Chapter 632

"Dr. Wang, I heard that you are going to take the doctoral examination recently, aren't you?" After Dongshan Daniu solved Ding Lei's trivial matter, she immediately put her eyes on Dr. Wang.

To tell the truth, the medical industry is difficult, and the process of becoming a doctor is even more difficult. Ten people and ten division brothers who have entered the Department have sympathized with each other in the past ten years.

However, after ten years, these martial brothers in those years are slowly in groups, or fighting alone to find foreign aid. Slowly, they become like strangers. The friendship of hugging and warming each other in those years has long disappeared.

Is it a bad character to be a doctor? No, the current system, or life, or workplace, originally believed in the law of the jungle.

"Director Zhang, director Wang, the hospital has applied for a medical fund and needs a discipline leader to come forward and take it down!"

Even if director Zhang and director Wang are modest to each other, in order to have a voice in the future and want to have followers, they have to compete. They have to fight twice at a time. Slowly, everyone's feelings are thin. The next step is to see blood with a knife.

It's hard for doctors to do medical equipment. Many medical companies, whether they close down or change their bosses, and some awesome device representatives or medical representatives, as long as their directors don't retire, they won't leave.

What do they rely on? It depends on the efforts made over the years. If a new medical representative wants to make a start in a senior official medical industry, he must first be young.

Because older doctors are already the sphere of influence of other medical representatives, and it is difficult for doctors to accept other representatives, because the tacit understanding cultivated over the years and the trust cultivated are very, very precious.

What should young medical representatives do? Just like doctors, they need to endure. Just like doctors, they need to have a good vision.

At the beginning, every young doctor will be observed by him. When he finds a key object, it is like betting that the doctor will become the director in the future, and then all kinds of efforts.

There was a joke in the medical profession that year about a very, very powerful doctor. His medical representative told him how much he served the doctor. He said that when the doctor came home from work at midnight, he found that there was no toothpaste, and then a phone call. The medical representative immediately got up and searched the city for the toothpaste the doctor liked.

After a period of observation, Dongshan Daniu finally decided to put her treasure on Dr. Wang. As for Ding Lei, there is no need to ask, but she won't refuse a little thing.

In the Affiliated Hospital of Qingda, a hospital directly under the Ministry of health, to tell the truth, as long as a doctor with a master's degree, no one doesn't want to take a doctoral examination. If you don't take a test, you'll be one step lower than others, and you'll be much less than others.

Originally, Dr. Wang was very proud of this kind of thing. Although it was less difficult for doctors in the hospital than those outside the hospital, not everyone could pass it. He was confident and grasped it the most. Therefore, on weekdays, this also became a qualification that made him proud.

But today, he felt embarrassed to talk about it in front of Zhang Fan, or with a little bit of shame.

Why? The lens is raised and placed on the ceiling of the operating room. At this time, you can see the ecology of an operating room.

Zhang Fan sat quietly on the bench with his hands in his arms and looked at the patient's image data. One of the two masters struggled to hold the patient's feet and tried to raise them. The other quickly disinfected the patient's genitals with a disinfection plate.

For a time, for a time, Dr. Wang really felt very, very embarrassed, because he thought he was stupid and bad. A master, a doctor who immediately became a doctor, even had to start with him, an undergraduate and a doctor in a lower level hospital

Dr. Wang felt bad, and his mouth was not very polite. "You don't care whether I take the test or not!"

On weekdays, to tell the truth, doctors rarely do this. Unless they really annoy him, doctors also have a temper, but generally, doctors rarely talk to people with this attitude and familiar people. After more than ten years of medical education, we can hear an attitude emphasized by the teacher almost every day.

The exception is for medical representatives. This also shows from the side that this industry is too profitable, otherwise who is willing to look at others' faces and who is willing to be a son.

A cow forced equipment representative, to tell the truth, the money earned is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The income of doctors, ha ha!

Dongshan Daniu thought she could be a friend of Dr. Wang after more than six months of blending. In a word, her heart was cold, really cold,

When this sentence came out, she was not ashamed but sad! The workplace really, really want to die, the torture of the soul, work down, endure down

"Er, I, I," was originally a quick witted girl, and suddenly she couldn't speak.

Ding Lei is not stupid. Of course, he knows that he is not someone else's goal, so he grabs the opportunity to let others help him, but on the contrary, he won't come forward to help her out, because Ding Lei thinks she can't reach the position that makes him stand out!

In the operating room, there was a sudden silence, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing. As a third-party nurse and anesthesiologist, they won't get involved at all. They can't finish their own work.

"Miss Zhang! It'll be disinfected soon. Get ready to wash your hands. " Ding Lei smiled and said politely to Zhang Fan.

"OK. I'll wash my hands. " Like suddenly waking up from a dream, Zhang Fan immediately got up from his seat and prepared to wash his hands.

"Miss Zhang, Miss Zhang, director Lin asked, can you turn on the audio-visual camera now?"

The itinerant nurses also called Zhang Fan a teacher along with Ding Lei. Xiao Zhang in those days, Xiao Zhang who took a nap in the corner of the operation for the sake of the operation, has gone forever. Now let the nurses in the operating room shout Xiao Zhang again. I don't know if Zhang Fan has any opinions, but they will never shout out.

"Open!" Zhang fantou said without reply. Generally, the camera will not be turned on until the operation starts, because the surgeon in charge needs all kinds of preparations and explanations before the operation.

These are the things that need to be hidden. Some are the chief surgeon who doesn't want others to know his experience, and some are the chief surgeon who doesn't want others to know his preoperative panic.

Our Zhang Fan is different. For him, there is nothing to block this kind of operation.

After washing his hands, with the opening of the sensing door, Zhang Fan entered the operating room. Three itinerant nurses and anesthesiologists waited on Zhang Fan to dress like the landlord.

This is not Zhang Fan's face, because with the audio-visual camera, who can guarantee that the dean will no longer use the classroom?

So, people, this creature, really, the old saying is very good. If you don't be lazy or diligent, you won't have long eyes. Sometimes think about it, TN is really right.

After wearing sterile surgical clothes, Zhang Fan stood in the position of the main knife without much words. His current temperament and momentum in the operating room are really like a gas field, so he should stand in position C.

"Start!" After Zhang Fan said a word gently, all the people supported their bodies slightly.

The knife is held in Zhang Fan's hand. You don't have to preselect it at all. Here's a small detail. In order to make the incision more perfect, many doctors will draw a trace on the skin with the back of the knife before cutting, and then observe it. Really, it's not too cautious before the operation.

But Zhang Fan doesn't need it. The light of the knife cut through the hip joint like cutting butter cake, which was gently cut by the sharp blade.

The joints of the human body, especially the fat layer near some large joints, are very thick.

It's hard to understand. In this way, everyone should have eaten cow nest bones. In one bite, they are all fat but not greasy yellow tenacious fat. In fact, people's hip and knee joints are very similar to this.

The joints are surrounded by fat like yellow cheese.

This fat is not ordinary fat. This fat is functional fat, because it can play a very important buffer role. Without this buffer fat, people are estimated to be unable to change from monkeys to people, because when they jump from a high place, the huge force will be directly transmitted to the brain, which is a concussion.

Years of concussion, eh! The brain must have been shredded tofu.

The shape of blood vessels near the joint is very scientific and they are hidden, so a good doctor, when performing joint surgery and before opening the joint, if he wipes the blood Hula from the surgical field of vision, it is like an urchin turning an originally beautiful strawberry cake into a strawberry milk mixture.

Then the level of this doctor is also high and limited.

Although Zhang Fan has not realized his experience and made no breakthrough in orthopedics as a general foreigner, this, this technology has made Dr. Wang feel more uncomfortable.

Dr. Wang, after Zhang Fan left, he didn't relax at all. Although he didn't regard Zhang Fan as an opponent, subconsciously, Zhang Fan's technology left him an indelible impression. Whenever he couldn't hold on, he would think of Zhang Fan.

He originally thought, originally thought that after Zhang Fan came, he might be able to untie this knot in his heart.

But what he didn't expect was that he was making progress, and Zhang Fan was making great progress. There was a slight impatience in Zhang Fan's operation that year.

Just like a Wangwang who was about to enter the bridal chamber for many years, but he was about to pick up his gun and mount his horse. As a result, several people were unwilling to leave, but wanted to make trouble in the bridal chamber and see the bride's bad friends. Impatience, a kind of impatience that everyone can see.

Now, when Zhang Fan picked up the knife, Dr. Wang felt that Zhang Fan's momentum immediately changed.

After the knife passes through the skin, the yellow fat is exposed. The electric knife and a little silk smoke float through. After the attractor sucks, only a little light meat fragrance is left. There is no burning and disgusting smell in the past. After Zhang Fan uses the electric knife, the taste left is really like a mutton kebab baked by an expert, which can make passers-by drool when he smells it.

High. This level is too high for Dr. Wang and Ding Lei, especially for Dr. Wang who has pursuit.

Just like a finger of a soul, the electric knife has a soul, like the soul of an authentic barbecue with a beard. It will certainly let the smell of fat out and never burn.

Dr. Wang swallowed his saliva involuntarily. Of course, this is not hungry or greedy.

It's a kind of unwilling performance. Doesn't he work hard? Isn't Qingda hospital inferior to a third-class hospital in frontier areas? He is really unwilling!

However, goods are still better than goods

Ding Lei is much better. He doesn't care, "teacher Zhang, is the suction enough?"

"Miss Zhang, I think it's better to adjust the shadowless lamp a little more!"

Anyway, he tried to make himself have a sense of existence. As for whether Zhang Fan responded, he didn't care at all!

Every man has his own way of life.


In the electric classroom, a group of orthopedic doctors quietly watched Zhang Fan's operation, because the camera was on the shadowless lamp. They looked more clearly like the eye of God.

The scene was really silent. It seemed that there was no breath. Everyone was like terracotta warriors and horses.

Lin Cong thought that Zhang Fan's operation level would be very high, but he didn't expect that it had been so high in orthopedics.

He looked at Zhang Fan's operation, and then looked at the numb young doctors in the electric classroom. He was a little worried: was it a little too much?

The surgeon is younger than all of you here, less educated than all of you here, and lower than the level of your hospital. However, the technology displayed by the surgeon is like letting the doctors in these electric classrooms waste all their time on dogs.

Really, the humanities can't be divided into one, two or three, while the natural sciences, especially some disciplines that pay great attention to technology, are OK or not strong. Although everyone doesn't say it, they are like a mirror in their hearts.

Lu didn't call the classroom. If Zhang Fan wasn't his disciple, he might come to cheer up the doctor in the hospital, but now he can't go.

Although he didn't come, although he was relieved of Zhang Fan's technology, he was still worried about it and couldn't settle down to read the documents.

"How was the operation?" Lu finally couldn't help calling his first assistant.

"Lu hospital, Dr. Zhang's operation is very wonderful. Really, if only our hospital could keep Dr. Zhang!" They are all human spirits

"That's good!" After hanging up the phone, Lu Lao looked at the sea in the distance and was very tangled. He didn't care about anything else, but how to help Zhang Fan make progress and improve Zhang Fan. The old man really worked hard for Zhang Fan.

Qianlima and bole are sometimes indispensable.

Dongshan big girl also changed into the surgical clothes. The girl looked at Zhang Fan's surgical process and thought there was still plenty of time to prepare the instruments. But when she was the last one to wash her hands quietly, smiled quietly and asked the little nurse to put on the surgical clothes, she became angry.

"Too soon! How fast! Mom, can't you slow down! I'm not ready yet. Can you give me a sense of preparation? If you disagree... "

Of course, this is her idea. She doesn't dare to say it.

The joint was opened and the broken femoral neck was presented to the surgeons.

At this time, the femoral neck was smashed to the ground like a white lanolin jade, and the lanolin Jade also exuded blood and meat with blood!

Zhang Fan, lifted the electric saw. When the saw was taken out for operation, it was slightly more fine than the wood saw. Unexpectedly, there was no difference.

Like the terrible scenes in TV movies, Zhang Fan took out a chainsaw.