Chapter 836

Ouyang, Lao Gao and the current president of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine are people of the same age. Anyway, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are full of toughness.

Although Lao Gao was suppressed by Ouyang and couldn't move anywhere, he just didn't bow his head.

The president of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, when he was in the tea vegetable hospital, was so half lower than Ouyang. He was not less affected by anti righteousness.

It's not easy to level, but I still have to be angry and sad.

Downstairs in the surgery building, the president of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital looked at Ouyang. If he could shoot bullets in his eyes, he estimated that he would be able to make a sudden breakthrough in these municipal hospitals.

Unfortunately, he can't. looking at Ouyang, he doesn't want to speak first, but Ouyang's momentum is too fierce.

Which look, which look, originally intended not to take the initiative to speak, he still couldn't stand to speak first.

"Ouyuan, please!" The president of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital clenched his teeth and the muscles on his face were stiff, but even so, he had to pull his mouth and show a polite smile.

It's hard.

"It's all right. After all, as a leader in the tea element medical industry, it's our responsibility and obligation to lend a helping hand to our brother units."

Looking at Ouyang's arrogant answer, the president of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital's teeth are almost broken.

If it weren't for the patient who took the pot, to tell the truth, he would rather die than ask Ouyang, but now he can't ask, and the recent foreign aid bird market experts can't come.

But the patient's family members are jumping on his desk.

In fact, the matter is also simple. After leaving the tea vegetable city hospital and entering the Chinese medicine hospital, the president of the Chinese medicine hospital suddenly felt that the two units were very different.

When he was in the municipal hospital, he knew many people as vice president, but generally speaking, many needed his help.

For example, leaders of enterprises and institutions and leaders of various industries usually contact by phone and text messages, and there will be small gifts of tea, tobacco and alcohol during the new year's festival.

After arriving at the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, it is obviously different.

Those people in the past, although they are still connected, the relationship seems not as close as before.

On the contrary, some elderly middle-level leaders who had little contact before began to have contact.

There are also some ladies who know more and more.

They don't have any discomfort. They just came to recuperate. There was a little ulcer in the mouth. They said it was a strong internal fire. They should find an old Chinese doctor to recuperate.

Also, I'm a little depressed recently. I always doze off at the meeting. Is it a little empty? Should I eat some Liuwei Dihuang honey pills?

In the past, he engaged in general foreign studies. After becoming the president of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, in order to better build the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, he also began to slowly self-study a little Chinese medicine.

This is not only to manage doctors, but also to talk to people with special needs.

Otherwise, people have oral ulcers and say that there is a strong internal fire. You give people a virus infection. Isn't there no way to talk.

In the technology industry, I'm not afraid you don't understand, but I'm afraid you don't understand.

This half bottle is the most prone to accidents. If you don't understand it, you will be in awe. If you understand it, you will be more awed and cautious.

But when half a bottle is shaking, you often think it's nothing great. Don't you just eat some herbs and cook some soup!

Anyway, there are prescriptions. It's over to fill the medicine according to the order~

This is a little bigger. Medical care pays attention to personal experience and proficiency, both Western and Chinese medicine.

Chinese medicine, in particular, pays attention to one that varies from person to person.

This thing can't be read according to the book.

There is a leader in the tea vegetable party history office. He retired to the second line because of his age. Although he did not enter the government, he still had strong contacts.

In his early years, he was in charge of the supply of non-staple food in cities. His official position was not big, but his power was really big.

And often because of the field, I have seen some of the world.

When he was young, his son suddenly got lymphedema. At that time, he sought medical treatment everywhere for his child.

Even went to Anxi city. The hospital suggested surgery, but the child couldn't even say a word. So poor little man would get a knife. Really, the heart of a parent is broken.

As a result, I don't know the relative at home said that there was an old Chinese doctor in the municipal hospital who was very accurate in looking after children's lymphedema.

At that time, when everyone was poor, he took a can from home to the old man.

The old man looked at the child with a smile. He was really God. After several pairs of decoction, the child's lymphedema subsided.

At that time, the family was really grateful. There was no way to describe the mood, just like the feeling of another village.

Especially the old man returned the can intact after seeing the doctor. Really, it moved the whole family.

Unexpectedly, twenty years later, the children were twenty-five or six. They found a girlfriend and were about to get married. As a result, lymphedema happened again.

The child's parents came to the tea vegetable traditional Chinese medicine hospital to find the old doctor. Unfortunately, the old man returned to his hometown after retirement and died a few years later.

The child was about to get married, got the disease, even the woman didn't dare to say, and then went directly to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital.

After the old man left, although he brought several disciples, the Chinese doctor was too particular.

There is a saying among the elderly that three years of drug recognition, three years of drug recognition and three years of tangtouge.

After ten years of being a child, he entered the school. Therefore, after the old man left, none of the tea vegetarians could graduate.

Although there are prescriptions, there may be none that can be easily used.

After the patient's family came, they directly found the president of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital.

As soon as the Dean heard that the disease had been treated before, the finished prescriptions were all there. Looking again, he was an old leader, so he took everything into the ward.

The family also paid attention to it. They sent the Dean two good cigarettes and two bottles of good wine. Then they thought it should be nothing, so they waited for treatment.

As a result, the prescription did not change and the procedure did not change. After treatment, the child's condition became more and more serious.

Finally, the condition changed. Even the couple who were not doctors knew that something had happened.

And after the son's object knew, he came to the hospital and saw the scene in front of him. He went straight home and divided his hands.

Now, it's big. It's hard for men to come forward, but the women of this family don't stop.

In the office, pointing to the dean's nose and scolding the Dean, they all want to find a hole to get in.

"You still have the face to be the dean. When you accept cigarettes and wine, you promise. Now something has happened.

You can talk. What do you say that our child's condition is more serious than before and needs to be transferred to another hospital? What did you do earlier.

If you don't understand, don't worry. Now you want us to leave the hospital, beautiful you.

I put my words here today. If you don't solve it and don't find someone to treat my children, your Dean will come to an end. "

The dean is sweating. Really, the prescription is left by the old expert. It hasn't changed at all, but why is the more treatment, the more serious it is.

He grabbed the doctor and asked. The doctor hesitated and couldn't explain clearly. The Dean soon fanned his face with regret.

Finally, I had to ask for help and contacted the bird market. The bird market experts didn't come, so I had to bite my teeth and invite Ouyang.

Lymphatic, what the hell is this thing.

If it is explained according to the professional, it is very troublesome, and the lymphatic system was not paid much attention by the medical community in the past.

At present, there is no unified understanding of lymph in academic circles, especially the definition of lymphatic diseases.

Moreover, many causes of this lymphatic disease have not been clearly found and defined.

According to the statistics of the international lymphatic Association, there are about tens of millions of patients with various types of lymphedema all over the world.

In China, there is no specific statistics, but according to the estimation of Professor Zhang, the first person in China, it is definitely no less than 3 million.

If the blood vessel is compared to the highway of the human body, then the lymph is the war preparedness highway.

The terminal opening of lymph is in the tissue space, and finally converges under the clavicle and enters the vein.

Moreover, lymph is actually like another vascular system, crawling around the body like a spider web.

In addition to the brain, spinal cord, retina and cornea, lymph nodes are found almost everywhere in the human body.

Every once in a while, a lymph node will form, like a fortress in ancient times.

Lymph nodes are like fortresses guarding important parts of the human body.

For example, the lymph nodes in the neck, armpit and groin are like checkpoints, blocking the entry of virus cells and abnormal proteins into the heart, an important part of the body!

Therefore, when cancer patients have cancer cell proliferation, doctors first check the lymph nodes in the neck, armpit and groin.

Lymph is rich in special fighting cells when viruses and bacteria enter the body.

When phagocytes such as leukocytes cannot be killed, the war spreads, and the final decisive battle is in the lymph nodes.

Therefore, when some people have red, swollen and painful throats, they often have swollen neck lymph nodes.

This is because bacteria or viruses have burned the war to the fortress of the human body.

If the lymph nodes can't stop, the physical symptom is not a sore throat.

Maybe there are symptoms such as high fever and chills.

For example, the spleen, tonsil and thymus of the human body can actually be regarded as lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes are fortresses in wartime. In peacetime, their function is to assist blood vessels to recover body tissue fluid.

Because the vascular system is delicate, some macromolecular proteins cannot enter the blood vessels, and staying in the tissue space will lead to edema.

At this time, the lymphatic vessels act as an auxiliary road of the highway, allowing these overweight vehicles to recover from the lymphatic vessels to the heart and then send them to the liver for decomposition.

If there is an abnormality in the lymphatic system and the protein cannot be recovered in time, at this time, the macromolecular protein is stuffed into the tissue space like a sticky dough.

At this time, the disease formed is the famous elephantiasis!

The disease is more common in the South than in the north. Especially filariasis, which was prevalent in the early years in Jiangnan, will lead to lymphedema.

The president of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine invited Ouyang and Zhang Fan into the surgical building.

There is no greeting. The president of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine is not in the mood of greeting at this time.

He has one goal now. If he wants to cure the patient, he wants to think about how to get the patient to agree to transfer.

In fact, the patient's family members are also angry in their hearts. They are already contacting the hospital in bird city.

When Ouyang and others were invited into the ward and saw the patient, they took a breath.

Lymphedema, because there are lymph nodes in almost all passes of the human body, when lymphedema occurs, it can be said to be quite amazing.

For example, filariasis was prevalent in Jiangnan that year. Once the parasite enters the body, it likes to block the lymph of the human reproductive system.

Really, when you get this disease, it's quite terrible. For both men and women, the lower body is like a super meatball with a slightly darker color and the size of a person's head.

And this meatball is just like the person who blanches the meatball. There are all kinds of small meat bumps on the meatball.

Not to mention the patient's feelings, it is no exaggeration to see that people can have the idea of escape.

Moreover, the thigh skin near the lower body is as dark or light as countless leeches. With the shaking of muscles, this thing seems to be able to move, which is quite terrible.

Lymphedema caused by filariasis often leads to lower body edema, while other lymphedema often leads to unilateral lower limb swelling.

It can also be said that there will be edema wherever it is blocked.

Because the lymph mainly transmits protein, the edema caused by protein accumulation is quite different from that caused by general liquid.