Chapter 663

Li Hui's current state is sweet potatoes and potatoes. When cooked, it's noodles!

Tears, runny nose and desperate eyes paralyzed him on the floor. Although he was not a gynecologist and did not transfer to a department of Gynecology, he was too aware of the consequences of birth canal weakness.

In TV, there are often many such scenes. A doctor comes out and asks, "protect the big and the small?" In fact, this situation is not very common. This may happen only if the birth canal is weak.

What's going on when a pregnant woman gives birth to a child? Generally speaking, the placenta, like the base of a child, adheres to the uterus.

The base is a channel connecting the mother and daughter. At the end of the fourth week, semen (a) forms a placenta in the palace of semen (a). At the eighth week, the child's facial features, limbs and cardiovascular pulsation appear.

Twenty weeks later, the gadget began to swallow and urinate. When the child was in the mother, all the nutritional oxygen needed was transmitted from the umbilical cord to the child through the placenta.

This gadget swims in amniotic fluid. What is amniotic fluid? It is actually a small swimming pool purified from mother's blood.

The little fart child keeps swimming in the swimming pool, and he is still a little fart child who doesn't pay much attention to hygiene. He not only pees and defecates here, but also drinks the liquid containing his own secretion from time to time.

When the gadget felt that the swimming pool could not hold it, it began to go out and have a look.

Then, just like the Kesai, the head is facing the mouth of the sub (a) palace, and the whole body curls up to rush through the pass.

In those years, the Kesai of Marubeni, it is estimated that the director of this cartoon may have studied medicine, because Kesai's preparation before launch is very similar to that of the fetus.

This is the most dangerous time for children and mothers. When the child is in the mother's body, it is a closed inner ring.

What does it mean? It is the result of human evolution. This inner ring is to prevent children from falling off without maturity.

When the child matures, the inner ring becomes a gateway one by one, waiting for the child and the mother to break through together.

The child must climb out of the Zi (a) palace, pass through the pelvis and enter the Yin (a) tract before birth.

The most dangerous of these three passes is the pelvic pass, because this pass is directly the bone. Even if the ligament is expanding, it still has certain limitations.

The child worked hard, and the mother spent her whole life to squeeze through these three hurdles.

So when the child comes out naturally, the head is not round, but like a thermos cup, it is a small stick.

The ability to pass these passes depends on the productivity of pregnant women. When the child is stuck at a certain pass and the pregnant woman is out of force, this time is called insufficient fertility.

It is called a pass. The simplest thing is that the place is narrow, and the child's breathing transmits oxygen from the mother's placenta through the umbilical cord. Often at this time, the umbilical cord will be squeezed and the oxygen cannot pass normally, so the child will suffocate.

This is often the most dangerous time, not up and down, and the placenta is stripped because of the child's whereabouts.

Placenta is a network of capillaries connected with a lot of blood. One carelessness is massive bleeding.

Just like the blood scab of the wound, people with itchy hands like to lift the blood scab. When the blood scab is lifted, the blood begins to exude, and the massive bleeding of pregnant women is actually similar to this blood scab, but it is magnified by how many times.

When there is massive bleeding in the child (a) palace and the child is stuck in the birth canal, this is the time to choose, that is, when the doctor asks the family members on TV and elects to be young.

Also, some naughty children don't stop in the matrix and have no toys.

He played with the umbilical cord and wrapped it around his neck. Then there is the so-called navel around the neck, which is the posture of hanging.

This situation exacerbates the risk of production. Therefore, prenatal examination is very important. These examinations are to determine whether it can be smooth or not.

If there is no birth inspection, we can really say that it is blind birth and blind birth. We must not be careless. Even if there is regular birth inspection, there may be accidents, not to mention no birth inspection.

Therefore, regular prenatal examination is very important.

Besides the advantages of natural birth, first, natural birth has the least damage to pregnant women. Although caesarean section seems very simple, in fact, the knife edge of caesarean section is quite large and the damage is huge.

Second, when a child is in the mother's body, he not only drinks amniotic fluid containing his own urine and feces, but also sucks at 16 weeks. Yes, he sucks.

When he was sixteen weeks old, his respiratory system began to move. Then he would take two mouthfuls of amniotic fluid when he was free, and the amniotic fluid mixed with black and green meconium entered his respiratory tract.

When giving birth naturally, because of the narrow birth canal, it can almost be said that children are squeezed out like making meatballs.

This squeeze will press out the feces in the child's respiratory tract. Therefore, when a newborn is just born, there is such a scene:

The whole body is pale, because there is no oxygen and its own blood has not circulated. Therefore, when a child is born, the whole body is pale and black, just like the little zombies in Hong Kong films.

Then a small stick head with fetal fat like tinea, the most wonderful place is the corner of his mouth.

Hanging some black paste like liquid, like someone slapped on TV with blood at the corners of his mouth. This black mushy liquid is his own meconium.

Because the umbilical cord is connected, the child can't breathe. When the child comes out, the doctor will pinch the child's mouth and insert his index finger in the first time to take out the disgusting objects in the respiratory tract.

Then cut off the umbilical cord and stimulate this gadget. As long as it is normal, children's lungs begin to expand. When they cry for the first time, it means that they begin to breathe.

This is smooth. When it is not smooth, there will be too many accidents.

As Zhang Fan ran, the little nurse chased him with a white coat. He ran fast. The nurse's little white shoes could see the phantom under the fluorescent lamp.

It's a cruel department. When these little nurses grow old and can't run out of the phantom, they will be cleared out slowly. How many administrative posts can they have?

Zhang Fan took the white coat, put on his hat, put on his mask and rushed into the delivery room.

"How's it going?"

"Zhang Yuan, it's too late for the operation. The forceps have been used."

The director of Obstetrics and Gynecology didn't look up.

"Can't negative pressure suction?" Zhang Fan asked as he walked.

What is a negative pressure suction device? Older people should know a tool in the bathroom. After the toilet is blocked, there is a thing with a suction cup.

This is the negative pressure suction device. When the maternal productivity is insufficient, this will be inserted into the birth canal and suck the child's head. Like pulling out a radish, the doctor will help pull it out.

Sometimes, there will be a bang in the delivery room! Boom! Boom! This is the sound of doctors sucking with a negative pressure suction device.

"No, the head is not straight, and the position is not good."

Forceps, when caesarean section is not formed, this instrument is the ultimate weapon in obstetrics.

Powerful, but poor operation is also quite dangerous. Forceps are actually quite large forceps.

Just like the big pliers of two badminton rackets, this racket is metal, and there is no net. It is this thing that needs to be stuffed into the maternal birth canal, hold the baby's head, and then clamp the child out.

It can be said that this operation is quite dangerous. The clamping position is wrong, and it will hurt the child's nose and eyes. This thing is metal!

Moreover, if the force is not enough, the child can't get out. If the child is caught in the birth canal for a little longer, he will suffocate and die.

If you exert too much force, the child's ears and even the cervical spine will have a chance to be damaged. It can even be said that sometimes, when you pull out the child, the child's head and cervical spine

Therefore, forceps, this instrument, in obstetrics and Gynecology, doctors who have no confidence do not dare to start at all. This confidence is accumulated by doctors in decades of work. This strength can't be realized in decades.

"Half an hour! I'm out of strength and have no strength in my hands. What should I do? " The director of Obstetrics and gynecology is almost crying.

This force is not reckless force, but quite laborious like sliding fish.

The director of Obstetrics and gynecology is a 50 year old woman. After more than 20 minutes of competition, her hands began to tremble.

The deputy director of Obstetrics and Gynecology and another attending doctor are on another pregnant women's stage. Which pregnant woman gives birth naturally is not very smooth.

The director of Obstetrics and Gynecology here and LV Shuyan.

The obstetric director's face was sweating and her eyes were rolling with drops of water. She was old and really old. Ten years ago, she would never let this situation hold her. Now, she really wants to kill thieves, but she has no strength.

The negative pressure aspirator can be operated by LV Shuyan, but the director of Obstetrics still dared not give the forceps, and LV Shuyan did not dare to answer, so the director of Obstetrics asked someone to call for help.

"No, no, director, the child's heartbeat is getting slower and slower." The midwife's head is big. This situation is the most dangerous.

The maternal pain is extreme. The child and forceps are mixed together and stuffed into the body. The sharp pain of peeling off before production has almost brought the mother to the verge of collapse.

"I can't, doctor. I can't." There was no scream. She didn't even scream. She looked at the doctor and nurse with her eyes praying.

"Shut up, eat, open your mouth, eat, come on! Your child depends on you now. Do you still have the qualification to be a mother. Come on, shut up and come out again. "

Red Bull and chocolate were directly stuffed into the mouth of pregnant women. Midwives are afraid of warmth and comfort. They are deeply afraid that if they relax a little, the woman will give up.

Sometimes, the desire to survive is very important. When there is a line of life and death, what comfort and warmth are false. Only the iron blood scolding makes her unable to think in her mind and let her subconsciously survive.

Really, doctors and nurses in obstetrics and Gynecology should be considerate sometimes. They are not born vulgar, but they have to.

"I'll come!" Zhang Fan looked at the desperate expression of the director of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and he spoke.

"You? Zhang Yuan, it's too dangerous. You've never... "

Taking over at this time, to tell the truth, is quite dangerous. In the hospital, to tell the truth, it's safe to die. It's strange that people don't die in class III hospitals.

However, unlike obstetrics and Gynecology, the dead in other departments are not as serious as obstetrics and Gynecology no matter what the situation is.

In this way, China is quite unreasonable in this regard. There are a quota of deaths in obstetrics and Gynecology every year. I don't care what your situation is. If you exceed this number of deaths a year, accountability will follow.

Therefore, we can scold the government and hospitals, but we can really be glad about this rule, because the country's unreasonable makes the maternal mortality rate in China one of the lowest in the world.

"It's too late. Can children and pregnant women persist until the doctor comes?"


"Nothing, but come on, give it to me and you stand on the platform. LV Shuyan, change my clothes quickly. "

Zhang Fan's words were like an iron bar. The next time LV Shuyan was motivated, she immediately helped Zhang Fan put on her surgical clothes. When she tied the last clothes belt, she said quietly: "be careful!"

Zhang Fan didn't look back, as if he hadn't heard.

At this moment, the director is as detached as the pregnant woman, and other doctors can't take care of it. If Zhang Fan is not here, he won't say anything, but Zhang Fan is here. Although he is not sure, can he watch the pregnant woman and fetus die in front of him?

No! Then do it!

"Director, get started! I'm starting to push. "

"Zhang Yuan, be sure to use force. When the other party's muscles contract, you have to unload the force. When the muscles relax, you have to use force. Be careful not to hurt the child's cervical spine."

The gynecological director said while Zhang Fan did it. The gynecological director's shaking hands brought despair in his tone.

At this time, what's the difference between turning the book only after surgery!

However, she underestimated Zhang Fan. Hand feel is a chicken rib condition for ordinary doctors, but the more doctors reach the peak, the more they value it.

Zhang Fan's hand feeling can be said that at present, he says his hand feeling is the second in the world, and it is estimated that no doctor dares to say the first.

"Shrink!" Zhang Fan felt the feeling of the mother's muscles coming out quite clearly. With the contraction of the muscles, the muscles of Zhang Fan's arms began to relax.

"Relax!" The muscles of Zhang Fan's arms began to work hard.

Like a tug of war, the mother's muscles have outward and inward thrust and suction on the fetus as soon as they retract. Therefore, pregnant women should make great efforts to offset the inward force when they are in extreme pain.

Really, it's not easy to be a mother. The old man really wants to be right at this moment.

When Zhang Fan tried hard, the midwife shouted loudly, "come on, try hard. Our dean has started. You must be able to stick to it. Come on, give me the power to eat (a) milk."


The door of the delivery room suddenly opened and a little nurse came out with a signature.

Li Hui looked at it and ran away, "come to me to sign, come to me to sign!

Zhang Fan! "

I don't know why, he shouted Zhang Fan's name.

"Come on, call your wife's house! What's the use of crying! " Shao Hua was also awakened by his voice.

"Good! Good! " Although he said well, his eyes were always fixed on the little nurse.

As a result, the little nurse ignored him and walked towards the others.

"Er!" Li Hui's shining tears hung on his face as if they had solidified.