Chapter 117

In the respiratory department, Zhang Fan is disheartened. We won't discuss who is right and who is wrong. At the end of May, his sister will take the college entrance examination, and he is going to ask for leave to go home. Zhang Fan eats at Shaohua's house on time, with good taste and balanced nutrition! Slowly, there was meat on his face. Although he could eat enough in the canteen before, he had a bad taste and could only be regarded as a belly. In Shaohua's house, it's either dumplings or steamed stuffed buns, noodles and rice. Zhang Fan will never eat heavy in a week. Shaohua and her mother pay attention to what Zhang Fan likes to eat.

After dinner, Zhang Fan and Shao Hua are walking outside“ It's almost the end of May. I'm going home. How are you thinking? "

"Well! I don't know! " Shao Hua blushed, looked at the soles of his feet and said, "do you want me to go?"

"Hope, too much hope. I don't know how happy my parents would be if they saw you!"

"Are you happy!" Shao Hua actually told her parents about it. Although her parents agreed, her mother once again emphasized the topic of reserve when they were both mother and daughter!

"Yes! I'm happy, too. " Zhang Fan wants to hug Shaohua and let Shaohua escape.

"Go well. I have to talk to you about business." Shao Hua said.

"Well, you say it."

"Can you do this to me all the time?" Shaohua looked at Zhang Fan and asked.

"Well, I can."

"Then I'll be old and ugly!"

"I'm not running after you because you look good!" Said the wrong thing, Shaohua began to chase Zhang Fan.

The two played for a while. Zhang Fan said while walking: "the conditions at home are bad. This time, I was lucky and made some money. After my sister's college entrance examination, I'll discuss with them and let them live in tea vegetable city. After all, this is an urban area. "

"If so, we have to speed up the decoration of the house. Let the old man live in the new house early. " Shao Hua said.

"It's hard to estimate. They may not come."

"What about that?" Shaohua asked anxiously.

"I think if they don't come here to live, they will use this 300000 to buy them a house in the county. Do you think it's ok?" Although not married, such a big event must be discussed with Shaohua.

"Is it enough? I've heard that houses in the mainland are not cheap. I have saved about 50000 in the past two years. When I leave, I transfer it to a card. "

"Rich woman!"

"How dare you laugh at me!" Shaohua began to scratch Zhang Fan.

"Thank you! But the house in the county should not be expensive! "

"Didn't you say that the family can't be divided too clearly? Why are you polite?"

"Hehe. You're welcome! And I want to drive back. How about it? "

"Yes, but I don't think I have so much time. Otherwise, I'll fly when I come back, but I don't trust you to drive alone." Shao Hua said.

"It's all right. Go find sister Wang."

"Trouble people. Not very good! "

"Don't worry, it's just a word for her." Shaohua told her parents about it when she got home. Her parents agreed to let Shaohua go and told Shaohua to pay attention to etiquette and leave a good influence on Zhang Fan's parents.

When he decided to go to Zhang Fan's house and drive, Shaohua began to prepare for food and drink on the road and the schedule. Zhang Fan doesn't have any ideas. Just go where you live. That's the difference between women and men.

If you want Wang Qian to help, you have to go to her house. Before going to her house, Zhang Fan went to the medical office to ask for leave, because Zhang Fan wanted to ask for annual leave and visiting relatives for a total of 15 days, which was approved by the president. The director of the medical office took Zhang Fan to the president's office.

"Why do you want to go home?"

"Well, I haven't been back for two years. My sister wants to take the college entrance examination. She wants to go back and have a look."

"OK, let's go. Fifteen days is a little short. Just criticize you for a month and spend a good time with your family." Ouyang said generously.

"Thank you, Dean." Zhang Fan is really not happy. In fact, when Ouyang went to the municipal Party committee leadership office yesterday, he saw Li Xiao. Li Xiao also specifically asked Zhang Fan. In addition, Zhang Fan was really meritorious to the hospital, so he gave special approval for one month.

Shaohua gets off work. Zhang Fan and Shaohua are going to Wang Qian's house. Passing by the supermarket, Shaohua buys some fruit, but Zhang Fan doesn't let him buy anything else. For Wang Qian, there is nothing missing. Fresh fruit is the best.

Wang Qian left work early and has cooked several dishes at home. Zhang Fan called Wang Qian in the morning“ Just come and bring something. Take it back when you leave. It's broken here. Just me and my old man can eat an apple for three days. " Wang Qian invited Shaohua and Zhang Fan into the house and said angrily.

"Sister Wang, what did you cook today, braised fish? I smell it at the door. " Zhang Fan looked at the kitchen.

"Ah! My nose is so smart. Yesterday someone sent some Russian cold water fish. I'll braised it in brown sauce. You'll try it later. Sit by yourself. I'll see the fish first. "

Shaohua followed him to the kitchen to help. Zhang Fan didn't go in again and began to pour water and tea himself. Zhang Fan has come less since he met Wang Qian's husband last new year. Wang Qian also knew the reason and didn't explain it. People are like this. There must be a process. It's bad to force anyone. Let's get in touch slowly.

While eating and chatting, Wang Qian was happy. She hardly ate at night. Zhang Fan had no wine, so she poured some beauty red wine with Shaohua.

"Sister Wang, the hospital has specially approved a month's holiday for me. I'm going to take Shaohua home to have a look. I have to ask you to talk about love, otherwise Shaohua won't take a few days off."

"Ready to go back?" Wang Qian asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Shao Hua's face is almost in the bowl.

"OK, I'll go to the chairman tomorrow and say, how many months are you going to invite?"

"A month!" Zhang Fan is stunned. Can he take a few months off?

"OK, I'll bring you something when I leave." After dinner, Wang Qian packed Zhang Fan with two big bags of things.

"Nothing, just some cigarettes and wine. Go back and greet your parents for me."

Go home and have a look at Zhang Fan, good guy! It's all good smoke and wine. His father didn't drink. Zhang Fan took out two bottles of wine, divided half of the cigarettes, and then prepared to bring them all to Shaohua's father.

"This is for uncle and aunt. It's not good for you." Shaohua said quickly.

"What's good? Give it to me. It's mine. Help me carry the cigarette quickly. The bag is too slippery to catch." After putting down his things, Zhang Fan left Shaohua's house and was about to leave. He had to say hello to many people, so he couldn't waste time.

Li Xiao, Kang Hua, Lao Chen, director Gao, Li Hui, Li Liang and Wang Yanan all have to say it, especially Li Xiao and Lao Gao. They have to go to the door and say it in person. It's a little impolite to make a phone call.

Knowing that Zhang Fan was going home, Li also sent Zhang Fan some things, such as deer antler and Cordyceps. She has recovered now. When the lumbar spine was rechecked, the lumbar spine position has been returned, which really made her very happy.

Lao Gao didn't say anything, just told Zhang Fan to be careful on the road. Lao Chen and Kang Hua said on the phone. When Li Hui learned that Zhang Fan was going to drive home with his girlfriend, he died of pain.

When he came to the frontier after graduation, he came in pairs. Zhang Fan was single, Wang Wang! In two years, Zhang Fan took his girlfriend home, and he became Wang Wang! It's not that he hasn't found a girlfriend. Either he doesn't like others, or others don't like him.

Cold night lonely cold ah!