Chapter 616

Chinese people have a strange personality. On weekdays, a little trivial shit, not to mention strangers, even neighbors can gnash their teeth at each other.

But in case of any major disaster, people can unite as one, bite their teeth to fight the natural disaster, and even sacrifice their lives for strangers.

In short, the Chinese people are the most united in this matter.

Perhaps this is the magic weapon of this nation for thousands of years.

As soon as Zhang Fangang entered deep sleep, the phone at the head of the bed began to beat. After two years of working as a doctor, I have already had subconscious actions.

As soon as the phone rang, Zhang Fan immediately rolled over and got up. My eyes are too sour to open, but the phone has been connected.


"Zhang Yuan, emergency assembly, mass food poisoning in Quark county."

"Good!" Zhang Fan doesn't talk nonsense. Now it's not a time for nonsense. The phone hasn't hung up yet. He has started dressing with one hand.

Lao Wang's head downstairs is old enough to sleep. His daughter works in the government and his son-in-law is a small leader.

In the past, he was very proud in the community. Whenever Zhang fan set out in the middle of the night, the old man knew that he came to talk to Zhang Fan several times. Finally, with the advice of his daughter, it was over, but he was a little indifferent to Zhang Fan's greeting every time.

As Zhang Fan became more and more famous, the old man became more and more polite. Sometimes he would send some welfare tea from his daughter's unit to Shaohua's family.

When Zhang Fan started to close the door, Lao Wang said to his wife, "it seems that someone can't do it again, alas! In the future, it seems that we still have to walk more with those upstairs! "

"Sleep! Dead old man, I just fell asleep! "

"Hey!" Lao Wang had big eyes and didn't know what to think. Maybe he was recalling his neighbors.

Diarrhea, in modern society, this disease seems not so terrible. In particular, some people are greedy, often have diarrhea, and then know some conventional drugs.

Those who know something but don't know it generally know norfloxacin, and those who know a little know montmorillonite powder.

In fact, diarrhea is a terrible disease. According to epidemiological statistics all over the world, diarrhea is the second leading cause of death in the world.

This second largest, not just disease, but the second largest of all causes, is it terrible? Very terrible. In developing countries, countless children under the age of five die of diarrhea.

Even the most powerful Americans on the blue planet, there are more than 1600 people a year who die of diarrhea and those over 74 years old. For a diarrhea, the United States spends $1.2 billion a year on treatment.

Therefore, when the tea element CDC learned that so many people had food poisoning and diarrhea, it was shocked directly, and the hair of the director of the CDC stood up.

The Chinese government is sometimes unreasonable. For example, if the CDC has a typical large-scale epidemic outbreak in the region, the director of the CDC will be replaced afterwards. There is no reason to talk about it. This is the iron law.

How many people can survive until the director of the deputy provincial CDC in their life? Therefore, after hearing the report from quark hospital, the director of CDC directly called the largest leader of tea.

Because the situation is unknown, I don't know whether it is man-made poisoning or other factors. And the number of poisoning is so huge that it is a very big accident directly.

Armed police and police opened the way with live guns and bullets, followed by tea su. All medical forces that can be sent out were dispatched.

The emergency response team was also established in a short time. The group leader is the deputy leader of chasu, the Deputy Group Leaders Ouyang and Zhang Fan, the president of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and the leaders of the armed police, while the director of the CDC has been excluded from the leadership team.

Zhang fan used to do whatever he asked in the car. Now he has been entrusted with an important task by his superiors.

"President Ouyang, president Zhang Fan, it's up to you now. I promise here. As long as you are involved in the personnel deployment, you have all the command.

In case of disobedience, it shall be treated as criminal responsibility afterwards. I would like to emphasize once again that people's lives are more important than everything. I hope our medical staff can overcome difficulties, unite as one and strive to be the white angel of the new century. "

After the tea vegetable leader explained to the leaders of the hospital, he stressed to the police, "we must find out the situation of the incident before dawn. I need to get the report before going to work. The superior province is already waiting for me to report."

"Yes!" The leader of the police station saluted with a livid face. It's only a few hours before dawn.

The motorcade set off and set off in a mighty manner. In fact, personnel can't use many cars. A large truck can pull many people. In special times, personnel usually take military vehicles.

First, save space. Second, military vehicles must be able to ensure that they will not break down on the way.

There are few cars to pull people. The most is medicine. Thousands of people have diarrhea, and all of them are adults. Think about how much liquid it needs!

Flashing lights and no whistle, special vehicles set off. Zhang Fan's cool Luze led. After Zhang Fan had finished the operation for the armed police soldiers, now he is also famous in the armed police team.

In the car, Ouyang kept in touch with the tea vegetable hospital while opening the personnel list and planning in his heart.

In such emergencies, being a leader is not easy. Although the president of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine and the president of the CDC were no longer convinced of Ouyang, none of them dared to challenge Ouyang at this time.

This kind of medical rescue, in the tea element, Ouyang's experience is directly incomparable.

"First, we should divide the personnel into three categories, which is like fighting a war. We must have a pioneer. If we encounter trauma such as a car accident, we should send doctors from general surgery and orthopedics as the pioneer.

This is diarrhea due to food poisoning. Generally, doctors in the Department of Gastroenterology should be sent, but there are more female doctors in the Department of Gastroenterology.

Therefore, at this time, male doctors in the emergency department and general surgery should be photographed as pioneers. Their task is to distinguish the weight of patients in the fastest time.

With a pioneer, there must be a general. At this time, the general is the female doctors in the Department of Gastroenterology. For heavy, extremely heavy and dying, there must be a corresponding disposal team. Never grasp the eyebrows and beard at once.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that when grouping, the members of a unit must be divided into groups because they have a tacit understanding.

Moreover, a group must have a backbone and never be headless.

If there is a general, there must be a reserve army


Ouyang was holding his notebook, writing and drawing, as if talking to himself.

In fact, Zhang fan understands that this is Ouyang's words and deeds. This experience seems simple and clear, but it is bought with human life, and the price is not too much than gold.

The quark county government is also worried. The medical team was dispatched at the first time. With the increase of personnel, the news is becoming clearer and clearer.

"385 people, unified diarrhea." Ouyang received the message at the first time.

Diarrhea, in the end is how things, most people have had, but to tell the truth, few can tell clearly.

Simply put, normal defecation is three times a week to three times a day. In other words, three times a week or three times a day is normal.

And diarrhea is not simply more times, it is diarrhea, maybe more food!

Diarrhea is defined as feces with reduced viscosity, accompanied by urgent defecation and abdominal discomfort.

This is a professional saying. Generally speaking, it means that you have diarrhea and can't hold it. You also have stomachache. This is diarrhea.

As a Chinese saying goes,   Holding your urine can do thousands of miles, but laxity can't do anything. That's what it means. Diarrhea here is diarrhea.

The terrible thing about diarrhea is not how much you pull, but the electrolyte disorder in the human body.

Generally speaking, the human body is actually an electrolytic plant and a chemical plant. Both plants operate in a dynamic equilibrium and stable pH.

Diarrhea will lead to the loss of a large amount of liquid in the intestine. This liquid is not fecal residue, but rich in potassium ions, sodium ions and other key ions.

When these ions are lost, the acid-base balance of the human body begins to disorder, which directly leads to the strike of power plants and chemical plants.

For example, if you drink a drink, it is super sweet, and then the ions in your tongue will be forced out. As food enters the intestines.

The intestines suck these useful ions clamped in the feces back, and then the intestines look, yo, the man's mouth and tongue lack ions, so it directly sends the ions through the blood to your tongue and mouth after disinfection by the liver.

This is a reincarnation.

The simplest, such as muscle, begins to have problems when electrolyte disorders occur.

Do you want the muscles to twitch? Do you want the muscles to become stiff? For example, after someone is poisoned, he twitches his whole body and spits white foam at his mouth. This is the manifestation of abnormal muscles.

The heart is a big lump of muscle. When the electrolyte is disordered, does the heart want to start jumping? The original jumping, jumping and jumping may become jumping and not dada.

When the heart beats disorderly, the blood cannot be pumped out, and the blood cannot come out, the cells of the human body begin to lack oxygen, which aggravates the danger of the body.

And once diarrhea reaches a critical value, it can be said that its risk is no simpler than massive bleeding.

In his early years, one child was afraid of fever and the other was afraid of diarrhea. Because there was no large amount of intravenous fluid for rapid rehydration, almost all parents had one or two brothers and sisters who died of diarrhea and fever.

There are too many foods that can cause diarrhea. Sodium glutamate and seafood can cause diarrhea.

Moreover, the food poisoning of seafood is more terrible. Some special fish are directly poisons with neurotoxicity. Therefore, it makes sense to stew and eat.

After entering the expressway, the military and police vehicles directly turned on the searchlight, and the moonlight was covered up.

Gallop! In the middle of the night on the highway, the speed is almost 140. Zhang Fan's car leader is walking fast on this road. Zhang Fan doesn't know how many times he has walked.