Chapter 1323

After the monster as huge as that mountain was repulsed, the other monsters surrounding it also faded in a tidal wave, so that the people quickly rushed out of the enclosure of the monster.

But 20 minutes later, the party had arrived at the next place where the distress signal was sent.

Seeing the current situation, everyone was surprised.

This area is supposed to be a flat wasteland, but now there are many "hills" in this wasteland.

At this time, these "hills" were surrounded by a larger mountain, shaking slightly, and several extremely bright lights sprayed out towards the middle mountain.

All these "hills as like as two peas" were all the same as the monster they had encountered before.

Next to these huge monsters like more than a dozen hills, there are other monsters gathering together. Even in the sky, there are many monsters flying. Unexpectedly, they completely surround the real hill in the middle from the sky to the ground in all directions.

"Bang bang -"

The terrible bright silver light from the mouth of a huge beast like a hill hit the real mountain in the middle, which immediately triggered bursts of strong explosions. You can clearly see the soil flying and stones splashing on the hill. Just one round of attack almost cut off a whole layer of the hill.

But what makes Chu Nan feel strange is that even if surrounded by so many powerful monsters, the hill in the middle is not safe and has no resistance. From time to time, several strange lights will be emitted from the hill, including several obvious black smells. Hitting the monsters ready to rush to the top of the mountain can take away the life of one of them with almost every attack.

Moreover, these counterattacks are not messy at all. Obviously, they have obvious laws and commands, and they are not aimless. There is an appropriate interval between each round of counterattacks, and the intensity is just enough to ensure that they can suppress the monsters that intend to rush up, ensuring that the hill remains intact despite the attack of such a large number of monsters.

"There must be more than one person up there, and there should be a leader."

Chu Nan quickly made a judgment. Looking around, he found that it was almost impossible to rush through the monsters on the ground, and I'm afraid he had to break through the dozen giant monsters first.

After thinking about it, he said to Hathor, "you stay here. I'll check the situation first."

Hathor was stunned: "do you want to go alone? How?"

"I have a way." Chu Nan smiled at him, and then explained to Angela Belle and Carola, asking them not to separate as much as possible. If they couldn't, they immediately chose to escape. Then they didn't intend to continue to explain to Hathor. A little under their feet, they had flown into the air.

Before, because they followed behind the Royal daughter of kayah and let her lead the way, the three of Chunan never had a chance to fly. Now they saw Chunan suddenly fly into the air and fall unabated. Hathor, the Royal daughter of kayah and the prince Kandel were surprised.

"He... He can fly!" Prince Kandel pointed to Chunan in the distant sky with a shocked face.

Hathor and the Royal daughter of Gaye ignored him, but stared at Chu Nan, who had flown far away. They found that he could not only fly in the sky, but also fight back cleanly when attacked by some flying beasts in the air. Without any difficulty, they were even more shocked.

"Can this boy fly here?" Hathor turned to look at Angela Belle and Carola, but saw that there was no expression of surprise on their faces, and his heart moved. "Can you two fly, too?"

"Yes." Angie Belle did not shy away and nodded.

The three of Hathor were even more surprised.

Chunan is even better. Hathor can know what kind of pervert he is, but I didn't expect that the two girls who suddenly appear would also be perverted. Can it be said that they are both perverted because they are close to Chunan?

At this time, Chu Nan over there had killed more than ten strange animals flying from the sky and just flew over the head of a huge mountain like beast.

The giant beast seemed to sense the existence of Chu Nan, and looked up and ejected a bright silver light at him.

Chu Nan had long been familiar with the attack routine of this kind of monster in the battle with the giant beast encountered by Prince Kandel. He didn't meet it. Instead, when the light regiment was about to hit him, he accelerated abruptly and avoided the light regiment at the critical moment.

Because of the obstruction of the light mass to other exotic animals, he got a moment of breathing opportunity and took the opportunity to fly close to the hill in the middle at high speed.

When he was about to fly to the hill, several light groups came around, accompanied by the long-range attack launched by other monsters. Chu Nan didn't completely avoid this time, but quickly calculated in his mind, aimed at one of the bright silver huge light groups, rushed directly and punched out.

"Boom -"

With the concentrated effort of Chu Nan, the light burst open, and suddenly it was like a huge sun rising abruptly, illuminating all the sky and earth.

The terrible space energy wave caused by the explosion directly destroyed the nearest dozens of flying monsters in the air, and directly blasted a piece of monsters on the ground into fragments. However, Chu Nan skillfully turned to the middle of the hill at a faster speed through the huge shock wave caused by the explosion.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Chu Nan had turned into a streamer and fell on the hill.

"Boom -"

As if a bomb had been dropped, Chu Nan directly threw a pit on the hillside near the top of the mountain, and killed two monsters who were preparing to charge to the top of the mountain.

A moment later, he jumped out of the pit, slapped the two nearest monsters with his hands, and rushed all the way to the top of the mountain.

After crossing an apparently artificially dug gully, there was another streamer in the face.

Sensing the powerful internal breathing fluctuations contained in these lights, Chu Nan moved in his heart and thought that it was no wonder these guys would be trapped on this mountain and did not choose to escape. Now it seems that they should not have mastered the skills of flying in the special environment of the endless abyss like themselves.

"Don't shoot, it's your own!" Chu Nan opened his mouth and shouted. He fell to the top of the mountain.

Perhaps hearing Chu Nan's cry, the attack on him at the top of the mountain stopped and let him fall unimpeded.

As soon as his feet stood firm, a familiar voice full of surprises rang in front of Chu Nan.

"I knew it was you. A guy like you wouldn't have a second one."

Chu Nan looked up and grinned at the man opposite.

"Hey, Prince montico, can I take this sentence as a slander?"

The guy in front of me was the prince of montico who had never had a chance to see him again after the end of the incident of Prince savonis!

Prince montico smiled: "what I said is the truth."

Chu Nan waved his hand and swept around. His eyes flashed on other faces around him. Suddenly, he gave a sound.

"Where's Pamela? Why didn't you see her?"

The smile on Prince montico's face suddenly froze and his face became gloomy.

Seeing his expression, Chu Nan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.