Chapter 479

Zhang Fan looked through the examination results. Although the examination results were reported, she was just a little cholestatic. According to the patient's main complaint, she had obvious discomfort.

Zhang Fan then asked the woman, "how old is the child? Do you usually eat regularly. Do you like greasy food? "

"The child is over four years old and usually eats on time. I can't eat greasy food at all. I feel sick when I eat it. "

"Come on, let's go to the disposal room for a physical examination." After a little thought, Zhang Fan said to them.

"Hey ~! OK, thank you, Zhang Yuan. " Men's eyebrows are full of joy, but women don't respond.

In western medicine physiology, the explanation and definition of gallbladder is very simple: gallbladder is a small central control organ attached to the dry surface, which can store and concentrate bile synthesized by liver, vagus nerve controls gallbladder contraction, and gallbladder mucosa has a special absorption effect.

Generally speaking, it is a container for bile secreted by the liver.

Bile, a kind of digestive juice. This thing is that after the aging and elimination of red blood cells in the blood, the hemoglobin in it is reused by the liver to synthesize bile.

Without talking about ideals and missions, people live to eat.

The human body is the same. The three major energy of the human body are sugar, protein and fat.

These substances not only provide the energy needed by the human body, but also bring the raw materials of metabolism. With these substances, the body can work.

The human body is not constant, but a special dynamic balance. The cells that make up the human body are also living and dying.

These energy materials provide energy and materials for the human body to continuously repair.

Energy consumption allows the absorbed substances to form new cells that can repair the human body, and the fat is the most difficult to digest.

It's wrong to eat fat to digest when you are too old and have no teeth. Special children, a mouthful of fat, don't eat for three days!

What exactly does bile do? To be more popular, it is actually a medium. Because fat is insoluble in water, it cannot be fully contacted by digestive enzymes.

Bile emulsifies fat molecules and makes the contact surface between digestive enzymes and fat molecules increase, and then fat molecules are decomposed. This is the function it has been found.

Fat in the intestine, combined with bile, is absorbed into the intestinal cells, and then continues to decompose in the cells and enter the blood. Energy is generated in this series of processes.

Fat is like a car. It is broken down into many parts in intestinal cells, then into the blood and transported to the liver.

These parts include the famous triglycerides, total phospholipids and cholesterol.

After triglyceride decomposition, it can produce a lot of energy, which is also the main material for fat to provide energy.

But if this thing cannot be consumed by the human body, it will be stored by the fat cells of the human body.

With more storage, fat cells become fat and people become fat. Obesity can be understood in this way.

Triglycerides stored in fat cells can make fat cells. If stored in hepatocytes, they will become fatty liver.

Phospholipids are very useful, especially the nerve headquarters and brain, which have a lot of demand for phospholipids. If some special neurons in the brain are removed, in fact, the structure of the brain is similar to that of fat.

This is also the reason why eating brain flower can taste the smell of fat meat.

Cholesterol is a strange thing. Except for the brain and red blood cells, other organs of the human body can produce it more or less.

The most common place is the liver, which is mainly used to synthesize some hormones. The more important hormones are adrenal gland and testosterone (a) pills, and some unspeakable hormones in the middle and long life of ovary.

In other words, only when you are full and eat well, the human body will want to get some pop hormones. If you can't eat well or you are too thin, your body won't remember to do anything else!

The ancients said that warm drinking thought * * is also very reasonable.

But once cholesterol, phospholipids and triglycerides cannot be consumed by people, it will be harmful.

Zhang Fan took the couple to the orthopaedic treatment room because there was a physical examination bed in the room.

Although the female teacher's cholesterol and triglycerides are normal. But according to her own complaint.

The feedback to Zhang Fan is that the female teacher should be a fat man with excessive blood lipids.

But the female teacher is not fat, but a little malnourished. Zhang Fan had to come for a detailed physical examination.

"Do you want me to go out?" The female teacher's husband asked politely.

"No." After Zhang Fan said something, he said to the female teacher, "lie down on this bed and expose your abdomen."

"Good!" Without hesitation, the female teacher lay down on the bed and showed her belly. Too thin, subcutaneous fat can be almost ignored, ribs and forks can be counted with the naked eye without touching.

Zhang Fan turned on the tap, washed his hands, put on his mask and hair, and began to have a physical examination.

"Come on, curl your legs up a little. OK, breathe in and out slowly. " Zhang Fan began to palpate little by little from the lower abdomen and made abdominal palpation counterclockwise around the navel.

"Does it hurt?"

"No pain!"

"Does it hurt?"

"No pain."

There were no clinical and pathological signs, but she was just uncomfortable.

"Get up!" After checking, Zhang Fan washed his hands.

"How about Zhang Yuan? Is my wife okay?" Men are not nervous, just a little expecting. Since her wife had a baby.

His temper exploded directly. He turned his face when he was a little unhappy. He was about to collapse.

Zhang fanwei thought and organized the language slightly. If he treated it according to the thought of single subject western medicine, it would be very troublesome.

Chloasma on women's faces is related to ultraviolet rays, oral contraceptives and pregnancy. If you want to treat it, you can use some decolorizing agents, such as hydroquinone and retinoic acid.

If the bile sludge is precipitated, the patient can be instructed to eat a light diet, and then take some drugs to soothe the liver and gallbladder.

As for irritability, if you can't adjust yourself, you have to prescribe benzodiazepines, the so-called stability. Directly as a mental symptom.

This is the diagnosis and treatment of Western medicine.

Because patients have no obvious symptoms, and many things have not been thoroughly studied and cannot be quantified. Therefore, if this disease is treated by a specialized western medicine doctor, the effect is really not good.

In Chinese medicine, bravery dominates decision-making, which means that bravery plays a role in judging things and making decisions in spiritual thinking activities.

It plays an important role in defending and eliminating the adverse effects of some mental stimuli (such as panic, stroke, fear, etc.), maintaining and regulating the normal operation of Qi and blood, and ensuring the coordination of the relationship between Zang and Fu organs.

Generally speaking, courageous people have the courage to make decisions. External mental stimulation has little impact on them, and they recover quickly;

Timid people are indecisive and indecisive. When affected by adverse mental stimulation, they are prone to mental disorders such as timidity, fear, insomnia and dreaminess.

The function of gallbladder governing decision-making is closely related to the function of liver governing planning. Planning is the process of thinking, comparison, identification, analysis and reasoning;

Decision is the final choice of various possibilities in the above thinking process. The liver and gallbladder are external and internal relations, and the liver is the official of the general and the mastermind;

Courage is the official of righteousness and the decision of the LORD; Decision comes from planning. After planning, decision must be made, so that the decision is right and just. Therefore, "Su Wen · Linglan secret classics" said: "the brave, the upright official, make a decision."

This thought coincides with the hormone thought of bile participating in the reaction of Western medicine, but western medicine has no good way at present because it cannot be quantified.

Zhang Fan doesn't understand Chinese medicine. However, compared with general specialists, he has comprehensive knowledge.

After thinking about it, he looked at the female teacher and asked, "do you don't like talking at home?"

"Well, I take several classes of math. At the end of the day, I have to talk a lot, so I don't want to open my mouth when I get home." The female teacher nodded and said.

His husband also nodded, as if to confirm again.

"Isn't there little sex? How many times a week? "

"How many times?" Before the female teacher spoke, his husband was directly surprised. Although the female teacher rolled her eyes, he said: "once a month is good! She's impatient. "

"Dying!" The female teacher's voice immediately improved a lot.

"Sometimes there will be diarrhea and oily stool with stench." Zhang Fan hurriedly asked.

"Yes, yes, yes, after she flushed the toilet, there were oil flowers in the toilet! And the taste... "The man is probably too excited, because the symptoms Zhang Fan said are consistent.

Seeing her wife's violent posture, he dared not say, but his mouth was still silent.

Look at your lips. Maybe it's something you can't avoid medicine.

"Ha ha!" Zhang Fan smiled helplessly. No wonder women are easy to explode because her husband talks too much.

After a series of examinations and asking about the medical history, the diagnosis was also confirmed, cholestasis. But it's not a simple cholestasis.

"In this way, I'll prescribe some medicine for you. You can change your living habits and see if it works." Zhang Fan said as he went to the orthopedic office to get a prescription.

"Ursolic cholic acid, multivitamins, calcium, retinoic acid cream." After writing, Zhang Fan said to the woman, "take a course of treatment and have a look."

Then he said to the man, "in the future, you should talk less and let your wife talk more, that is, the so-called nagging. If you can do this, it is estimated that she will be well!"

"Well, nagging is also medicine?" The man was stunned.

"Yes, this is the most important dose of medicine." Women, no matter how strong they are, nagging is a very good way to relieve stress every day because of estrogen and genes.

There is a big difference between a nagging woman and a woman who likes to put things in her heart.

The female teacher, because of her occupation and because she has a talkative husband at home, led to her becoming less and less talkative. Over time, the hormone secretion in her body was abnormal.

Then there are all kinds of discomfort. The drugs are only symptomatic. If you want to cure it, you have to rely on her and her family to adjust slowly.

If you can't adjust, wait until quantitative change and qualitative change, it's time to move the knife, either stone or obstruction.

"Thank you, Dr. Zhang." The female teacher thought Zhang Fan was right. Zhang Fan smiled at the couple.

He understood the man's feeling that he wanted to but couldn't. It was hard to grasp his heart and lungs!

After they left, Zhang Fan didn't go back to the office. He went directly to the operating room. There was a special operation today.

A patient with a ruptured Achilles tendon came yesterday! I don't know when to start, tea vegetable suddenly became popular with corporate culture.

The wolf team and the United team should be the same as one person, with coordination and tacit understanding. Various theories prevail.

How to train? I don't know whether science is scientific or not. Anyway, it is to bring a group of middle-aged men and women who stay in the office all year round into the wild mountains, and then carry out the so-called expansion training.

The expansion coach in small cities is a little unreliable, and the amount of exercise is a little too large.

Then add these middle-aged men and women who have gained weight, inappropriate body mass index. Something happened while playing with a survival wall.

The strongest man in the company acted as a ladder and let his colleagues sprint one by one. After that, he stepped on his hands and climbed up the wooden wall more than one person high.

Everyone went up, leaving the fat boss. Everyone shouted and encouraged. But the fat boss was afraid that he would trample on the employees and hesitated.

"Go! Hurry up, you are a team. Do you have to drag everyone back. Hurry! " The coach also blushed and cheered with a thick neck.

"Rush, boss, everyone is waiting for you. I can hold on. Rush!" The man as a ladder is also shouting.

The men and women who had climbed the human wall also kept encouraging. Adrenals soared, and the fat boss bit his teeth and ran.

It's no wonder he's afraid of stepping on others. The running boss is rolling like a meat ball.

How fat are you? It can be said that his two feet are not together because his legs are too thick.

Sitting down, he couldn't see his navel, because the fat on his stomach hung in his waist like a meat wheel.

Running meat balls, sweat flying, the road is shaking. The man under the wooden wall also used his hands with enough strength.

When the fat boss rushed over and put his foot on his hand, he held it up fiercely.

As a result, the fat boss shouted like a pig. Then, the huge body hit the man like a fallen meat wall.

"Mom! Oh! " Like the long tune, the fat man shouted sharply and high. Snot, tears and sweat all came out.

Face to face, the fat boss's ferocious face, tears mixed with yellow pus and snot, like a yellowish brown insect, smoked one after another with the boss's cry.

It was about to drop into the man's mouth.

He was pressed under his body and opened his mouth to breathe. He covered his mouth in horror.

"Mom, I will never be a human wall again!" In his life, he can't forget that his nose is so disgusting.

After the people tried to pull up the fat boss, the coach looked at it and felt a click in his heart. His already thick ankle began to swell with the naked eye.

"Hurry to the hospital!" The coach and company staff pushed the shelf car to transfer the boss to the car. It was so fat that four or five people couldn't lift him.