Chapter 551

Formulaic or procedural banquets are too good to talk about. Eat, eat well, everyone is busy with the so-called entertainment. Some parties are unavoidable.

However, Zhang Fan liked this kind of entertainment, as if the originally lonely bird suddenly found that she had many brothers and sisters.

Moreover, they are all engaged in technology, and most of them are straightforward. They can't use Zhang Fan to pay attention to their language.

Good or bad, you can tell by looking directly at your face“ Dr. Zhang, there is a good teacher! I can do observation surgery when I'm young. I'm worried about Lu's old one tomorrow... "

Zhang Fan doesn't mind at all. Thousands of explanations are not as convincing as real achievements. After the operation, these guys will stop talking.

All the elder martial brothers are very good without any sense of alienation. Elder martial brother gives people a feeling of loyalty and kindness. The fourth elder martial brother has a cold face and a hot heart

Everyone is also very curious about this little younger martial brother. In his early years, although Lu didn't make it clear because of his physical reasons, he didn't recruit any more students.

Therefore, when we suddenly heard that the teacher had recruited a closed disciple, we took this opportunity to reunite in the frontier.

At the end of the banquet, old Lu and his martial brothers went to find a place to catch up with the past. The older the people were, the more difficult they got together. The old people sent off the disturbing crowd and held their own catch-up meeting in the government hotel of Frontier Province.

As for Zhang Fan's generation, a group of martial brothers, led by Zhang Fan, even wandered around the bird market. To tell the truth, the climate of this place is very bad. If it were not for the frontier capital, it is estimated that it would be an undeveloped city in the frontier.

Bird market is located in a small basin surrounded by high mountains. There are few big rivers and snow mountains around.

There are no big rivers and snow mountains, but there is no shortage of the surrounding Gobi desert, so the climate of the bird market is as unruly as a fierce horse.

In winter, the weather is so cold that the dog freezes to death. When Genghis Khan's army hit the bird market in winter, Mongolian riders covered their ears, stamped their feet and kept saying "Kuitun, Kuitun"

The bird market with ears frozen in winter becomes a hot dog in summer. In summer, there are not many mosquitoes and flies in the bird market. In those days, the group of four who learned scriptures almost fell apart in this place because the weather is too hot, the fruits are too sweet and the girls are too beautiful.

Big bazaar, mutton raft, roast mutton and baokeng meat. Zhang Fan shuttles around the famous restaurants and stalls in the bird market with his famous teachers and brothers who can move China.

The most authentic flavor of the frontier bird market is almost not in big hotels, but in small shops on the street and fly restaurants. The flavor here is the purest frontier flavor.

"Eat less. You can't eat any more. The cholesterol is too high." Third Elder martial brother, deputy director of hepatobiliary surgery of the Affiliated Hospital of Yamanaka University, kept talking while eating mutton raft.

"After this meal, I quit meat for three months. This is called barbecue, this is called mutton, this is called taste! "

Zhang Fan and Lu Ning are busy entertaining the senior brothers. Seeing that the elder martial brothers have never seen the world, Zhang Fan is filled with satisfaction!

Mutton raft, not to mention these Southern martial brothers, even if they are not from the northwest, most people have never eaten this dish. After Zhang Fan was entertained by the director of the Affiliated Hospital, Zhang Fan never forgot it.

This dish is not very expensive, but it's a troublesome process. The sheep shall be castrated from the Gobi at the beginning of the first year of life. The meat shall be lean meat, and the inner tendon of the lamb leg with a trace of fat shall not be taken.

Be sure to castrate the ram. The thigh meat of the non castrated ram can't be eaten. It's too coquettish. The thigh meat of ewes is too fat.

Now kill the mutton, remove the fascia and transfer the ligament, then cut it with a sharp knife, chop it up, and mix in a little pepper, pepper and salt. Then use the adjusted starch water to gently round the chopped mutton into a ball.

Mutton forms loose meatballs under the viscosity of starch. Experienced masters start at this time. Use clean hemp thread to tightly bundle mutton balls into dense meat balls.

Then, choose the mutton oil, bake it with the white mutton oil of the sheep's tail, refine the mutton oil, filter it, pour the clear mutton oil into a small bowl, then put the trapped meat balls into the mutton oil bowl, and steam it in a large pot.

The meat is tight, and the mutton oil can only penetrate into the meat with the heat. The mutton raft out of the pot seems to sink and float in oil and water, which is very greasy.

In fact, this dish is fine and waxy. There is not much fat in the balls. It can just give full play to the most fragrant and beautiful taste of fat.

If you take one bite, it will really have a long aftertaste. If you take another bite of deadly beer. My God, my tongue can swallow it. Unfortunately, all the doctors didn't drink, so they had to let kavas go on stage.

In the afternoon, Zhang Fan sent his martial brothers back to the hotel. As soon as he was ready to rest, he received a call from Ouyang. They arrived. Before Zhang Fan spoke, Ouyang said, "OK, you don't have to worry about us. Is there anything to tell your assistants? We also booked a room on College Road. "

After Zhang Fan said hello to Lu Ning, he ran to find Ouyang and them. Although they are all old hands, Zhang Fan still has to explain to them. Sometimes, the more attention, the more problems will arise. Zhang Fan is going to reduce their burden.

In the early morning, the frontier Affiliated Hospital opened a meeting room for the hepatobiliary Association. The host of the meeting was Wu Lao, Zhang Fan's uncle. The operation commentator was the Secretary General of the hepatobiliary Association, the director of 301 hepatobiliary Association and Professor Qin Quchi.

The meeting lasted for two days. The first day was the observation of surgery, the second morning was the Q & a meeting, and the afternoon was the summary, release and Prospect of new technologies and new problems in hepatobiliary surgery.

In the operating room, Zhang Fan's doctors with tea are quietly waiting for the patient“ It's okay. Relax. We don't know how many such operations have been done. Don't have pressure. "

Zhang Fan looked at the people with a serious look and said that he wanted to ease everyone's atmosphere, but the effect was average.

No pressure, that's bullshit. Apart from Zhang Fan's relatively stable state of mind, no one else is not nervous. The liver and gall of the whole country are waiting for them to have surgery. This pressure is no less than a college entrance examination.

Two operations in the morning and one in the afternoon. Originally, the organizing committee prepared two operations, but after asking the president of the frontier Affiliated Hospital, Wu added another operation for liver central tumor.

Although the old man systematically improved the operation of the middle lobe of the liver, at present, the tumor is a little bigger, and almost no one can do it. As Wu gets older and older, this operation tends to be abandoned.

Therefore, after hearing that Zhang Fan could also enter the middle lobe of the liver, the old man had a strange mood and asked the president of the affiliated hospital to prepare a tumor operation in the liver center.

He didn't dare to expect, because there were too many failed geniuses. Therefore, after the old man opened his mouth and delivered the opening speech of the meeting, he sat aside in silence.

"What? unconvinced? "Or..." old Lu said to his elder martial brother with a smile.

"I can't believe it if I don't see it with my own eyes. I haven't heard anyone enter the middle lobe of the liver for many years. Since I was 65, I haven't been able to... "

Old Wu said reluctantly, "it's all right. Your subject will not be abandoned. My little disciple can definitely brighten your eyes." Lu smiled and patted Wu's hand.

The beauty is easy to grow old, the hero is late, and the prime time of the surgeon is only 20 years. Now Mr. Wu has given up the improvement of the operation, not that the operation can not be improved, but that he can't do it. He has come down from the peak.

Can we train apprentices? Yes, but it's hard to find a good master. It's hard to find a good apprentice. Moreover, Mr. Wu, who was once at the top of the world, is even more demanding on students.

"OK, the patient has entered the operating room. I'm today's operation explanation. Now I'd like to introduce the operators to you.

Chief knife: Zhang Fan of tea vegetable hospital! " When he said this, Professor Qin paused because Zhang Fan registered as an orthopedic doctor!