Chapter 119-120


Wash Yourself Clean

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Translated, edited, and proofread by newbienoona

Han Qilu looks at her eagerly. “You’re not going to admit it? Because… I think, I mean I know… I think I… like you.”

Boom! She might as well have been struck by lightning! Did the Demon actually say he likes her? Is it the end of the world?

“Of course, I don’t like what this means. I just… you’re from a poor family whose mother just so happens to be my father’s organ donor. You’ve been chosen to be my fiancée, and I let you wish it once… Maybe we’d be able to… discuss this arrangement.”

She still clearly remembers what he said not too long ago. It has only been four days since he told her to be more like herself. Which Qilu should she believe? It is absurd to believe they experienced love at first sight!

His face blushes unnaturally.

“Don’t play me!” Han Qilu grabs the front of her shirt. “Wasn’t it you who said you didn’t like being difficult? Well, I am difficult. You came to my home as my fiancée. I thought you wanted to be with me?”

His complexion turns crimson. “I want things to be harmonious between us. I’ve said words I don’t want to take back! I’m being sincere. When I say I like you, I like you. You don’t have to make this any more complicated. Maybe, if we make this easier on us, we won’t be as conflicted.”

Would she understand what he’s saying? He just wants her to understand his confession.

“Uh, I think I should go and and eat.” She attempts to get out of the bed but Han Qilu scoops her from the bed and takes her to the bathroom. Bathroom? What are they going to do there? In tears, she begs, “Let me go! I want to eat!!!”

“Wash up before eating.” He orders her as he attempts cool off. He doesn’t throw her in the tub. Instead, he bends from the waist. “Wash off all those kisses from your body. I’ll bring dinner to you. I won’t pry into this matter… But in the future, if you’re going to be contrarian, I will certainly get to the bottom of this issue and have you explain it to me!”

Han Qilu suddenly turns and shuts the bathroom door. It closes firmly with a resounding thud.

She gets up and climbs out of the bathtub and locks the bathroom door. A sense of relief courses through her. What happens if that strange devil rushes in? She takes off her clothes and begins taking a bath.

Qilu’s bathroom smells fragrant despite the hint of tobacco. This devil actually smokes in here. His aging mother has no control over him!

She pulls down the mirror from the wall and starts examining her neck for the marks to be rubbed off. She scrubs until her neck is entirely red but but the kiss marks remain. As the redness subsides, the kiss marks reappear, albeit lighter than before.

She rubs until her skin is raw.

“Hey, are you clean?” Han Qilu’s voice carries in the bathroom. “Wash up quickly. I won’t be able to take care of you when you’re starving.”


You Want to do Anything

Translated, edited, and proofread by newbienoona

Dummy! She stares at the bathroom floor impetuously, scolding herself for leaving the now-wet clothes on the floor. She actually forgot to bring pajamas with her before taking a bath.

It’s akin to cooking a labor-intensive meal and forgetting to buy a serving dish for it to be displayed: equally awful!

“Han Qilu!” She hollers his name. Everything is silent. Should she venture out? She calls out his name a few more times. She still hears nothing.

Resigned, she opens the bathroom door.

His vision falls completely on her red, bare body. To him, she is like a vision slowly transforming. His expression goes from astonished to fiery in moments.

“Ah!” she quickly shuts the door. But this time, she is leaves a small seam, enough for a pair of eyes to stare back at him. Although the encounter was accidental, she finds it endearing to see him blush. Is he being coy?

No,no. Even if he is coy, he’ll kill her! Death has no exception, making life more than valuable.

“How is it I called out for you and you didn’t answer, bastard!” Moreover, I caught you staring at me! It would be best for them to be perverse.

His expression immediately lightens after being depressed. “How would I know you were calling for me? I didn’t come over to ask. How would I have known you’d open the door? I would’ve said… your chest isn’t small!”

Thunk! An Chuxia throws a toothbrush at him and hits him on the head. She angrily picks up a cup and is about to throw it at him when the door suddenly opens, giving her little time to wrap a soft bath towel around her. The tip of her nose comes close to his chest. She inhales his heavenly scent, and her body can’t help but stiffen.

“This is called a husband’s murder.” Qilu hugs her from behind. He puts his head in her armpit and says evilly, “If they look up our relations, I’d say I was visited by your light.”

Somehow, she settles, but her face feels hot, and it makes her feel uncomfortable. Is she developing a fever?

“You’re awful!” This time, she spits at him intentionally. Sure enough, she sees his complexion suddenly change when she looks at reflection on the mosaic mirrored wall. It looks like he ate a lump of stool.

“Awful?” He clenches his teeth and spits out the words. It’s clear An Chuxia wants to die miserably.

“Awful!” She confesses truthfully. She suddenly loses control and her stubbornness surfaces. “Ah-!!! Let go of me!!!”

Han Qilu hugs her unexpectedly and carries her out of the bathroom horizontally. The bathroom door closes on its own. She learns first-hand what it feels like to have her heart be enchanted.

He throws her on the bed before pressing up against her. Her face flushes as she feels his warm breath on her face.

“You, you you… What do you think you’re doing?” She’s never stuttered till now! No matter how she would like to nip his lips, her heart feels perturbed. He may be attractive, but his heart is absolutely black!