CH 213

A confirmation message, a sound that every EMP player was familiar with, instinctively drew everyone's attention, and the entire EMP center fell silent.

Meanwhile, the Mad Warrior was still apologizing when the barrage of comments suddenly stopped.

The next second, he found himself sidelined.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit???"

"Is this a joke???"

"Am I seeing things, did they just say Puppet?"

A flood of question marks followed, like a stampede of horses... The Ant No.2, who had already stood up, hesitated for a moment before sitting back down and accepting the invitation.

The entire Dragon-Tiger-Leopard center fell silent. Had they seen it wrong?

Although there were no duplicates, it didn't necessarily mean it was him. It couldn't be him, could it? The one that even the lone wolf Luo Meiluo wanted to challenge? That was a person from a completely different world.

But the next second, the entire EMP center exploded. The moment the confirmation came, the friend interface popped up, and it was indeed Puppet!

The one and only Puppet God in the world!

Why would Puppet God want to add him???

The manager of Dragon-Tiger-Leopard was also dumbfounded. What was going on?

The Mad Warrior didn't know what to say. He had just casually joined a competition, got beaten, and somehow summoned his idol, Puppet God?

On the screen, Ant No.2 still had no expression on his face, but his eyes were clearly fluctuating.

Without a word, Ant No.2 was pulled into a one-on-one match.

It was clear that Ant No.2 was hesitating, but Puppet had already chosen his mecha - Armored Leopard!

Holy shit?! Holy shit???

"What are you standing there for, start the live broadcast, zoom in, give me a close-up, hurry up!" The manager of Dragon-Tiger-Leopard center went crazy. This was a full-on spectacle.

What was going on? It was really Puppet God, and he was so proactive???

The viewership of Mad Warrior's live stream room skyrocketed from one hundred thousand to five million in an instant, and it was still soaring.

The happiness came so suddenly that the Mad Warrior was stunned.

"Guys, I have no idea what's going on, really, it's not for show, don't you all know my situation? I usually just brag, my opponent? I don't know him, I don't know him at all, it's just an amateur competition, the organizers probably thought this player was strange."

"Yes, from what I can see, it should be the real Puppet God,... oh, of course I've watched, I've watched every single match of Puppet God's..."

"Haha, guys, no need to apologize, I admit I'm not very good, this is too weird, I just casually joined a competition and ran into such a high-level player, it's a lucky break in my career, I'm happy even if I get beaten." The Mad Warrior laughed, he was a very open-minded person.

It seemed that the beans wouldn't have to be paid back.

Ant No.2 was silent for a moment, then chose Armored Leopard.

The arena.

Two mobile suits appeared at the same time, and after choosing his mecha, Ant No.2 suddenly calmed down, his face became flushed, his eyes became firm, and he suddenly seemed like a different person, his fighting spirit was overwhelming, as if he wanted to conquer the world.

No matter what, when Brother Two wanted to fight, the ants would always be there.

Armored Leopard versus Armored Leopard.

One of them was the universe's number one Armored Leopard.

The moment the two mobile suits appeared, the atmosphere on the battlefield changed completely. Unfortunately, this was not a professional match, so there was no holographic viewing. Because it involved cooperative opponents, there was no dedicated live stream room. Only the Mad Warrior, by a stroke of luck, had the right to broadcast randomly. His popularity had already exceeded fifteen million.

Two cross-wheels started spinning, but neither of them made a move.

The next second, hum~~~~

Without a doubt, Puppet's Armored Leopard began to manually accelerate. This was the ultimate move that killed Tita of Yuheng Star. So far, no one else...


Ant No.2 on the other side also started to manually accelerate at the same time!

The entire Dragon-Tiger-Leopard EMP center fell silent, everyone's eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

Even in the virtual zone, a collision of cross-wheels was still impossible. In the past, no one but Puppet could do it.

And the viewership of Mad Warrior's live stream room had already exceeded eighteen million. The Mad Warrior was speechless. He had been broadcasting diligently for many years, no one watched when he won, but when he got beaten once, he broke through.

"Guys, it seems I underestimated this Ant brother. He is the second known person to use manual acceleration. Although the virtual zone's competitiveness is poor, the stability of high-speed cross-wheel collision requires an indescribable skill. The previous fight, I was actually a bit suspicious if I was just too weak. Now I think it should be what the master said about the realm of the Three Mountains. These two have returned to their original state, I can't resist."

The viewers who used to think that Mad Warrior was always setting up an ancient martial arts persona suddenly realized that everything he said every day was the truth."What does it take for the Cross Wheels to collide? Personally, I think it should be the mastery of the ancient martial arts technique 'Chan' and the power of Tai Chi. A head-on collision definitely won't work, it needs to be a combination of hardness and softness... No, no, it's easier said than done. The knowledge involved is too profound, I only know a little bit..."

Instantly, rockets flew across the live broadcast room, slamming into the face of the martial arts expert, leaving him utterly dumbfounded.

He had said the same thing many times before...

"Uh, guys, that's enough. I was just saying, it may not be correct..."

A space fortress descended from the sky: "Martial arts brother, I was wrong, I apologize. You're a real man, ancient martial arts is awesome!"

Another space fortress followed: "A real man dares to face his own shortcomings, I was wrong!"

On the battlefield, the Cross Wheels of the two Armored Leopards reached the super god strike state simultaneously. This unknown Ant No.2 was actually holding his own against Puppet???


Four Cross Wheels flew out, colliding in mid-air and emitting a piercing roar, then bounced off and were retrieved along almost identical trajectories. The next moment, the Cross Wheels flew out again.

Boom boom boom boom...

Everyone was stunned. The worldview of the audience was once again overturned. What was happening?

Were these two completely controlling the collision?

Continuous exchanges, continuous strikes, the face of Ant No.2 on the screen turned from red to white again, but at this moment, Ant No.2 gritted his teeth.

The Armored Leopard attacked.

At the same time, Puppet's Armored Leopard also attacked. The two sides closed the distance, and the Cross Wheels at this distance were simply deadly.


Ant No.2's Cross Wheels were thrown out, the two Cross Wheels collided, and with an unpredictable floating shock trajectory, they attacked Puppet's Armored Leopard. At the same time, Puppet's Cross Wheels also attacked and collided.

But... the trajectory of the Cross Wheels did not change, one after the other, accelerating, oh my god...

— Soul Chasing Mother and Child Wheel!

A flash of white light.

The screen of Ant No.2 turned black and white. A faint smile appeared on the pale, bloodless face of Ant No.2.

Search for the original.

Your own brother might not be your real brother, but the second brother will always be the second brother.

He felt a bit dizzy as he stood up, but he gritted his teeth. He needed to leave here as soon as possible.

The moment Ant No.2 came out, the Dragon Tiger Leopard EMP Center was already surrounded by spectators. Everyone had run out, all applause and cheers. People looked at this skinny boy not with doubt and contempt, but with admiration, curiosity, and enthusiasm.

Ant No.2 pulled his hat down, lowered his head, and the manager of Dragon Tiger Leopard excitedly approached, "Great God, Great God, you've worked hard. Your prize money has been transferred to your Sky Message account. We've also added an extra hundred thousand as a hardship fee. I don't know if in the future..."

Ant No.2 waved his hand and quickly left the EMP Center without saying a word, leaving the manager behind looking as aggrieved as a little wife.

It's over, it's all his fault. The boss said to add another fifty...

In the live broadcast room of the martial arts expert, the competition process was still being replayed. The fast-paced competition, but the two showed a terrifying level. To be precise, Puppet was at this level, but Ant No.2 was simply godlike, almost comparable to Puppet's operation, only revealing a slight gap in the final strike.

Although the competition was over, the martial arts expert's live broadcast room still maintained a terrifying popularity of over 20 million. This was the first time in his life. As a professional host, the martial arts expert was actually nervous. This was something he had never dared to dream of.

"Puppet's technique is called the Soul Chasing Mother and Child Wheel in ancient martial arts, and Ant No.2's is the Floating Shock Wheel. The violent collision added an up and down shaking effect, which is also an undefendable type. In terms of technique, the Soul Chasing Mother and Child Wheel is more difficult, and Puppet's trajectory after the collision is very surprising, belonging to the type of instant kill without solution. In fact, if it were any other opponent, Ant No.2's Floating Shock Cross Wheel would also be invincible." The martial arts expert said.

"How to evaluate?? Brother, I'm not good enough to evaluate the big guys, I only know the surface." The martial arts expert quickly shook his head.

"...You guys really are, okay, the boss is mighty, I'll say it, isn't it okay if I say it? If I have to say it, I think this Ant brother is, second to none!"

Slowly, the martial arts expert also adapted to the tens of millions level of live broadcast, the interaction and gifts were simply overwhelming.

"Haha, yes, I also reached a life overturn today. After the first two rounds, I actually thought I could still fight... No, no, halfway through the third round, my mentality had already collapsed... No, there was absolutely no resistance, if I couldn't see it, it would be fine, but I felt it, the opponent was not a realm I could touch... 99

"Brother, you're also awesome, there aren't many people who can see it, the sober martial arts expert in the world!"

The sober martial arts expert in the world, became popular.

The Dragon Tiger Leopard Center also had a burst of popularity.

However, Ant No.2 had disappeared. A staggering figure reached the street corner. Leaning against the wall, Ant No.2 clutched his chest and slowly sat down, gasping for air. He looked up at the sky, a faint smile on his lips. He didn't want his brothers to see him in such a disheveled state. With great effort, he opened his Sky Message, messages from strangers filled the screen:

"Ant, add me, I'm Kevin, we've been looking for you..."

"Ant, add me first, Brother Two has something to ask you..."

"Are you sick or something? Why do you keep blocking me? Everyone misses you. What are you doing? Why don't you show up? Let's meet and talk..."

Ant No.2's vision began to blur, his bloodless lips weakly pursed. A broken man was fighting against life, against the wind...

(Writing this, tears well up in my eyes, I can't help myself)