her mother’s.

“Margaret sister, isn’t that An Chuxia?” Ying Taoqiu asks as they pass by An Chuxia’s classroom. They are surprised to see her at the podium.

“Strange, why is she at the podium?” Ying Taoqiu takes a few steps back, and accidentally sees the class teacher sitting with relish, listening to An Chuxia give the class a lesson.

One of the girls with Ying Taoqiu says, “I’m headed to the toilet.”

Thinking for a moment, Ying Taoqiu says, “I’ll walk to the toilet with you. Margaret, tell Xinwei to come over. Say An Chuxia seems to be engaged with ghosts.”

“Okay!” Margaret heads to class A and runs upstairs.

Ying Taoqiu stares at An Chuxia because she was threatened by the young master! Her festering hatred won’t make her forget!

She takes big strides to the bathroom. She must’ve eaten something spoiled since she’s got diarrhea.

At the end of the corridor, An Chuxia decides to let everyone rest.