Chapter 520

At this time, the suture, just like sewing a pocket, opened and closed, and worked very hard. With Zhang Fan's flying steel needle, the suture was pulled to the extreme, and the uterine incision was firmly blocked.

"Well, how about the patient's vital signs." Zhang Fan has to worry about the overall situation of the patient while sewing.

"The heart rate is down and breathing is smooth. Blood pressure 7050mmhg. " The anesthesiologist observed the patient's face and informed Zhang Fan of the patient's vital signs.

"About 100 ml of urine can be seen in the urine bag, and the color is yellow. All venous channels are unobstructed. " After the anesthesiologist reported the situation, the head nurse also began to report.

"To the doctor, prepare to cut the uterus."

"OK, Zhang Yuan."

There's nothing to say at this time. If not, the patient will die. Cutting is fighting for life. Maybe the patient will live after the operation, maybe during the operation

Outside the operating vehicle, the doctors in Istanbul were dejected and silently took blood for testing. How could they be happy when the patient had a problem in their hands.

The herdsmen gathered more and more. Once social groups divide the rich from the poor, there will be classes. Some herdsmen who are dissatisfied with the leader on weekdays hide in the crowd and start agitating.

"The leader took our women and children and let these foreign doctors practice. Otherwise, why not let tuxun (Tribal doctor) have an operation? We can't let our women and children die innocent. We must punish the murderer!"

With the agitation of the crowd, herdsmen who did not know the truth began to join. Guns are too common in this place. They are as common as fire sticks.

The herdsmen with guns slowly surrounded the doctors and nurses in Istanbul. President Wang, who was already upset, was shocked at this time.

He knows the character of these people too well. He wants to dig his heart out to drink for you in good times and dig your heart out to drink for him in bad times.

"Ah! What did I say about this? Don't go, don't go, don't listen! " He quietly got on the Chinese surgical car.

"Why did you come up. Get down, get down. " Wang Feng's character of little pepper turned his face directly after seeing that President Wang boarded the operating car without changing his shoes.

"Aunt, when do you worry about this. Listen to me. Don't get off the bus later, you know. No matter what happens, don't get out of the car.

How's the woman? Can you get off and talk? " As he spoke, he called.

"I'll send a car to fill it up. Don't cross the mountain and hide on the hillside. Once I send a signal, you can break in directly. Remember, shoot if necessary, okay? Our people are all on two surgical vehicles. "

"What's the matter?" Although Xiao Wang Feng was hot, she was also hot in the operating room. When she heard that, she wanted to shoot. The little girl was stupid.

"Hide quickly. Can this woman talk now. Can you push it down? "

"But Zhang Yuan asked her to stay here and observe. There's no problem talking or anything." The little girl's voice is much lower.

"It's Zhang Yuan. It's all your hairy boy, stubborn donkey Zhang. If we die here, it's all your Zhang Yuan's fault. Find a horn and hide it. Don't come down. Do you hear me? "

As he spoke, he stuffed the baby in the stroller into the maternal lying on the flat car, "hold it! This is your doll. " President Wang has been here for decades and has no problem communicating with them.

Then he pushed the pregnant woman directly to the door of the operating car and opened the door of the operating car.

"Our brothers and friends, our Chinese doctors are excellent. Now you see, big fat boy! You see, women are also good.

Now, your women have to take injections and medicine. You must not be disturbed here. " Mr. Wang shouted loudly holding the flat car and pinched the baby quietly in his hand.

With the cry of the baby, the pregnant woman struggled to hold the child and began to nurse the child. The people who had rushed towards the Chinese surgical vehicle also stopped.

The tribe is not big. Their people can see at a glance that women and children are still alive, and the restless crowd begins to calm down.

At this time, the old man finally appeared.

"What? What are you doing? A ewe's cubing is a matter of near death. Have you seen it now? People have the ability.

Another woman, these doctors are still treating. If you disturb me, I can't spare you if the woman dies. I know who took the lead. Don't think I don't know. Scattered! "

Looking at the woman nursing the child and the old patriarch, the crowd slowly dispersed, but did not go far. Sitting on the grass in groups. Waiting

"What's this called?" The soft King couldn't stand firm. The few shouts he just made exhausted all his courage and strength.

"Mr. Wang, give you gauze. Wipe your sweat. Look at the sweat on your head." Xiao Wang Feng squatted quietly beside president Wang and handed him a piece of white gauze.

"Hide, my aunt, what are you doing out?" President Wang's eyes are almost staring out.

"But I'm afraid something will happen to you!"

"I......" the old official was moved“ Don't worry, I'm fine. I'll take you home even if I die. "


"What should you do? Draw blood. Draw blood quickly." The head man said to the paralyzed doctor in Istanbul.

The restlessness outside the grassland did not affect the doctors in the operating car. Zhang Fan and his family are all bent on the sick, and they can't care about things outside.

After suturing the uterus, Zhang fan starts to remove and remove organs. The first step is always to find the artery first. The artery must be ligated first, because it can't afford to exist.

For a semi fixed organ, the artery walks in the gap or fat around the organ. Fixed organs, arteries will walk in the ligaments of fixed organs. In a word, arteries are not easy to mess with, and they don't mess with. It is usually hidden in a relatively hidden place.

Hysterectomy, pay attention not only to the artery, but also to the ureter. After the uterus takes out the child, it is the same as the bladder with catheterization. Shriveled, but the uterus is hard because of congestion.

The knife light flickers. It's really the knife light flickers. In order to avoid bleeding again, Zhang Fan would rather sew more stitches than let the blood flow out. The blood is too TM precious at this time.

I dare not waste a drop. With the closure of the uterus, the patient's blood pressure rises slowly and his face begins to ruddy.

President Wang, holding the phone in his hand.

The sun in the sky also slowly moved to the West. In the operating room, Zhang Fan's sweat drops. The head nurse couldn't even wipe his sweat. Sweat flowed into Zhang Fan's eyes. He tried to blink his eyes, astringent eyes. I really want to wipe it off!