Chapter 1182

The captain said in a loud voice: "our childhood education is to respect the old and love the young, to help each other!"

Every word is enlightening and awe inspiring.

It's embarrassing. It's like a tornado.

The press conference on the super powers is not over yet. The captain and the vice captain hold a press conference in the ward and slap them hard.

This makes the publisher very embarrassed, holding a microphone standing in front of a group of blonde reporters, also don't know what to say.

Under the stage, Chinese reporters, who were sent abroad, tried to resist the impulse of laughing and shooting with cameras, trying to capture all their embarrassing expressions.

They have a strong hunch that these photos will explode.

In the middle of the press conference, he fell into a dilemma.

The front foot said that the super powers headed by Bai Chuwei might bring great threat to the survival of ordinary people all over the world. The captain of the back foot beat him in the face. Bai Chuwei not only did not threaten the survival of ordinary people, but also saved 187 people!

No one lost!

A Chinese reporter, who is not too busy to watch, smiles and asks in the purest English, "what do you think, sir?"

There was a low laugh around.

The publisher blushed and almost blurted out: "these are just the testimony of the captain and vice captain!"

The reporters on the scene recently gave me a good beating.

Ladies and gentlemen???

Lying trough, can you open your eyes and tell lies?

The captain and vice captain of the party concerned have come forward to clarify. Can there be any fake? Is it necessary for them to make rumors?

It's shameless. It's amazing.

It seems that the publisher has finally caught the attack point, cleared her throat, and said with righteous words: "Miss Bai Chuwei is the most famous superpower in China now. We can understand China's determination to protect Miss Bai, but please protect the life and property rights of ordinary people all over the world together!"

Everyone was stunned:???

This is shameless!

It is worthy of a person who depends on a skillful mouth to eat. As soon as this is said, it completely changes the taste.

What captain and vice captain dare to clarify is to keep Bai Chuwei, the most influential superpower in China?

There's no evidence, only testimony, and then you have to be manipulated by others at will?

Liu Sisi was sitting around with Director Wang and his staff in the program group of "Super Brain" in Zhongzhou. He was shocked to hear this.

Liu Sisi grabbed his hair and said with some chagrin, "it's all my fault. I'm flying too fast with the camera. There's no evidence left at all."

Do foreigners think monks will harm ordinary people?

Wang Dao gently shook his head, rather helpless way: "forget it, never wake up pretending to sleep, unless the fairy teacher himself."

They all looked at each other and gave a bitter smile at the same time.

Bai Chuwei?

Bai Chuwei's character really won't show up!

She has never been interviewed by reporters since she became famous. Even her microblogs are so clean.

In the previous microblog of "super brain Xueba", all contestants would forward it with microblog number. Bai Chuwei's would never forward it. Gao Leng's group.

The crowd was a little sorry, but it was not clear whether the immortal teacher's attitude of being independent from the world and not afraid of being misunderstood was good or bad.

Just as they were sighing, a female staff member suddenly called out: "lying trough!"!!! Mr. Duan's boyfriend has burst his watch , the fastest update of the webnovel!