Chapter 817

Red, blue, green, green, even pink and yellow, all kinds of light kept shining in the darkness at the top of the hotel building, setting off Chu Nan's face and changing colors.

If someone else runs to the roof at this time, I'm afraid the first reaction is whether it's haunted here.

However, if a martial artist who has enough sensing ability to space energy is here, he will find that with each light flashing and each color change, the surrounding space energy will always produce different changes and fluctuations, which represents that Chu Nan is constantly changing the work methods used and different manipulation changes to space energy.

But finding this fact will only make people more surprised.

Because any skill that can control space energy can't be weak. It's very good for a martial artist to master one of them. It's impossible for a martial artist to master so many skills at the same time like Chu Nan, and they are all different types, or even very different.

What's more amazing is that the speed of Chu Nan's conversion of skill methods is too amazing. It is almost possible to change three or four different types of skill methods at once.

The energy of the surrounding space is constantly changing violently with the different work methods he uses.

If the surrounding spatial energy is compared to the water in the pond, it should be calm and wave free under normal circumstances. The fish in it will not pay special attention to and sense its existence.

However, when a martial artist tries to control space energy by using the skill, it is equivalent to someone stirring the water in the pond, and the water flow in the pond begins to change.

Different work methods have different effects on and control of space energy, and the water flow in the pond is different.

But now Chu Nan keeps changing his skill rapidly, and the water flow in the pond keeps changing. For a moment, it spirals, turns up and down, and goes back and forth

The originally calm pond was stirred by Chu Nan as if it had turned into a violent wave in an instant. Not to mention that others looked terrible, even the fish in it couldn't stand it.

However, Chu Nan sat in place safely and couldn't see any affected appearance at all.

The space energy in the palm of his hand changes most violently. With the light of various colors flashing, all kinds of space energy application methods mastered by those air breaking warriors of the United States of America against each other are used, which makes Chu Nan's understanding of the application and change of space energy deeper and deeper.

After the light changed, I don't know how many times, I suddenly stopped together, and the roof fell back into darkness.

Chu Nan looked down at the palm of his left hand, which no longer showed light in the dark, frowned slightly and fell into thinking.

Through the continuous attempts just now and the complete collection and analysis of all kinds of data, Chu Nan gradually found a key point.

In fact, the reason why the so-called various kinds of exercises can reflect different colors and shapes is that they have different control over space energy.

To be specific, the composition of space energy is different.

Chu Nan had some insights when he studied the power of elements series before, but he didn't have a deep insight and didn't pay much attention to it at that time.

Now, after being instructed by the venerable alahuk, he began to pay attention to this aspect, and then through various aspects of data analysis, he found that there are certain rules in the appearance of different skills due to different composition methods of space energy or different skills.

For example, the skill used by the first air breaking warrior who fought with him will spread into a red cloud. Then through the analysis of the collected data, it will be found that the spatial energy composition structure under the control of this skill is basically a fixed mode, and the spatial energy fluctuation frequency is basically fixed in a small range.

After that, there was also a Kung Fu level martial artist whose skill also showed similar red. Through data analysis, it can be seen that the structure of space energy in his skill was very close to that of the first kung fu level martial artist, and the fluctuation frequency of space energy was basically in the same range.

Although on the surface, the two people's skills are very different. The first air breaking warrior's skills are spread out, which is filled with red clouds, and then the air breaking warrior's skills are spread out, which is filled with red fog, but there is no big difference after Chu Nan's accurate data analysis.

After discovering this key feature, Chu Nan relied on his powerful brain to re analyze and compare the skills used by the hundreds of broken air level martial artists, and found that this law can basically be applied to the skills used by everyone.

Even if there are those who can not be completely classified into one category, they can always find very close skill methods.

In addition, Chu Nan also found another law in his analysis.

The closer the structure of space energy is and the higher the frequency of space energy fluctuation is, the greater the power is usually.

Take the skill that attracted his attention most, which should be the most powerful of the more than 100 air breaking martial arts players he fought, as an example. After the skill he used was used, his whole body showed black meaning. Under the control of the skill, the structure of space energy is extremely close and will not be affected by the southern Chu skill.

At the same time, the vibration frequency of space energy is extremely high, reaching an amazing 1893 Hz, which completely exceeds the vibration frequency of space energy in the skill methods used by other air breaking martial arts, and is not far from the frequency of high-frequency vibration internal breathing thought by Chu Nan.

After discovering this rule, Chu Nan began to carefully examine all kinds of skill methods he mastered in front of him.

After the analysis of those skills learned from the martial arts materials of nuoyantem chamber of Commerce and the martial arts branch of Xingyun college, it can be said that all reflect the law summarized by Chu Nan at present, without exception.

But in addition, Chu Nan learned different kinds of skills through other means.

For example, the power of elements series is a very obvious method that causes the appearance to be revealed by manipulating the space energy, but the space energy composition of each of the four series of power methods in this method is quite different, in which the vibration frequency of space energy is also different, and the power is of course different, but it is not high or low when practiced to the highest depth.

The most special is the hymn of the goddess.

This skill can directly transform space energy into vitality. When using it, there is nothing in common between the composition of space energy and all the skills analyzed by Chu Nan before. Chu Nan can't find the law related to it from any other skill.

So he can only rate this skill as magical enough to deserve its name.

But among all the skills, the one that really attracted Chu Nan's attention was the one he stole from the mysterious girl. (to be continued)