Chapter 855

On the operating table in the operating room, like entering the telecommunications department, patients are hung with monitoring instruments.

ECG monitoring, blood oxygen monitoring, oxygen intubation, gastric intubation, urethral drainage, vessels of aspirator, venous suspension of plasma and liquid on limbs.

Although the line is not dense, it also makes people's scalp numb.

In particular, the transparent liquid and red blood vessels are divided into two ends like wires.

The invention of intravenous infusion can be said to be an invention that can pull patients back from the death line at a critical moment.

Many people wonder why the infusion is not in the artery but in the vein.

First of all, the artery is afraid of death. The larger artery is generally hidden deep. In an emergency, it is generally difficult to find it, and the vein is relatively superficial.

Secondly, the arterial pressure is relatively large. Without external pressure, it cannot be input. If pressurized, it may lead to the rupture of red blood cells in blood vessels.

Therefore, for general emergency infusion, veins are selected. As long as the liquid bottle is raised above the head, it is OK.

What is the situation of selecting the artery? For example, when the patient's vein cannot be selected, arterial infusion, to tell the truth, will be implemented only as a last resort.

But now many addicts, in order to get satisfaction more quickly, will plunge into the artery injection in the groin. Really, this way, once they are not careful, it will lead to massive arterial bleeding and consequences

Intravenous infusion, a life-saving treatment, makes people speechless when it is fully applied to the treatment of the common cold.

Is a cold treated with medicine?


This is a self-healing disease, the common cold. If you ignore it, it will recover, and the treatment is to reduce symptoms, such as stuffy nose and cough.

In other words, there is no difference between taking drugs and not taking drugs for a cold.

"Knife!" The operation preparation was very fast, and there was almost no pause in the connection of steps.

The patient's blood loss is too serious. The liquid injected can't hold the patient's blood flow at all.

Zhang Fan took the scalpel and began to expand along the wound on the patient's back.

If there is a fixed format for some abdominal surgery such as appendix and gallbladder.

Then this kind of traumatic rescue operation is an operation that doctors play freely.

It seems that free play is simpler, but in fact, free play is more difficult.

Over the years, doctors from generation to generation have found that accidents near organs can occur actively or passively.

Therefore, as long as you are serious and have a solid foundation, there will generally be no things such as cutting blood vessels and damaging nerves.

And this kind of free play will not work. Once one is not careful, it will make the patient worse.

The wound on the back of the male owner of the optical shop, the white fascia and red muscles have turned out.

Like a little fart child, he pouts his lips and bulges them out to reveal the red inside of his lips.

The patient's wound is spitting blood now.

The abdominal cavity of the human body is slightly larger than the atmosphere. It is estimated that most people have not seen it.

When a sharp weapon enters the abdomen, the wound is like farting. If you puff, it will emit a gas that seems smelly but never smells good.

This smell can be called Sao! It's like the smell of mouse urine evaporated on your hands.

"The blood doesn't coagulate and hurt the organs. How about the vital signs?"

Zhang Fan looked at the non coagulable congestion while deriving the incision along the wound. He was also worried.

"Blood pressure can't be measured. Cardiotonic drugs have been used!" The flower stared and reported to Zhang Fan.

The flower was assigned to Zhang Fan to participate in the patient's shock correction, and Ren Li went to another operating room.

Now everyone knows that the patient's life is on the line of life and death. Any little accident will lead to the patient's death.

The patient lay prone on the operating table. When cutting the abdominal cavity along the wound, the blood flowed out like boiled meat.

"Come on, pliers!" Sure enough, in the wound, the patient's spleen was inserted into a big hole, just like a broken apple, and the wound was in the same state as a petal.

After taking the bending forceps, Zhang Fan stuffed his left hand directly under his spleen, with the palm of his hand up and the back of his hand down.

Then he made a slight effort to free the nearby tissue and the damaged splenic hilum. In an instant, Zhang Fan's palm was filled with bright red blood.

Without hesitation, Zhang Fan clicked and clamped the inlet vessel of the spleen with a huge curved forceps.

Curved forceps like crocodiles bite the vessels of the splenic portal“ Lao Li, attractor! "

"Gauze!" Clamping the splenic door is not enough at this time. The wound of the spleen must be filled with gauze.

Lao Li, who acts as a helper, takes the attractor and puts it into Zhang Fan's left hand. The attractor is like wordy watermelon juice.

The blood was sucked quickly, and the semi solidified blood clots in the blood were sucked in quickly in the transparent plastic pipe like the black melon seeds of watermelon juice.

"Increase the input and see if urine is produced? The wound has been clamped, quickly replenish the congestive capacity, and raise the blood pressure for the first time. "

Zhang Fan frowned and gave orders to anesthesiologists and physicians while operating.

"No urine, use diuretics!" The internal medicine correction shock group was relieved to hear that Zhang Fan stopped the bleeding.

Without hemostatic rescue, fill in a large amount of liquid, just like raising soup to stop boiling.

Only in order to maintain the patient's fragile blood pressure and the electrolytic balance facing collapse, the fundamental problem can not be solved.

Now that the bleeding from the wound has been stopped, they can show their skills. But Zhang Fan didn't relax a little, because the patient's spleen injury was more serious.

In western medicine, human organs can be represented by heart, lung, liver, kidney and brain plus a gastrointestinal tract.

The heart and lung are not separated, representing the respiratory and vascular system, the liver represents secretory immunity, and the kidney can represent the urinary system.

The brain can represent the central nervous system, while the gastrointestinal tract represents the digestive system.

So, which system does the spleen belong to?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen changes water and valley into essence and transports the whole body.

The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic Su Wen said: all dampness and swelling belong to the spleen.

Generally speaking, when a person is swollen, the problem lies in the spleen.

At that time, the ancestors of China did not know whether they opened the plug-in. How did they think of it? Although it was very general, the explanation was also very general.

However, in recent years, western medicine has slowly studied what the spleen is.

Earlier, western scholars believed that the function of spleen was very important in the fetal period. It was the hematopoietic system.

After adulthood, its function is replaced by bone marrow, so it is a useless organ in adults.

In recent years, the function of the spleen has been slowly discovered. First of all, the spleen can continue to make blood when it is not as good as my brother's bone marrow in a critical situation.

It can also filter blood. After human red blood cells age, the spleen will eat these aging red blood cells.

When this function is hyperactive, it not only eats aging red blood cells, but also healthy red blood cells, resulting in refractory anemia.

It also stores blood while eating red blood cells. When the human body is excited or ischemic, it will release the stored blood.

Therefore, the blood comes from the spleen.

There is a more important function: immune response.

After the human body is infected by bacteria or parasites, all kinds of combat factors in the spleen will be released. Moreover, it not only releases combat factors.

For example, Plasmodium, the spleen can eat it like sugar beans. It is a very domineering organ.

So, this thing is actually an armed part of the body.

However, its texture is not very good. It is very fragile. Just like the most fresh and tender water radish, it can definitely fall eight petals if it falls down and crackles.

Although it is hidden under the ribs, it is the most easily damaged and ruptured of all organs.

Moreover, this thing is not only easy to break, but also easy to cause splenectomy as long as it is damaged.

There is a saying in surgery that spleen preservation surgery is soul stirring. It only belongs to a noble surgical textbook and should not appear in the operating room.

The spleen is such a flammable and explosive organ.

In the surgical operating room, the physiological function is the emperor, the shape of the solution is the queen, and the doctor, a mature surgeon, can only be a prince.

All things can only be done secretly with the consent of the emperor and the queen, such as secretly regulating a palace maid.

The shape of the spleen is like the subway in the rush hour of Marubeni. It has a thin coat outside.

Like the body fooling the body, its coat is the thinnest of all organs.

In this thin coat, the spleen tissue is full, just like a plump woman who has to bring a smaller underwear.

I don't know what the body thought at the beginning.

Under this structure, sometimes, let alone deliberate attack, an accident will break it.

In winter, the man pulled his slim girlfriend. As a result, his girlfriend fell in high heels and felt nothing. The woman didn't feel pain at that time.

Walking, half an hour later, the man patted the woman on the back and intimately said that the woman was a little fool.

Intimate slap, a little strength is useless, as a result, slapped his girlfriend in shock!

Scared people can be scared to death. This is because the spleen was broken at the moment of falling, but the clothes outside the spleen were not broken.

When there was more and more bleeding, the clothes couldn't hold on. Poof, the clothes were burst. Like massive bleeding, the blood pressure disappeared instantly.

Therefore, sometimes, such as being rubbed by a car or pushed by a motorcycle from the back.

Many people, careless, pat their ass and say it's okay!

Don't be careless at this time. It's better to go to the hospital for abdominal CT at this time.

Because once the spleen is damaged, it is really difficult to keep the spleen in the operating room.

It's not a top-level third class hospital. I don't dare to think about it.

"The blood pressure is rising! Zhang Yuan, the blood pressure is rising! " The anesthesiologist reported the patient's life state to Zhang Fan at the first time.

"Good! That flower, if there is still bleeding, can you guarantee to maintain the patient's current state? "

Zhang Fan slightly turned his head and asked the flower.

The flower listened, pondered a little, and then had an emergency meeting with several other physicians.

"If the bleeding is not very fierce, it should be OK, but if there is another massive bleeding, the patient's medication threshold is almost at the peak, it is estimated that it will not be maintained."

The flower told Zhang Fan the results of their discussion.

Surgery, especially pay attention to preoperative discussion, such as simple appendix and gallbladder. In the morning meeting, routine surgery.

For other slightly larger operations, whether you are a doctor in the same group or not, as long as you are a doctor in the Department, you should express your opinions at the morning meeting.

However, emergency surgery is not good. For example, now, preserving or cutting the spleen is between Zhang Fan's thoughts.

Is splenectomy difficult? It's too simple. It was almost taken by surgeons more than a hundred years ago.

But what about protecting the spleen?

In terms of the current technology and medical level, the weaker third-class hospitals dare not mention it.

Don't ask, ask is cut.

It's not that doctors are irresponsible. When there is destructive damage to the spleen, cutting the spleen can save life.

But the spleen preservation operation was successful. The operation cost was not cut. The operation cost was high, and the risk was quite high. If it was not done well, the spleen was not saved, and even people could not be saved.

Therefore, the spleen is really a different organ in the human body.

Zhang Fan pondered. This was the first time during the operation.

"Zhang Yuan, if you can't, cut it. The blood transfusion has almost lost thousands of ml. it's too dangerous!"

As an old doctor, Lao Li knows Zhang Fan. He knows what Zhang Fan is hesitating about now.

"Director Zhao, how was their operation?"

Zhang Fan nodded slightly, but still unwilling to ask more.

"Their operation went well. The patient corrected the shock and repaired the blood vessels. Now it's almost over."

The head nurse in the operating room answered at the first time.

"OK, let director Zhao come!" Zhang Fan made up his mind. Since he has the ability, he must make the operation perfect.

Human organs are not leeks. If this thing is cut, it will never regenerate.

Now with conditions and a certain degree of confidence, Zhang Fan decided to do spleen preservation surgery.

Outside the operating room, the patient's family members cried into tears. The parents of the shop owner were holding the little girl and were out of breath.

In the roadway where the incident happened, the boss who bought dried fruit couldn't hold down his heartbeat.

On weekdays, he is a bully by virtue of his strong body, but now he can't hear the sound of metal hitting.

As long as there is a crisp metal impact sound, his urine will rush to his heart, and he can't hold it!

In the operating room, Lao Zhao also went to Zhang Fan's operating table. The director of general surgery is not for nothing. Although the operation is not as good as Zhang Fan, there is still life in his eyes.

Zhang Fan asked Lao Zhao to look at it, too.

"How's it going?"

Zhang Fan asked.

"Zhang Yuan, you can have a try. I'll give you a hand."

"OK! Second, who will help? "

"Zhang Yuan, I'll come!" Although Lao Li supports splenectomy, now the chief knife and director decide to protect the spleen, and he will go all out.

This is the hospital, this is the operating table. The assistant can have opinions or even reserve opinions.

However, when the master knife makes a decision, whether you object or not, you should go all out to complete the master knife's order.

Therefore, a qualified surgeon is very valuable in the Department and even in the hospital.

Internal medicine can discuss around the patient and study medication slowly together, but surgery can't. in a short time, someone must stand up and take the responsibility for what to do and what to do.

Therefore, surgeons pay attention to one inheritance and one up and down, because their experience can be said to be practiced with one human life after another.

"OK, let's go! Spleen preservation begins. "

"Start!" Lao Zhao also bit his teeth and growled in a low voice.

Just like the cry before the charge, the low voice cry makes everyone concentrate.

The wounds of the spleen, like petals and stamens, were displayed in front of them. They started spleen preserving surgery.

The female boss of the eye shop also woke up slowly under the urging of the anesthesiologist.

Looking at the white wall above, her heart was full of regrets, and all kinds of regrets were mixed together.

Tears filled her eyes. Looking at the nurses around her, she didn't even have the courage to ask her husband.

She was afraid to ask, afraid to hear the bad news.

Really, what is hard to buy in this world is regret medicine.