Chapter 545

"I've ironed your suit and shirt and put them in a blue bag. After you arrive at the bird market, take a look in advance. If there are wrinkles, ask the hotel to iron them for you again.

This is the tea, honey and royal jelly for the teacher. All of them were collected by my father in the pastoral area. It can be guaranteed that they are pure natural. When the teacher came, an academician had never seen anything. That's all. "

Shaohua nagged to Zhang Fan to pack up clothes and gifts.

"OK." Zhang fan can't get in, and Shaohua won't let him in. Zhang Fan is a good hand in laying sheets and tying knots, but he can't fold his clothes and pack up his shirts.

"If you don't see the teacher when you go to the place, put it in the refrigerator first. I don't know whether the effect is good or not. Anyway, this can ensure that it is serious and pure natural. If my father didn't know their language... "

Royal jelly, if you say the taste, let alone compared with honey, is not as good as white sugar. It tastes astringent and sour, just like the taste of baking powder.

It is said that this thing has an extraordinary effect. I don't know whether other effects are good or not, but Zhang Fan knows one thing, that is, beekeepers go in the wilderness, wind and rain, but few beekeepers suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

It is estimated that it has a certain relationship with their perennial diet.

Zhang Fan put the box into cool Luze's trunk, "I'm leaving!"

"Well, be careful on the road. Don't hurry. The master will arrive after tomorrow. You can eat and rest on time. Don't drive too fast." Shaohua told Zhang Fan.

"Well, I see. Go back quickly." Zhang Fan touched Shaohua's face with pity.

"I watched you out of the community." Shaohua didn't knock off his salted fish hand because Zhang Fan was going to drive to the bird market, but obediently stretched out his face and let Zhang Fan pinch it.

Zhang Fan ignited and started. Kuluze's big ass left the community. Shaohua watched kuluze go and disappear before he went upstairs.

Because of the arrival of old Lu, Ouyang specially asked Zhang Fan to put down his work early and go to the bird market. "Try to let old Lu come to see our tea. If he doesn't come to tea, he doesn't come to the frontier. The hundred mile picture scroll, grassland and snow mountain are second to none in the country..."

Ouyang is deeply afraid that Zhang Fan won't say it. She specially taught Zhang Fan all her lines. She knows her own family affairs clearly. Zhang Fan is really not sure to invite Lu Lao to tea.

Cooluze is speeding on the highway.

"Huazi, please treat me to a big meal. If you don't eat something good, I feel that life is boring." Jia SuYue called Shaohua. The girl has really had a boring life recently.

Because a leader came to their unit, a leader who directly parachuted, and three people in the whole unit were worried. Performance appraisal, elimination at the end and secret ballot. Anyway, Miss Jia's life is really sad recently.

"What about your family Zhang Fan? Why did you come alone?" Wang Yanan and Jia SuYue arrived in advance in the box of a large dish chicken restaurant in teasu. When they saw Shaohua alone, Wang Yanan asked curiously.

"He went to the bird market for a meeting!" Shao Hua hugged Jia SuYue and Wang Yanan after entering the door. Frontier people meet a bit like Europeans and Americans and like to hug.

"Is your family Zhang Fan going to be promoted again? Now they all go to the bird market for a meeting. Hey! I didn't expect your black boy to get out of control and become a leader! "

Jia SuYue said with a pout.

"Hehe, what's the matter? Why are you so angry?"

"Ah! A new leader came to our unit. He treated men as human beings and women as men. I can't be happy anymore. Look, I'm wrinkled. I'm tired of staying up late every day. "

The three girls ate a big plate of spicy chicken in summer and talked while eating.

"I want to resign!" Shaohua suddenly said.

"I also want to resign!" Jia SuYue hugged Shaohua and said pitifully that the girl was really tired recently.

"What? The unit is not doing well? " Wang Yanan looked at Shaohua curiously.

"No, I just think..." when Shaohua organized the language, Jia SuYue said: "if I were you, I would not go to work long ago. The black boy in your family has a lot of income. Now he is the leader. If I had gone home long ago, I would not be bothered by the unit."

"Come on, my family Zhang Fan is a black boy." Shaohua turned his white eyes unwillingly.

"Qi! Let me tell you, you should have resigned and gone home. Zhang Fan is responsible for making money to support your family, and you are responsible for being as beautiful as flowers! How nice! "

"Huazi, what's Zhang Fan's opinion? What did he say about your resignation?" Wang Yanan can still discuss something, even Jia SuYue.

"He, he doesn't matter. You don't know him. He cares more about patients than I do."

"Well, why on earth did you resign? Do you really want to be beautiful at home? " Wang Yanan smiled and said that she knew Shaohua. Shaohua should not be such a person.

"My idea is actually simple. I just want to catch up with him. Even if I can't help him, I can't be his burden." Shaohua looked at Wang Yanan with chopsticks.

"It's too difficult. Your Zhang hospital is too powerful. Last year, the top ten outstanding young people of tea element made another achievement in hepatobiliary surgery this year. I heard from my colleagues in the hospital that the hepatobiliary center is expected to be established.

In the past, some people wanted to wait for Ouyang to retire and fight. Now, with Zhang Fan, let alone ordinary people, even the directors of various departments are dead. Is he studying when he comes home? " With that, Wang Yanan began to ask what he cared about.

"Let me say, why do you want to catch up with him in your career? Develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, okay? You should let him catch up with you in appearance. Isn't he a surgeon. Give yourself a double eyelid first! "

"Ha ha!" Chatting, the three girls tilted the building“ To tell you the truth, huazi, do you really want to resign? "


"What do you want?" Jia SuYue asked curiously.

"I want to wait until I pass the exam..."

"Save it. You might as well be as beautiful as flowers at home."

"You can be an instrument dealer! The hospital's equipment is what your family Zhang Yuan said. "

"Can't we have some ambition? Can't we make our own money to support our family? I have to rely on men. When I make money, I'll tell my family Zhang Fan, don't be too tired. I'll raise you! Hey, hey! "


"Think too much!"

"But if you really have an idea, I'll come to you. I really can't stay in the unit. Hey!" Jia SuYue bit the chicken wings with hatred.

The Affiliated Hospital of niaoshi has been busy recently. Four or five cleaning companies have entered the hospital and are completely cleaning up.

Moreover, the doctors of the hospital have also issued new white coats. The leaders of the hospital walk around the hospital every day, looking for problems with the vision of finding problems. This is not only the annual meeting of the hepatobiliary society, but also a Q & a meeting.

Meetings at this level, let alone the frontier, usually do not leave the capital or Mordor, and most of them are held in the capital.

The annual meeting of liver and gallbladder doesn't sound very powerful, but looking at the members of the annual meeting can scare people to death. Members of the Standing Committee of the hepatobiliary association are all academicians, and one of them is a scholar with monographs.

Therefore, from the hospital leaders to the hospital nursing workers, all emphasize, pay attention, pay attention, and pay more attention.