Chapter 1291

The light and darkness flickered for several times, and finally returned to a stable light.

However, this light is slightly different from the light brought by ordinary stellar light. The warmth and constant light intensity in the light show that the light is obviously from artificial light sources.

Sensing the light, nkosidor breathed a long breath.

Finally back!

Along the way, he reminded his fear and was careful. He had been worried that the same giant bug and similar monsters would suddenly come out to attack him. He didn't dare to stop at all and kept moving forward at full speed, so that the journey back from the 13th floor was much faster than that he followed Chu Nan and angel Belle into the endless abyss. He had returned to the surface of the first floor of the endless abyss in less than half a day.

Different from the driving place from top to bottom, the exit of the first floor, which comes back from the deep depths of the endless abyss, is equipped with a camp that is not huge, but appears very formal and orderly. You can not only see all kinds of adventurers, but also see the coming and going of heavily armed dikland Empire soldiers everywhere.

As soon as nkosidor appeared, he was stopped head-on by two soldiers.

"Go to quarantine immediately, hurry up!"

The tone of the two soldiers was cold and very bad, full of condescending, but nkosidor had no aversion and discomfort in his heart. He just nodded obediently and automatically lined up behind a group of people waiting for quarantine.

The so-called quarantine is specially done by the military of the dikland empire for those adventurers who come back from the endless abyss. Every adventurer who comes back after entering the endless abyss must be quarantined, or he will be ruthlessly attacked by the military of the dikland empire.

Few people understand why the dikland Empire did this, but this is a hard rule of the dikland Empire, but no one dares not to abide by it - those who do not abide by it have now become dust in the universe beyond the endless abyss.

Nkosidor used to hate the forced quarantine of the strong, but now he has just experienced a life and death escape. Being forced to participate in the quarantine makes him feel at ease.

The procession was not slow, and it was not long before it was nkosidor's turn.

Although he had not explored the endless abyss for a long time, nkosidor was very familiar with the routine here. When he came to the soldiers in charge of quarantine, he didn't have to say anything. He raised his arm directly and didn't forget to explain.

"Don't smoke too much. I'm dizzy."

The soldier ignored him at all, picked up a needle like thing in his hand and stabbed it into his arm.

According to the rules, the person in charge of quarantine should take a little blood from him for test, as if to test something by relying on the test results.

In this regard, the official confidentiality of the dikland empire was very strict, so nkosidor didn't know what to do.

"Wait." Seeing that the tip of the needle was about to pierce nkosidor, a voice suddenly sounded nearby.

The soldiers stopped. Nkosidor and several people lined up behind him looked in amazement at the direction of the sound. They found that the man who made the sound had an obvious dikland Imperial officer logo on his chest, and it looked like the level was really not low.

The officer looked up and down at nkosidor. Rows of data skipped through the virtual screen lit up by the personal terminal on his wrist. He looked and asked nkosidor, "from the transmission point you passed before, you kept coming back from the portal on the 13th floor of E37?"

Nkosidor frowned.

He was not surprised that the other party could master his own whereabouts, because the military of the Declan Empire had deployed signal trackers at every transmission point in the area that had been explored in the endless abyss. As long as he wanted to find him, he had nothing to hide.

He wondered why the other party cared about it.

"Yes, I just got back from there." Nkosidor nodded frankly.

"Why did you keep coming back? Did you encounter anything there?" The officer asked again, in a serious tone.

Nkosidor frowned.

Of course, it's no problem to cooperate with quarantine, but if the other party asks so, it's too infringing on his personal privacy.

However, he thought for a moment and realized that there was no benefit in resisting under such circumstances. He would only make himself suffer from the immediate loss. He paused and replied: "I met a particularly powerful monster on the 13th floor. It was not easy for me to escape and come back. Of course, I don't want to stay in this ghost place again."

"What monster is it?"

"I don't know. It's the first time I've seen such a monster."

"Describe it." The officer still asked.

Nkosidor sighed secretly, knowing that it was not so easy to get away today, and on second thought, the three giant insects encountered today were indeed strange. Reporting them up in this way could be regarded as a reminder to other adventurers. It was a good thing to do, so he didn't resist and explained them in detail.

Listening to nkosidor's description, the other adventurers in line behind him didn't care much, but the officer's face became more and more severe.

After listening, the officer motioned nkosidor to wait, and then went aside to open the personal terminal. It seemed that he should have made a remote communication with someone.

After a while, he came and said to nkosidor with a straight face, "come with us and tell us what happened to you in detail."

Nkosidor knew he couldn't get away. He had to follow the officers and board a small spaceship behind the camp. In a short time, he had left the asteroid belt where the endless abyss was located and entered the vast space.

After another half-hour spaceflight, the small spaceship docked next to a huge space base.

Nkosidor was even more surprised.

It's no secret that the Declan Empire set up a huge space military base near the endless abyss, but few people can enter the base in person, even close to it. People without special backgrounds like him don't even have to think about it.

Unexpectedly, he came here for an inexplicable reason.

After entering the base, nkosidor followed a silent officer through the base in a small suspension lock car, and finally stopped in front of a much larger building in the base.

After entering the building, the soldiers wearing the high-ranking military officer logo of the dikland Empire came and went back, which was enough to show that it must be the most important place in the base.

Nkosidor could not help feeling nervous.

He is just an ordinary person who is particularly interested in the theoretical research of martial arts. He can only be regarded as ordinary in both strength and background. Why was he deliberately called to such an important place?

Is it just because of the big bugs he met on the 13th floor of E37?

After turning a few passages, it suddenly opened up in front of me, and a huge hall appeared in front of me.

The hall was crowded and bustling, but nkosidor immediately focused on a platform at the back of the hall.

Not only because this platform is obviously higher than other places, but also because of the two people standing on the platform.

He didn't know the young man on the left, but the middle-aged man on the right, with a calm and bold face and a natural and noble temperament, was almost unknown and well known in the dikland empire.

Because he is Prince leikas!