Chapter 19

The weather is getting colder and colder, and there is an atmosphere of the new year in the streets. The heating in the Department was so hot that people were restless. After director Gao left, Yang Chengming never made a mistake again. The reality made him grow up. He and Li Liang also began to participate in the separate duty, but although they were in charge of the patient, Lao Chen controlled the distribution of drugs in Chengdu, and there was no difference between them. Lao Chen gave a share to Zhang Fan, but Zhang Fan couldn't do without it. The general environment is like this. He can't resist or won't resist. Who doesn't want to take more money.

There was a warm atmosphere in the house rented by the county Party committee. Today, Wang Sha celebrated her birthday. She and Li Hui had a cold war for a long time. After Li Hui signed many unequal treaties, Wang Sha forgave him temporarily. The dormitory can cook. In order to please Wang Sha, Li Hui is going to celebrate Wang Sha's birthday in the dormitory. Zhang Fan was invited by Li Hui early. After Kang Hua's treatment, he hurried to the dormitory.

After Zhang Fan went in, he found that except for Chen Lulu, who worked in the hospital, others were helping in the kitchen. Zhang fan can't celebrate his birthday empty handed. Now he has more money and bought a bottle of red wine. As soon as he entered the door, Lulu also entered the door“ What have you done with your front and rear feet? " Li Hui came out of the kitchen and said. Before Zhang Fan spoke, Chen Lulu, who changed her shoes, said, "we went on a date. Do you want to report to you. Zhang Fan helped me take my bag. It's inconvenient for me. "

The others, including Zhang Fan, are a little surprised. Although Chen Lulu can live with everyone, she is a little arrogant. Let alone having an affair with Zhang Fan, she doesn't talk much. In a word, she looks down on Zhang Fan. Her family conditions are good, and her relatives are leaders in the county. As soon as she goes to work, she goes to the hospital directly, which is also a proud qualification.

"What's the situation," Li Hui said in surprise.

"Stir fry quickly. Everyone is here." Wang Sha pushed it and whispered, "does it have anything to do with you?"

In fact, when Zhang Fan stopped, Chen Lulu saw him. At that time, Chen Lulu wanted to say hello, but finally resisted, "rich second generation? Or a rich second generation with special hobbies! " This is her definition of Zhang Fan. Overbearing, her cousin has one, and she knows the price. A rich second generation came to the county of Frontier Province to be a little doctor. He usually dressed like a migrant worker. Either sick or special! But in the face of the second generation, she doesn't mind what happened with Zhang Fan.

Li Hui coaxed the girl to have a set. The cooking level is good. It has a model and tastes good. After singing birthday songs and blowing candles, they were all young people with a good atmosphere. He also got a CD player and can sing in the dormitory. It's really hard. Just as everyone was shouting for Zhang Fan to sing a song, the phone rang, "Dean's." Li Hui turned off the TV as soon as he heard it.

"Hurry to the emergency department. There is a critically ill patient. "Hurry up" and Batu hung up.

That's what doctors do. Stand by and be ready. Zhang Fan doesn't talk nonsense. He puts on his clothes and goes downstairs. Looking at Zhang Fan's hurried departure, everyone was not in the mood to sing, "I don't know what happened." Compared with Li Hui, the hospital never called him after work to deal with emergency patients“ Zhang Fan, what's the origin? The Dean seems to pay special attention to him. " Chen Lulu is very curious.

Li Hui has the final say, "we are all from the province, never mind the way of college students. In a few months, Zhang Fan has already come out of the field and has excellent skills. Now the Department of orthopedics is the final word for him. The dean's nephew almost died at that time, which was the operation performed by Zhang Fan. He is modest and never shows off anything. It's a character. " They all came together. Zhang Fan has come in front of them, and sometimes Li Hui is filled with emotion.

Chen Lulu thought to herself, "really!" Zhang Fan completely aroused her curiosity.

After parking, Zhang Fan ran to the emergency department. There was a large group of police in the corridor. Although there were a lot of people, it was quiet and the air pressure felt much lower“ Zhang Fan hurried to see the film. A policeman in our county was hit by a criminal driving. " Batu and several people who looked like leaders stood at the door of the ward. The director of internal surgery was already rescuing the patient.

"How's it going?" Batu looked at Zhang Fan and asked, "I'll see the patient first." Then he took the white coat of the emergency department and went in“ The heartbeat is there. When I first came, the heartbeat was gone, but it was unstable and could stop at any time. It was severe hemorrhagic shock. " The director in his heart said after seeing Zhang Fan.

After a quick check, Zhang Fan and Shi Lei looked at each other. Shi Lei shook his head gently. Zhang Fan bit his teeth and went out, "comminuted pelvic fracture with massive bleeding. Now the bleeding continues, I'm not sure. " The bone is broken badly. The patient was sent from 20 kilometers away. The prime time has been lost.

"We must rescue them. This is our hero. What do you need? Our county Party committee and county government fully cooperate. "

"This is a senior county official. Can you save it without surgery? " Batu introduced to Zhang Fan.

"There must be no help. Surgery can't guarantee it“

”What are the odds“ The Secretary asked Ten percent“

”Haven't the doctors from the city hospital arrived yet. Police car to meet, turn on the lights. Come on“ He roared at his subordinates, and the doctors at d county hospital made him extremely disappointed.

”Secretary, senior director of Orthopedic Department of municipal hospital“ After answering the phone, he hung up with a few words, turned to Batu and said, "which is Zhang Fan in your hospital. Director Gao recommended him. He is already on his way. Zhang Fan's decision is his decision“ Gao Shijun has great confidence in Zhang Fan. He estimates that the surgery Zhang fan can't do is enough.

”I am. Now there is little chance of organ failure“

”It's better to be small than to wait for death. Must, must "did not finish waving, let Zhang Fan they quickly prepare for the operation." Dean, the heartbeat disappeared“ The director of internal medicine shouted.

Zhang Fan hurried into the emergency room to "prepare for electric shock". Director Zhang, cardiotonic, direct static push. " Zhang Fan is doing chest compression and giving oral medical advice“ It's very weak. In this case, it may stop as soon as it gets on the stage. " The director of internal medicine said with concern.

"If you don't do it, you'll die. There's still a glimmer of hope. Come in! "

Operating room, "blood pressure can't be measured, heart rate 20!" Ma Lihua looked at the ECG monitor and said to Zhang Fan. She was under great pressure. Not to mention anything else, a group of dark police outside the operating room had made her breathe a little suffocated, not to mention that the patient was still a hero.

"Start anesthesia! Wash your hands. " Zhang Fan bit his teeth. Gao Shijun arrived. After rapid disinfection, he also went to the stage, "find the bleeding point to stop bleeding as soon as possible. The amount of liquid increases, and the pressor drug doubles. " The left pelvic bone was broken badly, and the operation was very difficult. Their sweat had formed a stream, and the itinerant nurses couldn't wipe it off“ The heartbeat disappeared. "


"It's useless. It's already a maximum. It's useless to add it."

There is a gold mine in chatur Township, quark county. The surrounding economic conditions are quite good, accompanied by yellow? Bet? Poison also comes from application. The County Public Security Bureau has been watching a peddler? For a long time, today is the time to close the net. The criminals have guns and earth bombs. They drive crazy to break through the customs. They see that they are going to break through the customs successfully. The people's policeman lying on the operating table crashed into it in a police car. The criminals' car has been modified, and the speed of both sides is very fast. The thin leather police car successfully blocked him, and he became seriously injured.

Zhang Fan gently covered him with a white list with shaking hands and said softly, "I'm sorry, I tried my best!" Tears fell“ Rush, he seems to hear the cry of the hero at that moment! "