Chapter 1380

Chasu is estimated to be a city with a relatively late huaguotong train. Zhang Fan remembers that when he came to chasu after graduation, the railway had not been opened until the end of the Olympic Games. At that time, many parents took their children to take the train.

I didn't do anything. I slept on the train for one night. The next day I strolled on the bird market bus. After drinking yogurt, I slept for another night to return to tea. Before taking the train, the children chattered excitedly.

Keep asking how the train purrs.

The distance between tea and bird market is not long, only 600 kilometers. But the train will run all night.

Hundreds of kilometers of trains here not only run fast, but also made great efforts when they were built. It is said that when it was built, several stans around protested several times.

Ah San, in particular, clamored that trains could pull anti-aircraft guns and that railway construction carried anti-aircraft guns. Zhang Fan didn't pay much attention to what Huaguo said at that time, but there was no news later. Anyway, the train was through.

Don't look at the train running slowly, but the living habits of tea vegetable people have changed greatly. First of all, the long-distance bus is the kind of fully closed sleeper car that Zhang Fan made when he came to tea.

It's better in winter. In summer, the bus with rhinitis can smoke you out. First of all, there's no business. Who still takes your bus all night? It's smelly and expensive.

So all the buses, 30 or 40 people, have become Iveco.

Iveco has less than seven seats, the speed is unlimited, and the driver doesn't have to take a photo anymore, as long as he is an old driver who can drive.

Therefore, on the highway, sometimes Iveco, a tea vegetable running in the bird market, is like a small plane one by one, not running too fast, but flying too low.

In addition, during the peak tourism season, these small planes have changed into a tourism through train. Often at this time, old drivers are not enough. At this time, anyone with a driver's license will be pulled by the tourism company to rob money.

However, tea is a pastoral area. In those years, a cadre from a coastal province had a car accident. Later, the government issued a painful order directly. At a certain level or at a certain level, driving is not allowed and can only be driven by local drivers.

Because the pastoral area is very special, even the train to Tibet has to make way for the Tibetan antelope. The expressway on the side of tea vegetable should leave a transition channel after entering Tianshan Mountain.

In fact, it is to leave an access channel for sheep, cattle and horses in the mountains at the intersection of the expressway, so that people can go from east to west.

This kind of channel, whenever it is a pastoral area, will have, which is also a regional feature.

But foreign drivers don't know. Seeing the signs of cattle, horses and sheep on the roadside of the expressway, I thought the traffic control reminded passengers to watch the grassland herds!

No, Zhang Fan, when they entered the hinterland of Tianshan Mountain, they saw a car accident in the distance.

"Slow down! Stop at the back of the vehicle in front, play double flashing and put on the warning sign! Yang Hong, call the nearby hospital and the nearby traffic police. Xiao Chen, call the vehicles behind and ask them to pull over. Get ready to save people! " Zhang Fan stood up and saw a car accident in the distance.

"Good!" The driver didn't speak, but the car had flashed.

Ouyang looked at the car accident ahead and regretted that he didn't drive an ambulance in order to force and take advantage of it. To tell the truth, the collective travel of hospitals is generally ambulances. After all, they are their own vehicles.

It's the level of tea vegetable hospital that dominates others' Koster.

"Dean, no signal!" Yang Hong is almost crying.

However, fortunately, the drivers driving for the government were all retired auto soldiers. When they saw the head car double flashing to the side, they didn't need to inform them and directly followed double flashing to the side.

Zhang Fan's head hummed as soon as he heard that there was no signal. He was not afraid of the wounded, but how long the accident had happened.

In the valley, there is a ditch between the two mountains. Looking at the mountains on both sides narrowly, only a few eagles fly overhead. There are also patches of virgin forests, where there are small waterfalls impacted by snow mountains.

Therefore, there is a drinking point for animal husbandry transfer, but the terrain of this place is too tangled. There is no telephone signal. You have to choose this place if you can't tell where the car accident is.

"Hurry up!" Zhang Fan urged. Koster's horsepower is OK. With a moo, he can push his back.

The closer he got, the deeper Zhang Fan's heart sank. He saw a woman, with one shoe on and the other barefoot, standing in the middle of the road, jumping like crazy to stop the car.

Far away, on the highway, you can obviously see a large piece of red meat, as well as a large piece of blood, black and red, reflecting a strange color light in the sun.

The people in the car are all ready in the car. They are going to participate in the martial arts competition. They have everything with them.

"I'm carrying an electrocardiogram. Who can help me carry a defibrillator!" The flower shouted anxiously, because she can't get the equipment in the heart of a cardiologist alone. Other departments are one department and one department has become a group.

Just the flower, a person with a stethoscope, an ECG and a defibrillator under his feet.

"Yang Hong, now you belong to the Department of Cardiology. I hope you haven't forgotten your internal medicine skills!" Zhang Fan shouted loudly.

"Yes! Not forgotten! " With that, Yang Hong put down her mobile phone and took off her shoes while walking. She took off her dress that was supposed to appear in front of her peers in the bird market. Directly put on the small white shoes with flat bottom and put on the white coat.

The action is so quick. The agility of taking off shoes, skirts and coats shows that she is still a doctor and a physician who has participated in rescue for many times.

"Small white shoes are still comfortable!" I don't know why, Yang Hong, who changed her shoes, suddenly had this feeling in her heart!

"Xue Fei took the orthopedic group and moved away from the patient near the center of the road for the first time."

"Copy that!"

"Xue Xiaoqiao, take the outside of your brain and deal with the comatose patients at the first time."

"Copy that!"

"That flower, take it with you. Do a good job in medical rescue. Have you brought enough cardiotonic and anesthetic?"

"Report, there are 50 cardiotonics and diuretics in the rescue bag!"

"Bayin, have you brought the anesthetic?"

"It is reported that only lidocaine and other drugs are narcotic drugs..."

Zhang Fan's heart is slightly lowered, and lidocaine is lidocaine. At this time, lidocaine is already very powerful, and he can't expect it any more.

The car quickly stopped behind the car in the accident.

As soon as the door opened, a doctor in a white coat jumped out of the car.

Moreover, it was just the early morning sun, slanting through the gap in the forest, and the light hit the white coat. The white coat was so white and flawless, so quiet and stable.

The crazy women standing in the middle of the road really think they have lost their eyes. What kind of life is this? There was an accident. As a result, the first car was stopped and more than a dozen doctors came down.

Really, the woman didn't believe it and rubbed her eyes. The woman with a bloody face looked again. It was really a doctor.

"Wow!" With a cry, I burst into tears“ Help! Help! The car overturned. "

Ouyang took Xiao Chen. One was old and frail. Zhang Fan didn't arrange work. The other was not clinical.

But who is Ouyang? He has presided over more rescue and disaster relief than Zhang Fan has seen. Take Xiao Chen directly and pull the crying woman in the middle of the road to the roadside.

Zhang Fan and them set out directly. The driver of Koster followed behind with a stretcher. At this time, there was no complaint.

Really, Chinese people are particularly good at this. When they encounter bad things, they tend to unite more people and are often willing to reach out more.

Perhaps this is the unique nature of a nation.

"Come on!"

When they ran to the car, Zhang Fan directly smoked on Iveco's wheels. From the rollover trace to the parking position, a large area of sheep and cattle were crushed under the car, and the blood flow was like a river.

Broken limbs and rotten meat are not human!

In the sun, mutton was roasted on the road. The smell of hair, blood, fat and leaked gasoline trapped in the river valley was extremely bad. It's like a naughty boy who uses a lighter to ignite foam.

"There's someone at the head of the express, Jack!"

"There are people in the car. No, the window is deformed and stuck in it!"

The non-stop accident report was passed to Zhang Fan's ear. Zhang Fan was busy rescuing while trying to find a way.

At this moment, Ouyang asked Xiao Chen to comfort the woman. She took the red flag, the red flag on the window of Koster's car, and pulled it off when she asked the old lady to get off.

At this time, the old lady holding a red flag stopped the car on the road!

Here comes a car.

"What's the matter? Can I help you? " The car stopped and the people inside wanted to get off.

"Don't get out of the car. Now drive out of the valley. When there is a signal, call the local hospital and traffic police. Say that there is a major accident here. You'd better call the tea vegetable hospital. I'm Ouyang Hong from the tea plant hospital. Let them shoot the operating car. Hurry! "

"OK, you pay attention to safety!" The driver looked at the gray haired old lady with admiration, and then ran quickly out of the river valley.

The old lady continued to stop the car.

Four big cars carrying heavy cars slowly stopped.

"Come on, Jack, iron bar and other tools. The wounded in front are stuck in the car. I need help now. "

"Right away, there are tools in the car. We'll come now. Don't worry, old lady."

Then the driver or co driver in the truck, carrying a jack and a crowbar, ran towards the scene of the accident one by one, like a charging warrior, carrying tools.

"Child, child, get the child out first and save my child!" On the side of a side window, a young woman, bleeding and dying, sent her two-year-old child out of the window with both hands!

"Hold on, you must hold on. We are the doctors of tea vegetarians and the best doctors. You must hold on. Open your eyes and don't sleep quickly. Your child needs a mother. You must hold on!"

While Zhang Fan took the child, he asked Ma Yichen to stick to the child, while Zhang Fan put his hand into the child's mother's lower abdomen, pressed the bleeding point, and shouted to the child's mother.