C25 Cases

Ling Yue'er turned pale with fright when she heard that, "It has nothing to do with me! "Your highness, please let me know. This little girl wrongly accused me!"

Xing'er mournfully cried, "Madam, weren't you the one who ordered this servant to pull out Rui Zhu and secretly change the ointment? "Why is this servant the only one to blame in the end …"

This counterattack from Xing'er caused Ling Yue'er to be filled with both shock and anger. Her eyes almost spouted fire as she charged forward, giving her two slaps as she shouted, "You damned girl, what did you say?"

Xing'er cried, "Madam, you must have admitted it. Otherwise, this servant will be tortured like this. In the end, I still can't escape!"

"Nonsense, why did you admit me for something that has nothing to do with me?" Ling Yue'er's anger assaulted her heart, "You guys …"

With trembling hands, she pointed at Gu Qingli, "Where did this bewitching girl come from? Her words are bewitching, and she even condescended to use them against others. How could Xing'er not admit it after being beaten to such a state?"

"How dare you!" The one who berated him was Xiao Yi Xiu.

Two gazes that seemed to be like flowing spring water shot over, causing Ling Yue-er to tremble in fear as she took a step back. She had never heard him speak in such a cold tone, and she was stunned.

"Lady Li Yue is this prince's honored guest. She has never met you before she entered the palace and has nothing to do with your interests. Why would she want to frame you?"

"This concubine …"

Gu Qingli stroked a strand of hair on her cheek and sighed softly, "Your Highness, I'm just a physician in the clan. I originally wanted to relieve Your Highness of his worries, but after my wife said this, it's reasonable. How could I have the right to interrogate your highness?"

"This King asks you to continue."

Gu Qingli then looked at Ling Yue'er and said, "You can't blame me for this, Madam Ling." But you don't have to be afraid. With your esteemed identity, naturally you won't be punished. Besides, don't you still have many witnesses? Other than Xin Wei, there's also Madam Yue and Madam Qin who are testifying for you. "

Ling Yue'er was stunned, not understanding what she was trying to say.

"That's right, the various ladies are embroidering on one piece. I presume that there are people waiting on them as well?"

"..." "Yes."

"Which ones?"

Thus, the maidservants beside the madams all stood to the front and looked uneasily at Gu Qingli.

"Take them to their own rooms and ask them which madams were there that day. Ask them what they said and how long they were gone. Ask them in detail."

The maidservants were brought into a separate room. After interrogating each of them for a long time, they were brought out. However, they didn't use any more punishments, but their faces were full of fear.

Although there was some discrepancy between the answers given by the interrogators, there was one thing that was similar. Madam Ling had only been out on the way and said that she was being courteous.

However, she also had many tricks up her sleeve and had to serve Xing'er along with her.

"You still insist on claiming your wrongs?" Gu Qingli smiled faintly. "Your Highness, I think we'll go this far. This is already a family matter for Your Highness, it's inconvenient for an outsider like me to ask about it."

Xiao Yi Xiu was silent for a moment before he slowly raised his head to look at Ling Yue'er. His gaze slowly turned dark, as if it had turned into frost.

Ling Yue'er was so shocked that she didn't dare to plead, only staring at him blankly.

"Execute the penalty for signing a contract."

Signatures were when a person's fingers were pressed down and a needle was inserted into the tip of the finger. Usually, this type of torture was used on women.

Ling Yue'er screamed like a madman, but could not find the strength to struggle. She was soon pressed to the ground, the first steel rod stabbing into the tip of her index finger.

Ling Yue'er painfully howled as she twisted her body to beg for mercy.

Seeing the second and third steel sticks piercing in, Ling Yue'er bit her lips until they bled. Her hair was disheveled and blood was flowing out from her forehead. "Your Highness …"

Although Gu Qing Li's heart was cold, when he saw her miserable state, his heart was moved. He looked at Xiao Yi Xiu and was about to speak, but he changed his mind and held himself back.

His eyes were cold, without the slightest emotion. Apart from feeling nothing for Madam Ling, Gu Qingli thought about the strange poison in his body. Indeed, his change of heart had been influenced by it.

Xin Ziyao suddenly pushed the executioner away with all her might and knelt on the ground, crying as she held Ling Yue'er's face in her hands.

Since she was the side wife after all, the servants in the house didn't dare to be rude to her. They allowed her to hug Ling Yuer and cried, "Yue'er, don't be stubborn. Admit it, I'll plead for mercy from the prince!"

Not good! Gu Qing Li's heart skipped a beat. As expected, he saw Xin Zi Yao block everyone's line of sight. Her nails lightly flicked, and something shot into Ling Yue'er's mouth.

It was no wonder that these concubines were led by Xin Ziyao. This woman was indeed powerful. Ling Yue'er was relieved when she heard this. She knew that those who came out would definitely harm her, and thus she was dealt with first.

Ling Yue'er could feel the powder in her throat. She couldn't speak anymore and started to cough.

Madam Qin and Madam Yue made a show of pulling Xin Ziyao over, consoling her, "Consort, don't disturb the Prince's interrogation. If there's anything you want to say, we'll talk about it later."

However, Ling Yue'er could only cough out a few mouthfuls of blood. She stared at Xin Ziyao with her bloodshot eyes, but couldn't raise her fingers. With that, she stopped breathing and glared with her bloodshot eyes.

Only now did purplish black blood flow out from her mouth.

She shrank back to Xiao Yi Xiu's side and cried out in alarm, "What is this, my lord?"

Gu Qing Li walked up to Xiao Yi Xiu and slowly shook his head.

Xin Ziyao burst into tears: "Little sister, you really can't bear it. Even if you were wrong for a moment, admitting your wrongs to the Prince and receiving a punishment, you shouldn't have to wholeheartedly court your death!"

Gu Qingli sneered. Xin Ziyao's abandonment of the janitor's car was pretty good, so she had broken this line. She had originally planned to take care of these concubines in one go, but only Ling Yue-er had died.

Gabriella said with a trembling voice: "Forget it, I don't want to pursue this matter any further. I just hope that it will never happen again."

Xiao Yi Xiu then slowly stood up and said coldly, "Find a thin coffin and get her family to bring it back. Even if they die, this kind of person shouldn't pollute my courtyard. He can't be buried in the name of the Xiao Ling family."

The meaning in his words was that even if Ling Yue'er died, she would still receive a letter of rest. For a girl, being abandoned after death was the most miserable ending.

Gu Qing Li once again experienced Xiao Yi Xiu's coldness and ruthlessness. They looked at each other, a trace of fear in their eyes.

"Bi Ruo, today is the day you return. I will accompany you back."

When I return to my room, my husband will not accompany me.

Only Gu Qing Li's thoughts turned and he understood what he meant. Using Madam Jia's power to exterminate the empress, wasn't that obviously provoking a fight between Imperial Concubine Lan and the empress? No wonder he didn't participate in the interrogation from the beginning to the end. This was a 'show of fairness'.

Wow, she had actually always thought that she was putting on a show in front of Xiao Yixiu. She hadn't thought that she would still be tricked and used by him in the end.

Chapter XXVI

Ever since Gabriella came back from the Third Dynasty, everyone in the palace knew that Lady Jia was the new pet, and the other concubines were much more quiet.

On the other hand, once the news of the wangfei's consumption of lung spread, no one dared to go to her courtyard. Gu Qingli had settled down, making it more convenient for everyone to move about.

Xiao Yixiu had just laid down after taking the acupuncture and medicine that night when he heard that Lady Jia had asked him to go to her courtyard. He frowned and was just about to say something, but then he heard another voice from outside, "Miss Li Yue is also here."

Xiao Yi had woken up a little, so he changed his clothes and headed over there.

Suifeng carried a lantern and walked in front while two guards from the Palace of Hua-Yang followed behind him. He snorted, "What is Madam Jia doing in the middle of the night? and even brought Miss Li Yue along to join in. "

Xiao Yi Xiu remained silent. It was strange, but ever since the previous incident with the ointment, he had felt that Li Yue was secretly helping Madam Jia.

When he got closer, he found Xin Ziyao's yard was dark. There really wasn't much to look at. Just as he was wondering, two slim figures walked out from the shadows. They were precisely Gabriella and Li Yue.

Xiao Yixiu turned to look at them suspiciously. "We couldn't find Miss Li Yue during the day, so we applied the medicine at her place at night. We don't dare let anyone pass the medicine to her this time."

Xiaoyao's garden was close by, but it was strange for her to be here on the last herb. Gabriella continued: "In the dark, I saw a figure sneaking into the yard. I'm afraid there might be a criminal or a thief who wants to make things difficult for Xin Beifei." The two of us do not dare to act rashly, so we sent Yun-er to call the Prince over. "

This made sense, but Xiao Yi Xiu laughed coldly in his heart. There really were villains that wanted to harm Xin Zi Yao. By the time they reached his courtyard, they had already succeeded. What were they trying to do?

He calmly nodded, just like last time. He knew Xin Ziyao didn't know much about medicine and hadn't had any contact with a doctor in the Prince's mansion. That ointment was obviously planted by Gabriella, but wasn't that the effect he wanted?

Xin Ziyao had always been a luxurious woman. The yard was always lit up all night, but tonight it was quiet and lonely, with the courtyard door locked.

Xiao Yi Xiu had been prepared for this, so he had someone unlock the door, put out the light, and silently entered the courtyard.

There were two maidservants sitting at the opposite side of the corridor. It was obvious that they were dozing off from keeping vigil. With a wave of his hand, someone took care of them and kicked the door open.

At this point in time, the lights in the room lit up with the wind. Gabriella was the first to rush into the room. Screams could be heard from inside as Xiao Yixiu followed her into the room.

The lights in the room were lit a second time, and all eyes were focused on the person in the tent who was embracing in a hazy manner.

Clearly, it was a man and a woman.

Gabriella sneered and mercilessly pulled open the curtain. She saw Xin Ziyao and a man trembling in the embrace of the blanket.

Upon closer inspection, that man's appearance was pretty handsome, but Gu Qing Li had never seen him before. Just as he was wondering, he saw Xiao Yi Xiu's face darken as he said, "Chen Wei, as a dark guard, you are indeed worthy of me!"

It was actually the Prince's Mansion shadow Guards!

"Your Highness!" Chen Jian's face was abnormally pale, but he was still calm. "Just listen to my explanation."

He looked around and found that Xiao Yi Xiu was followed by two ordinary guards of the Royal Mansion and Suifeng. They got off the bed in a disheveled manner and approached and knelt down.

Gu Qingli suddenly realized that something was wrong with his gaze. She knew that he was going to make a move, so she slid her sleeve and caught the tip of her silver finger.

Sure enough, Chen Wang suddenly attacked, a single move aimed at Xiao Yi Xiu.

Gu Qingli thought back to that night when he had stopped her fast speed by the pillow. She quietly withdrew her hand, waiting to see his reaction.

Sure enough, Xiao Yixiu finally moved to the side and dodged the attack. Although his feet were on the ground, his reaction speed was still there. This side just happened to move the attack to his back.

The two guards and Suifeng rushed forward at the same time and attacked him.

It was a pity that the difference between the skills of an ordinary guard and that of a dark guard was too great. Windy's skills were quite nimble, but he was still inferior to the dark guards.

Gu Qing Li judged that Xiao Yi Xiu's reaction speed was useless no matter how fast he reacted. In reality, Xiao Yi Xiu couldn't even use the slightest bit of inner Qi. This not only affected his speed, it also affected his strength.

In the end, she still secretly made her move. The silver needles shot out, and Chen saw that his arms and knees had gone numb. His movements became sluggish, and he was quickly captured.

At this time, Xin Ziyao crawled over to Xiao Yi's feet as if she had come back to her senses. She held his leg and cried, "Prince, it's clear! It's him …" He forced me to do so. I refused to obey him, I was forced to do so! "

Chen Wang spat and cursed, "You slut, back then when you seduced me, why didn't you say that you were forced!"

"You pervert, you actually wronged this side of the Concubine!?" If you don't look in the mirror and see yourself, how can you compare with the prince? Why would this side of the consort want to seduce a servant like you? "

Chen saw his neck stiffen and said angrily, "You said that as long as you are pregnant, the child will inherit the throne and you will be able to take on the throne. As long as the prince is sick, the entire palace will be yours. You made a good idea, and now you're pushing it onto me? "

Gu Qingli was suddenly enlightened. No wonder that Xiao Yixiu wanted to secretly dispose of the fetus in Xin Ziyao's womb. So it turned out that something like this was going on behind his back! If her child was successfully born, didn't the empress mean that he would have to "focus on her illness"? As for whether or not he would hand over the entire palace to Xin Ziyao, who knew.

Xin Ziyao was anxious and angry, "You wrongly accused this side of the consort. The child I'm carrying is obviously the prince's … "Wuwu, Your Highness, don't listen to him …"

Xiao Yi Xiu finally said, "Alright, if you still feel wronged about what happened today, then I don't know what else you felt wronged about. Logically speaking, adulterers and adulterers should be immersed in pig cages. Seeing as you have the identity of a stranger, this King should give you a letter, then go out of the mansion by yourself. As for Chen Wei, we'll take him in for another deal. "

"No, my lord! Your Highness, don't send me out of the palace! " Xin Ziyao burst into a heart-wrenching roar. She cried incomparably mournfully, "As long as you keep me here, I'm willing to do anything …" "Prince …"

"Alright!" Xiao Yi Xiu kicked away the arm she was hugging and said coldly, "If we bet it out, we'll definitely suffer the consequences. We can't live!"

Suifeng followed up with a sneer, "Consort Xin, you better stay here and wait for the rest!"

Seeing that there was nothing to see, Gu Qing Li followed Gabriella out of the courtyard.

Xiao Yi Xiu was walking in the darkness with the wind behind him, and his expression was dark.

Suifeng asked, "Your Highness, how should we deal with Chen Wei?"

"I told him to seduce Xin Ziyao and didn't tell him to do anything after that, but he did. He even had a child, so he still believed Xin Ziyao's explanation, right?" Xiao Yi Xiu laughed coldly. "When he attacked just now, he was just thinking about how lucky he was. Besides Ben Wang, everything else was fine. What's the use of being brainless and unafraid of death?"

"Then why didn't you give the order just now?"

Xiao Yi Xiu paused and didn't say anything.

Snorting with the wind, he continued, "Is it because Miss Li Yue is here? "Your highness doesn't want Lady Li Yue to think of you as …"

"How dare you!"

Suifeng shut his mouth, not daring to say another word.