Chapter 1146

"How was his operation?" The tyrant can't understand. He had diarrhea with a knife and tossed his hands. Even if he didn't know what Zhang Fan was going to do, he also knew what Zhang Fan was doing. But now it's different. It's like scratching the air with a knife. It doesn't understand. So he asked.

My personal doctor is now a consultant. Of course, the object of inquiry is Chinese doctors engaged in general foreign studies.

"Well done!" The Chinese doctor said with a pepper in his back alveolar.

"Compared with you?" The local tyrant didn't ask implicitly.

"Well, I, my main direction is not the pancreas!" He felt that his job was going to be broken, but he still kept a trace of luck in his heart. Although he was angry, he still had to bite his teeth to explain this rude problem to the local tyrant.

"Yang Jun, you have to refuel. I heard that Zhang sang is an orthopedic doctor!"

The local tyrant looked back at his private doctor with a slightly ironic look. Sometimes when rich people talk, they are also quite angry. Although others say the truth, they feel particularly uncomfortable when listening to them.

For example, when I make friends, I never look at each other's money. Anyway, I don't have as much money as I do.

Local tyrants at this level have no scruples about ordinary private doctors. In his eyes, if the doctor can't reach the level he needs, he will abandon him. Money and no service?


In the operating room, Zhang Fan scraped his pancreas bit by bit with a knife like a pear. Tumor surgery pays attention to a thorough. That is, the tumor tissue seen by the doctor should be cut off as much as it can be cut. Therefore, during the examination of tumor surgery, the doctor will tell the patient that the tumor is small, that is, three or four centimeters.

Then, after the operation, the doctor took a large lump of meat, almost ten kilograms of meat, and told the patient's family. Look, the tumor has been cut off.

The family members are stupid. Isn't it three or four centimeters? It's almost ten kilograms.

In fact, tumor is like ink dripping on white rice paper. When the instrument is checked, it can only determine the place with the most ink, but this thing has already extended a large area. Moreover, the doctor cannot determine whether the black and gray place belongs to the tumor, if there are no large blood vessels, large nerves or important organs.

It is often better to kill the wrong than let go.

This is a bigger organ, and a smaller organ. Like the pancreas. The patient's tumor is on the tail of the pancreas.

Although Zhang Fan cut more than half of the pancreas, the part close to the pancreatic body still can't guarantee whether he has been infected by the tumor. This thing can't be checked with any instrument. Either wait or rely on the doctor's experience.

Therefore, when close to the pancreatic body, Zhang Fan was not soft. According to his practice in the system. This kind of operation must be cut like a radish, so that the catheter in the pancreas can be closed only when it is clear and normal.

Ben Shuyou looked at Zhang Fan's operation and his frown stretched“ I think we can cooperate with Dr. Zhang! And still deep cooperation. "

Many chaebols listened, although they didn't speak, they already had a bottom in their hearts. Who is Ben Shuyou? Although the old man has not yet reached the top, he is much more famous than the old man in the medical field of Marubeni. Of course, the old man later lived up to the people of Marubeni. Eight years later, this guy won a Nobel Prize for cancer treatment.

This award is absolutely heavy. Unlike the Nobel Prize in medical physiology in other biological fields, he directly improved the level of cancer treatment. Among the top scientists, marukuo can really laugh at China's.

How old was Mrs. Tu when she won the prize, and she could work for a few more years, but there were too many people in her fifties who reached the top of marukuo. In the field of scientific research, the age of 50 is still golden.

When Ben Shuyou spoke, the private trio on the local tyrant's side was stupid“ Isn't he an orthopedic doctor? "

"Yes!" The one from Bangzi country also wondered.

"I don't know. I didn't expect him to have pancreatic surgery!"

The Chinese is crying.

"Don't you know?" The chat of the three people was heard by a doctor who went to cooperate with the tea vegetable country. Jingdong University, rice growing universities, and many universities have brought doctors cooperating in tea to observe Zhang Fan's operation this time.

"Know what?" Asked the MARUKI doctor of the private trio.

"Although he is an orthopedic doctor, he is the third generation disciple of Qiu sect in China. Do you know Qiu sect?"

The doctor has a great interest in telling them.

As soon as these words were said, the three people looked at each other, and they could see each other's expression of being a fool in their eyes.

Choose around, choose a person's ability to be the doorman.

"How could he be a disciple of Qiu sect? Didn't he graduate from a primary school in a remote area of Northwest China? Aren't all the Qiu sect disciples in the south? "

Chinese private doctors really want to cry.

When the tumor is removed, the operation is much faster because the difficulty is over.

"Dean Zhang, your level of pancreatic surgery is also very high." The assistant smiled and said to Zhang Fan.

Several people haven't spoken since the operation, because they know that Zhang Fan is like a tyrant. He doesn't speak and doesn't let others speak. After half a year of tea, they have been used to this Zhang style surgical atmosphere.

At this time, the operation is almost over, and everyone is living.

"Hehe, not yet! The liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen are not separated. My master also said, "let me work more on the pancreas."

Zhang Fan said modestly.

Seeing that Zhang Fan didn't want to do any research on the liver and gallbladder, Lu suggested that Zhang Fan develop towards the pancreas. But there are too few patients with catechin pancreas. It doesn't mean that the northwest people have good eating habits. The main reason is that the population of catechin is too small, and there are relatively few such diseases.

"Oh, ha ha!" Jingdong's director doesn't know what to say.


"Zhang sang, hard work!"

After the operation, Zhang Fan accompanied the patient to the intensive ICU. After the doctors treated the patient for postoperative recovery, he came out of the ICU.

At this time, the local tyrant found Zhang Fan with an old man.

"No hard work, no hard work, there's nothing hard about it. During the operation, I suddenly felt that your bowl was very good! "

"Well!" The sweat is coming down. I've never seen such a naked doctor. Even if his personal doctor is no matter what, he is not so bright and generous, and there is no way to convergence.

"Hehe, don't worry. Don't worry. I'll have you packed and sent to the hotel later. Then you can be invited to the meatball country later... "

"In fact, I'm a good talker. You don't understand. When you understand, you'll find that I'm easy to deal with. The cost of this operation will be covered with your bowl. I'm really busy. It's inconvenient to come to Tokyo in the future. If you really want to invite me.

Well, I think the vase in your house is also good! "

The local tyrants think the Chinese people are too black hearted.

"This is the chief scientist of cancer in our country, Mr. Ben Shuyou. He wants to talk to you." The local tyrant quickly interrupted Zhang Fan. He can give money, but he really can't bear to collect those things.

During the war years, some people counted that the best batch of antiques flowing out of China went to Marubeni. Although his family is not a top antique, it is also a second top. For example, the bowl was used by the imperial court in the Song Dynasty. The vase Zhang Fan called is even more unusual.

He began to regret that he took Zhang Fan to see his collection. He really couldn't figure it out. Obviously, a doctor who didn't understand anything chose the most expensive one in his collection.

In fact, Zhang Fan didn't know that it was expensive. In the idea of not suffering losses, the vase he asked for was big, so he thought it should be more expensive if it was bigger!


Ben Shuyou smiled and watched Zhang Fan cut down the local tyrant. At his level, he can see through more things. There are not many things you care about.

In his eyes, a doctor of this level can do nothing too much.

"Hello, Dr. Zhang! I'm a professor of medicine at Kyoto University. " The old man bowed slightly.

Zhang Fan quickly bowed back. To tell the truth, he couldn't stand such an old man bowing to him after his childhood education.

"Hello, hello." Zhang Fan doesn't know much about the old man, because the old man is now a scientist in meatball country.

Just like the local tyrants, although they are all local tyrants, everyone is familiar with the richest man, but the local tyrants below the richest man are not particularly worried. Who wants to know if he eats with a golden bowl.

"Mr. benshuyou has won the honor of foreign academician of the Academy of Sciences of Jinmao country, and is also the head of the Kyoto Medical Chemistry Research Office. He is currently working with scholars of Jinmao country to study the treatment of negative tumors."

The director of Jingdong University, the first assistant of Zhang Fan's operation, quickly explained to Zhang Fan.

During the half year cooperation with Zhang Fan, he was also confused. Zhang Fan's level was really high, but he seemed to be a lame, a clinical Superman, but in scientific research, he was a master's level, which seemed a little flattered.

Therefore, sometimes, the director is confused. Is this his talent, or does he pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

Zhang Fan doesn't know whether to treat negativity or positivity. Because this has reached the genetic level, he has not even entered the scientific research door, so he generally doesn't pay attention to this top research.

It's no use trying. He doesn't understand. At present, the basic clinical disciplines of the system have not been fully opened.

However, he knows that this old man is awesome. If Qiu always has a divine presence in the clinical field of China, this old man is estimated to be the top presence in the ball country in terms of scientific research.

"Oh, oh, old man, nice to meet you." How brilliant Zhang Fan smiles.

He took the old man's hand and shook it like a little wolf dog when he saw a meat bun.

The old man is also lovely. Seeing that Zhang Fan is so enthusiastic, although he is not used to it, he still lets Zhang Fan hold his hand.

"Zhang sang, I'd like to ask you a favor."

"You're welcome. Just call me Xiao Zhang. I'm not qualified to be a student in your position in the scientific community. You're too polite. If you have anything to tell me."

Zhang Fan's smile is not a passion. The local tyrant standing on one side scolded his mother“ I give you millions, millions, you don't even have a smiling face! I don't have a card! "

Director of Jingdong University, looking at Zhang Fan's smiling face at this time, he remembered the old lady who was far away in tea.

This smiling face is too familiar to him.

Because in the tea vegetable country, they let the old lady be a donkey. They not only have surgery, go to the laboratory, but also go to the clinic, but also take students. Even every pill doctor who goes to the tea vegetable country has to give lectures regularly.