Chapter 1385: Encountered a gangster (3)

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Sangnuo's eyes were eager and sulking, watching them jam here, the van in front was about to drive away, and he immediately rushed forward regardless. +++ Catino Novel Network

Just at this moment--

In the alley behind him, there was a sudden hoopla, and a group of people came out, plus the little fat man called out temporarily. There were a total of eight or nine people. It was the little fat man who rushed in quickly, rushing over behind, and big Calling his name.

When the three robbers saw this young man's residence, there were still so many people in front of them, and they suddenly became a little cautious in their faces (colors), and their faces (colors) were stunned.

Sang Nuo noticed behind him, looked at them, and when he looked back, he pulled out a ribbed iron bar from the metal ruins on the ground. He moved his neck and wrists, and suddenly he screamed in the next second. Go up.

The training of these few days is still very good. He was beaten by his brother-in-law in a close fight before, and then beaten by a coach who was an agent. He has already learned how to avoid himself better, and then find the right opportunity to attack. .

Sang Nuo was anxious to save the people, and he started very cruelly. He directly smashed the opponent on the head, and the little fat guys also picked up bricks and sticks and rushed over.

Although the gangsters were few in number, they were accustomed to doing this kind of thing at first glance. Each of them looked hideous and scratched randomly with a knife. Sang Nuo stunned one, but he was also scratched on his arm, bleeding out.

The three gangsters, seeing how fast they were able to fight, turned around and ran away, and Sangnuo ignored his wounds and chased them out.

It's just that their group of colorful students chased to the entrance of the alley, and saw the van that had been driving away stopped not far away, and a few people came down from above. The silver light flashed under the moon (color), illuminating them. On his side is a tightly held machete.

This scene really shocked their group of students.

Fright flashed through the eyes of the little fat man, and his feet began to soften.

Just kidding, if this is a stab, it won't die.

And the two or three gangsters they chased out did not run away when they saw it, and stopped facing them, with a grin on their faces, shouting, "Come on, come if you want to die!"

Sang Nuo had dark eyes, and his (chest xiong) undulated violently. He didn't look at the little fat man and the others, but he said to them, "Go, you go!"


"You guys go quickly--!" Sonnu suddenly turned his head and his eyes were red.

"No, no, you can't hold on to Sonor. Let's walk together. Let's walk together. The hero doesn't suffer from the immediate loss. It's still too late to walk!" The little fat man was trembling, but he mustered the courage to pull his arm.

Sang Nuo's eyes flashed with persistence and determination. He almost gritted his teeth and said, "These **** have taken Xiao Yang away! I can't go! You guys go! Hurry up and call the police, you know!!!"

Sonnau pushed them all away and yelled, "All go quickly!"

After all, I walked forward alone, wanting to fight the gangsters alone.

Little Fatty and a group of people, all of them are red eyes, not to mention that they are not afraid at the moment, they are also students, most of the family is a child, only child-but if you don’t rush forward, this gang of gangsters will definitely He killed!

When the atmosphere was intensely suppressed, the little fat man suddenly let out a loud cry! In the next second, he rushed over regardless of--!

He couldn't help it, Sang Nuo was his three years at the same table, brother, can't just watch Sang Nuo being beaten to death by their gang alone!