Chapter 427.2

Montgomery proudly withdrew from the virtual battle room and opened his personal data. He found that the number of successful contests in a row had reached 99. He couldn't help laughing.

As long as he succeeds in defending the challenge once more, he can successfully defend the challenge 100 times in a row without having to challenge the Samsung champion, and he will be automatically upgraded to the Samsung champion, and the reward will be greatly increased.

Of course, the opponent of the three-star challenge master is usually much stronger than when he was the two-star challenge master, but he has full confidence. With his strong strength that he can break through the cosmic pass by only one step, the challenge master above Samsung dare not say that it is more than enough to defend the challenge arena of the three-star challenge master.

Just about to browse the forum to see what good things can be exchanged with the newly added contribution value, a familiar figure appeared in front of Montgomery.

Montgomery's current location is his private space in his "Wu Hun". No one can come in except himself and some of his approved friends.

On a closer look, the guy who suddenly appeared was indeed a good friend he met in the forum. The name on the forum and the name in the game are called fool three worries.

Seeing the fool's worried face and depressed expression, Montgomery asked, "what's the matter? Has something happened?"

The fool waved his hand impatiently and scolded: "shit, I lost!"

"Lost?" Montgomery was stunned. He used his friend's permission to query the battle records of the fool's three worries. Sure enough, he found that he lost his last competition.

Although the fool's strength is weaker than him, he is only a level 4 internal breathing martial arts player at present, but he has become a one-star challenge master for a long time and has not tasted defeat. Among the one-star challenge masters, he can be regarded as the one with excellent strength.

If it weren't for the fool's three worries who liked to rely on the one-star challenge master to attack those novices who came to challenge, he would have hoped to attack the two-star challenge master.

However, his strength is relatively strong. Most novices can be called crush him. Now he has lost!

The challenger is different from the challenger. If the Challenger loses, it's a big deal to come back. If the Challenger loses, it's gone. He will become a novice and start over like those challengers, and the rewards obtained after winning each battle will be greatly reduced. Therefore, the fool will be so depressed and angry after three considerations.

"Is it a new master?" Montgomery couldn't help asking. "How about strength?"

In fact, there are such things.

Although the virtual challenge arena competition organized by Xingchen wuzhe forum is similar to the player level division in Wuhun, which has gradually solidified over time. The high level is strong, but there are still new experts to join occasionally to break this situation.

So Montgomery was not surprised that the fool was defeated, but just curious.

It's been a long time since such a sudden expert came. Of course, you should inquire carefully.

Hearing Montgomery's question, the expression on the fool's face became very strange.

"That guy... If he is strong, he is not very strong. I fought hard with him. I felt that his internal breathing strength was not much different from that of me. At most, it was the strength of the fourth level internal breathing martial arts. But his moves..." the fool frowned and didn't seem to know how to describe it. "I feel... It's like knowing what I'm going to do in advance. I'm always one step ahead, which makes me feel uncomfortable and passive. In the end, I can't help but lose."


Montgomery Oh, a little disappointed in his heart.

According to the fool's three thoughts, that guy is at most the strength of level 4 internal breathing martial arts, but it doesn't deserve special attention.

Although the fool thought that the man's moves were strange, Montgomery wouldn't take it to heart.

For him, the most important factor determining the strength of a warrior is whether his internal breathing is strong or not.

No matter how strange his moves are, he will only easily lose because of the huge gap in the intensity of internal breathing when he meets a five level internal breathing martial artist like him, and there is no possibility of winning at all.

Of course, there is no need to say this in front of the fool's three considerations, so as not to attack his fragile self-esteem that he has just lost.

How could the fool not see what Montgomery was thinking? He frowned slightly and said, "don't take it seriously. That guy is really weird. I've never met such a guy before. I always think his strength should be more than the fourth internal breathing level."

Montgomery smiled and waved his hand.

"What if I take it seriously? Can he hit me now?"

A fool's three worries immediately suffocate.

Montgomery is right.

Different from the fool's three worries, which is just a one-star challenge master, Montgomery is a two-star challenge master. If he wants to challenge him, he still has the first condition, that is, if he successfully challenges ten one-star challenge masters in succession, he is qualified to challenge two-star challenge masters.

The guy who defeated the fool's three worries just now is obviously a novice. If he wants to challenge Montgomery, the two-star challenge master, he must first win ten consecutive victories for the novice, and then he can be qualified to challenge the one-star challenge master.

After that, he must challenge ten successful one star challengers before he can challenge Montgomery.

As long as he has just defeated the fool star three times in a row, he will become a novice again. Although he has just defeated the fool star three times in a row, he can take over from the fool star three times in a row.

If you lose another game with bad luck, you have to do it again.

Therefore, if he wants to challenge Montgomery, he must win 20 games in a row as soon as possible, including 10 consecutive defeats against the one star challenger.

Such difficulty can not be completed by ordinary challengers.

All the challengers Montgomery met before accumulated the number of times to defeat the one-star challenger in the process of repeated failures. Only in this way did he get the qualification to challenge the two-star challenger. Never a challenger could directly win 20 consecutive victories.

Even after many challengers finally become one star challengers, they don't dare to challenge other one star challengers at will. They want to keep their position as one star challengers, so as to obtain richer contribution value rewards than challengers.

The fool's three worries are one of them.

So in general, the guy who defeated the fool's three thoughts may be a little stronger than the fool's three thoughts, but it's impossible for him to defeat the nine life one star challenge leader in such a short time without any failure.

"Well, you'd better study the war video and see where you lost?" Montgomery patted the fool on the shoulder. "You've been the one star challenge leader for a long time. It's normal to come down. Next time..."

Suddenly, a prompt sound sounded.

"Montgomery, you are challenged by someone. Do you accept it?"

Montgomery and the fool are stunned.

I was just talking about challenging Montgomery. I didn't expect one to come now.

"Which one star challenge master is impatient and comes to challenge me?" Montgomery sneered and muttered, and looked at the prompt. He was stunned again. "Virgin 001? What's the name of this product? Is he really a virgin?"

The fool next to him changed his face immediately after hearing this.

"That's him!" (to be continued)