Chapter 173


In North Central Asia, on the outskirts of a small town in the former Russian Federation, a manor was covered with gold because of the dusk light of the sunset.

Looking at the huge virtual screen in front of him falling into darkness, marshal khimekov turned his head and looked at the bright red sunset outside the window. After watching it for a while, he closed his eyes, raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows.

Not because of fatigue.

As a powerful star level warrior, he doesn't feel tired after just holding a two-hour meeting. You know, he once set a super working record of working for five days and nights without any rest.

Simply because every joint meeting of the federal military headquarters will always be accompanied by endless arguments and even quarrels, which makes him, the commander-in-chief of the federal army, upset every time because of balancing the relationship between all aspects and considering the balance of interests.

If possible, in fact, he is very reluctant to be the commander-in-chief of the federal army.

For marshal khimekov, who loved to embody his value on the battlefield, sitting in the rear and playing with those damn and shady power tactics was his most annoying thing.

In contrast, he would rather be a front-line commander in the front line, and even a small soldier in charge is much better.

But no.

He is the only star warrior in the federal army and the only Star Warrior willing to stay in the army for a long time.

In the federal army, which most advocates force and merit, no one is more qualified to serve as the commander-in-chief of the federal army.

For the sake of the overall situation and the glory of the whole federal army, even if he was unwilling, he was forced to sit in this position and waste his time in these meaningless meetings every day.

Of course, to be fair, the previous two-hour meeting was not a complete waste of time. The main topic discussed at the meeting was important things that might determine the development of the federal army in the next few decades.

Since the promotion of the basic martial arts promotion act, there has been an upsurge of practicing martial arts in all parts of the Federation. Many children and young people who were not interested in martial arts have joined the ranks of martial artists.

Of course, the upsurge also affected the federal army.

According to the estimation of the staff of the policy planning conference room of the federal army, among the young people who join the federal army in the next few years, the proportion of military personnel will be higher and higher.

This will obviously have a great impact on the overall combat effectiveness of the United Nations army, so the military headquarters must make corresponding changes and countermeasures.

The suggestion given in the conference room of the policy planning meeting is to greatly popularize one or a few fixed skill skills in the federal army, cooperate with the overall tactical literacy of the federal soldiers, and give play to a stronger combat effectiveness in the battle at the same time.

This proposal is good in itself, but in the specific operation process, it will shake the control of the soldiers under the opponents of the major factions in the federal army, which naturally caused countless reactions. It led to the quarrel of representatives from various ministries for two hours at the joint meeting, but it was not finally decided.

Marshal khimekov was tired of this situation.

In his opinion, as long as it can enhance the combat effectiveness of the federal army, it is good.

Those federal army moths who only care about their own interests should be driven out!

But... He can't.

Even if he has been in the position of commander-in-chief of the federal army for nearly ten years and has become a star warrior for more than 15 years, in everyone's eyes, he is the same super big man of the Earth Federation, but he still can't do some things.

Just as he will take a little more care of the military officers from the former Russian origin of the federal army, it is normal that the generals and officers of other factions in the army will obviously strive for more interests for their subordinates.

In the final analysis, although the Earth Federation joined the galactic family after being discovered by the private fleet of the Declan Empire 760 years ago, and then unified into an earth federation in a short time under strong external pressure, the contradictions between various factions from within are far from being eliminated.

"What trouble..."

Marshal khimekov took a deep breath and calmed himself.

He has been in this position for nearly ten years and has not been used to this kind of intrigue and intrigue, which proves that he is really not suitable for this position.

Almost instinctively, he hates guys who like to play tricks.

This is the same with Mu Yutong.

It was precisely because he knew that Mu Yutong used those small hands on Chu Nan and used him that marshal khimekov sympathized with the little guy and was willing to help him.

Of course, humon is willing to pull down his old face and recommend Chu nan to help him.

Thinking of humon's general expression of weakness to himself, marshal khimekov couldn't help smiling on his serious face.

"Humon, it's not easy for him to bow his head to me."

It seems that the happiest days to stand with him in the military camp are those before the war.

Although we are faced with the danger of dying on the battlefield every day, our days are especially full, and our comrades in arms get along very well, which is much better than facing those annoying guys every day.

Thinking of the life in the military camp, marshal khimekov thought of his days in the military camp in order to survive and strive to improve himself.

Then a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, that little guy wants me to help him break through the pass of the universe? But can he bear the pain I've endured?"


Chu Nan's body trembled fiercely, and all the exposed skin exuded blood at the same time. In a moment, the whole person became a blood man.

"Shit, I overestimate them."

The "they" in Chu Nan's mouth are not strange things, but those peripheral meridians in his body.

After spending three hours to get through the remaining 21 main meridians and 93 secondary meridians, Chu Nan's next move is to get through all the terminal meridians.

This is a crazy move.

Compared with the strong main meridians that affect the main activities of the human body, and the slightly weaker secondary meridians that dominate all the detailed activities of the human body, the much smaller terminal meridians are almost difficult to see with the naked eye if the flesh * body is cut open.

If a major meridian is cut off and cannot be treated in time, normal people may even die directly.

If a secondary meridian is cut off, the physical activities of the corresponding parts of the human body will be greatly limited and hindered.

However, if you short tune a peripheral meridian, in fact, most of the time, in addition to making people feel some pain, it will only make a very small part of your body feel abnormal, and the overall impact on the body is very small, which can be almost ignored.

For the martial arts, if they can open up enough main and secondary meridians, it is enough to let the internal breath affect every part of the body through the flow of these meridians, and then use this to completely quench and improve the flesh body, so as to achieve the final perfect hegemony and impact a more powerful level.

Therefore, in comparison, the peripheral meridians are almost a thing that is completely ignored by all martial artists.

Run to get through the peripheral meridians?

Are you crazy? (to be continued)