Chapter 1402

Carnations, yellow chrysanthemums, sunflowers, roses, all kinds of bouquets crazy send to Bai Chuwei!

The florists on and off campus are going crazy.

In the past, the school leaders and students gave Ms. Bai statues carnations and yellow chrysanthemums. Today, they are different. Bai Chuwei is Ms. Bai herself. She is still alive. She can give whatever she wants.

There are bold boys, regardless of the side of the face is about to black section of the total, must give their favorite red rose.

It never occurred to the florist in his life that he would make a lot of money.

There are more than 10000 undergraduates, 10000 postgraduates and thousands of doctoral students!

Apart from those who are outside the University, there are more than 10000 people in the University alone. They all rush into the flower shops inside and outside the university to buy flowers!

If my brother didn't wait outside to buy the beautiful flowers, he would send them.

"Miss Wu Wu Bai, I will send flowers to your statue every time I have a big test. You must protect me from the top three in this test."

"Miss Bai, this bunch of roses is for you Don't look at me like that, Mr. Duan. I, I didn't expect Ms. Bai to look at me and bless me to find my girlfriend this year! "

"Miss Bai..."

Before Ming Ming, Bai Chuwei's online second room selection was still live broadcast, but now she has become a flower of the Imperial College!

What I said to the statue of Ms. Bai in those years can now be said in front of her.

Following the reporter's camera, you can clearly see an endless flower sending dragon. All the security uncles of the security section are out to control the crowd on the scene.

"Everyone, go and line up. It's said that we have already reached the gate of the east school." There are students who sleep in a hurry when they see the dragon. They beat themselves on the head and rush all the way to the school gate.

Rao Shi's reporters who have seen the world are also confused. They can't help grabbing a student who is queuing up for the latest interview:

"classmate, we can understand the excitement of Bai Chuwei, who founded Dida in those years, but you are queuing up to send flowers For what? "

I can understand one or two of them. Almost all the students of the University have come out to present flowers, OK?

Isn't that normal?

The audience in the live news room who had no chance to come to watch also had the same question, right? Why?

The student who was interviewed held the flowers and said excitedly, "don't you know that?"

"What's the best way for us to learn Metaphysics? The statue of Ms. Bai

"We are not sure about the exam. Before that, we all like to send flowers and make wishes in front of the statue of Ms. Bai."

The student recalled with relish:

"before, there was a 30-year-old doctoral student named solo who was still pregnant. In a rage, he sent dozens of pots of flowers to the statue of Ms. Bai to make a wish to take off the bill. What do you think?"

"Haha, I just finished making a wish. I turned around and ran into a beautiful girl. Then I came and went. Now I'm born!"

"What we emperor despise most is metaphysics, but if we want to talk about metaphysics, it must be the statue of Ms. Bai!"

The student raised his chin and asked the reporter: "you say that now the real person of Ms. Bai is in front of you. Is this a wish or not?"


They, all of a sudden, also want to make a wish, how to do?? , the fastest update of the webnovel!