Chapter 837

The superposition of multiple spatial energy structures is the inspiration of Chu Nan from the terrible and strange skill of selemona gate.

After being hit by the purple lightning flash of Salem, Chu Nan fully realized the particularity of Salem's skill through the direct contact of the flesh and his strong induction to space energy.

Before that, the spatial energy manipulated and mobilized by all kinds of skill methods Chu Nan came into contact with basically followed a specific spatial energy structure. The mastery of this skill will only affect whether the spatial energy structure is stable and closer to the most perfect form, and the essential structure will not change much.

However, after applying this skill of selemo, the surrounding spatial energy is clearly composed of several different spatial energy architecture modes.

When Chu Nan was hit by that blow, he sensed up to seven different spatial energy structures.

This has greatly inspired Chu Nan.

It turns out that the space energy architecture is not unique. It can also be superimposed together with different architectures at the same time. Therefore, the generated effect is more amazing and powerful.

Chu Nan can be sure that the martial artist who created this skill will never deliberately do so by virtue of his strong data ability and strong perception of space energy. Then this martial artist is really gifted to create this skill without knowing the details.

Through this inspiration, Chu Nan thought of the situation when he condensed the nebula.

His biggest problem now is that he hopes to obtain a nebula structure that can perfectly fit his own situation, which can enable him to enjoy the convenience brought by Nebula condensation by using any skill after successful Nebula condensation.

However, the corresponding spatial energy structure is different with different power methods, so it is difficult for him to find a structure to meet the needs of all power methods at the same time.

Now, however, he came up with a solution through this inspiration.

If one architecture is different, add another architecture to this architecture.

Just like the skill used by selemo contains seven different spatial energy structures, but there will be no conflict. Instead, it cooperates closely, which makes this skill play an extremely terrible power.

Moreover, after making a calculation, Chu Nan also found that even if one or two spatial energy structures in selemo skill are put aside, the rest can still be successfully combined and still have great power.

From this point of view, this skill is really excellent. Chu Nan even thinks that it is probably the top S-level skill.

What Chu Nan needs to do now is to use this method when condensing the nebula, superimposing different spatial energy structures together, so as to meet enough skill needs, so that after the nebula condenses successfully, it can play a role in each skill.

Now that the first test is successful, Chu Nan makes persistent efforts to call out a wisp of internal breathing from the Dantian again, and then at the same time, he uses one more skill, and then condenses a nebula with different spatial energy structure in the Dantian.

After careful observation and precise calculation, Chu Nan calls out a ray of internal breathing. Then, as before, when this ray of internal breathing flows in the meridians, it controls the space energy flowing with it, and integrates the different space energy structures of four different skill methods.

Then... He failed.

Chu Nan frowned when he felt that the space energy driven by internal breathing collapsed completely and dissipated naturally.

Three can, four can't?

It shouldn't be

There are seven different spatial energy structures in selemona's skill at the same time. It doesn't make sense for him to use four.

"There must be something wrong."

Chu Nan frowned slightly, savoring all the subtle changes in spatial energy during the experiment just now, and soon found the problem.

The reason for the collapse of space energy architecture and the natural collapse of space energy lies in the conflict of several architectures in some places.

The discovery made Chu Nan frown deeper.

Only four different spatial energy architectures have such problems. With the superposition of more different spatial energy architectures, there will only be more and more similar problems, which will be geometrically improved, and the possibility of success will be lower and lower.

As for finally, as he imagined, it is impossible to successfully integrate the different types of spatial energy structures brought by even hundreds of exercises to condense a nebula containing everything.

"Is this idea still too fanciful?"

Chu Nan frowned and thought for a while, and decided to start with the most basic. Dantian * * interest flow, and repeated the experiment just now.

Only this time, when mobilizing space energy, he carefully eliminated those conflicts, which barely succeeded in completing a nebula condensation integrating four different space energy structures.

However, when he carried out the next experiment - integrating five different spatial energy structures, he unexpectedly suffered another failure.

Chu Nan shook his head, not discouraged.

His idea was originally whimsical. It can't be so easy to succeed.

Anyway, he had a lot of whimsical ideas when practicing kung fu. He had rich experience in looking for success opportunities after countless failures. Such a setback would not hurt him.

Chu Nan took a breath and began to delete and correct the conflicts caused by the integration of five different spatial energy architectures, and then experimented again.


Delete and modify again, fail again

Continue to delete


Early the next morning, the Orion spin arm Martial Arts College League competition, which had been suspended for a day before the final, began again.

Because they entered the final stage, each of the 32 students left behind can be said to be the best genius among contemporary young martial artists, which naturally attracted more attention.

The audience who just came to the scene to watch the war was several times more than before. Many people came from other planets in the United States of America, and even from thousands of light-years or even tens of thousands of light-years away.

Among the 16 games started simultaneously, Chu Nan's game attracted the most attention.

The audience of the Earth Federation will naturally pay attention to the last participant left. The local audience of the United States of America of America of America can't help but pay attention to the competition because of the streaking of a group of journalists of the United States of America. Even ordinary people who have no interest in martial arts and have no interest in the competition can't help but pay attention to the competition, so the audience is more.

As for the audiences in other countries, they are very curious about Chu Nan because of the many kinds of news, especially all kinds of interesting stories. Naturally, they pay attention to the game one after another.

But when the game began, all the spectators were surprised to find that today's Chu Nan seemed... A little absent-minded