Chapter 1441

To be honest, once energy is involved, it is really easy to make rich. For example, a piece of cloth on top of my head is my richest oil country in the world. In the early years, NIMA didn't have enough water to drink. When there were camels and multiparous sheep, who would have thought they could be today.

It's the same everywhere. For example, in the residential areas of China's major oil bases, ordinary people outside feel that the quality of people here is really high and the welfare here is good. Has it reached a certain doctrine.

There are coal bosses in the west of the mountain and roujiamo. For ordinary people, the one in the west of the mountain is more famous, because big fat bear married a beauty who only wanted to marry once a year.

Of course, there are also negative examples, such as the fishing gate in Jiangsu Province, and barren ghosts are afraid. But the oil workers in Jiangsu Province are still good. Many later oil fields are fishermen who go out.

When he learned about the two options of the capital and tea, the family of the coal boss immediately began to contact the doctors he knew, as well as the partners in the capital and bird market to inquire about the orthopedic doctors.

Contacts started at this time. Many people think it's good for NIMA to have money. They can inquire everywhere. In fact, if the boss of this size is placed in Jinmao, there is no need to inquire. Many top hospitals in Jinmao are membership.

Is to pay sponsorship fees to the hospital every year. Many people think that golden hair medical treatment is good and the level is high. To tell the truth, it is true that the level is high, but ordinary people may not be able to enjoy it. The simplest, Mayo, no, No.

The leaders who attend the charity party at the end of each year can enjoy priority treatment, even pay a little more, and enjoy the scientific research team specially established for you. In China, these local tyrants have to ask who did the operation.

This is the difference. This is the difference between service objects. Many local tyrants get their hukou to a street city, in fact, in order to enjoy preferential treatment and many-to-one medical security provided by the expert group.

Try it in other cities in China. NIMA will check whether you have evaded taxes first. This is really a good policy for ordinary people. Of course, money is better than no money, which is also a fact.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm Wang Qian of Muxian county. My husband had a car accident. The injury was very serious. The experts here suggested transferring to another hospital and gave two choices, one is the capital and the other is tea. I want to ask, do you know the experts of tea, especially in orthopedics."

President Zhao, the boss of blue and white, this enterprise is just like the primary school students required by the state in the past, with all-round development. From energy to real estate, from real estate to culture and sports, it is really all-round development.

As soon as Mr. Zhao heard it, he thought it was the same value. What Lao Zhao thought was not that the other party was dead or alive. What came out of his subconscious mind for the first time was: "this NIMA can't be a conspiracy!"

"I know the Zhang Hospital of tea vegetable. I can contact Mr. Gan if necessary." Lao Zhao didn't tell the truth. Zhang Fan is too familiar with him. His father's liver cancer operation was done by Zhang Fan.

Why didn't Lao Zhao tell the truth, because the water in it is too deep. Who can know what's going on with Lao Gan? Moreover, the streets are full of white when his wife is dead and no one buries his master when he is dead, which has been the case since ancient times.

This is also the reason why Zhang Fan has a closer relationship with the winery boss, but has a general relationship with Lao Zhao, who has a larger body. The winery boss is relatively more like an individual and an ordinary person.

When Lao Zhao said this, the other party didn't tangle. After two polite sentences, he hung up the phone. Then continue to ask others, other reliable people.

"Zhang Fan, President of tea vegetable hospital, orthopedic doctor, studied under academician Lu of puwai..."

Looking at Zhang Fan's resume, the families of boss Gan in Mumu county were stunned. This is not the younger generation of academicians. Let's go through the back door and be the Dean!

It seems that it's not reliable to ask outsiders. Finally, I don't know how to contact an insider in the capital.

"Let me put it this way. The Xue family's children had an accident in tea vegetable the year before last. At that time, president Zhang was in charge of the operation. Shuitanzi and the moderate orthopedic boss went to work as assistants for others. As for the level of operation, I can only say that they are very strong."

You say there are coal mines everywhere. Why can people finally become black * *? "Go to tea! Let's go now!"

"Go to the capital! Tea is not as good as our Wood County!" boss Gan's brother thought his sister-in-law had an idea.

Money is the cause of trouble. Sometimes more money may not be a good thing. Looking at her little brother-in-law, Wang Qian felt cold.

But the housewife at the top of the door was not for nothing. "Lao Gan is not dead yet. Even if Lao Gan is dead, he also has a son!" with sharp teeth and sharp lips, without saying a word, he directly chartered a plane to go to tea.

Because she knows very well that she may not be able to find the corresponding experts in the capital at the first time, but when tea goes, she can directly find Zhang Fan. More importantly, the only son of the Xue family is Zhang Fan, not to mention her husband.

As for the brother-in-law whose eyes twinkle in front of him, to tell the truth, although he can't be said to be a rich second generation, the children who grow up by their husband always have less responsibility, but more ambition.

Although boss Gan was a local tyrant and informed the tea vegetable hospital in advance, the tea vegetable hospital did not take this matter seriously. Let alone the dean's pick-up, even 120 are booked through the emergency platform.

However, the rich are rich after all. Many frontier bosses who are still cooperating have come to tea.

Zhang Fan had to give a unified reception. It's not that Zhang Fan dislikes poverty and loves wealth, but because Zhang Fan owes others. At the beginning of the disaster relief, the medical team could not enter the disaster area. The local tyrants in the frontier sent the off-road vehicles they could borrow to the tea vegetable hospital one by one.

At the beginning, several cars were damaged, and Zhang Fan was not allowed to compensate. He left without saying a word. This is human kindness. Although it is for the country and the disaster area, it is their own initiative to borrow from each other.

After a meal with these local tyrants, it didn't take Zhang Fan to arrange. Then the frontier health department sent a letter directly. Old man Zhong asked for tea!

According to the conventional saying, the former doctors in China were not well-known. For example, is Zhang Fan's master famous? To tell you the truth, I'm not usually engaged in this business. Who wants to know what the old man is doing.

The doctor who really let everyone know is estimated to be old man Zhong. In 2003, the old man was desperate. Sometimes, especially at certain moments, dare to tell the truth and have the ability to solve problems.

It's really a hero.

The reason why the old man came to the frontier this time is that the catechin flu is special, and the most important thing is that the treatment methods of the catechin hospital are very timely and the response measures are particularly appropriate. A city of hundreds of thousands of people can not only deal with the flu but also deal with the mumps carried with the flu in a week without asking for help.

This ability, not to mention general hospitals, several hospitals directly under the site can reach this level.

When they learned that the old man was coming, the doctors in the tea vegetable department, especially the respiratory and infectious diseases department, walked three points higher than before.

And Lao Ju, NIMA wears a suit every day. I don't know. I thought this guy was going to get married again.

"Don't take the estimated data, I need basic data!" Zhang Fan stood at the door of the respiratory department and didn't understand Lao Ju's Kazakh English for a long time. When I entered the Department, darling, all the people in the Department kept looking at and copying the cases.

"What is this?" Zhang Fan asked. People who don't know think their superiors are going to check the cases. They concentrate their time on Revising the cases.

This is definitely not a joke. For example, if a hospital wants to attack the signboard of grade three, it must first deal with the inspection expert group at the level of case. The case is not based on your past one or two years, but directly in recent ten years.

Therefore, when reporting, many hospitals first organize a large number of doctors to modify cases.

"Academician Zhong's coming must depend on our data. Alas, the hospital had no habit of summarizing before, and there was no corresponding data in the computer network center, so I mobilized the doctors in the Department to summarize the epidemic clinical data in recent 30 years.

Many cases are incomplete. The more distant the data is, the more unclear it is. Hey! "

As soon as Zhang Fan heard this, he felt a sense of admiration for the old house. According to Zhang Fan's idea, shouldn't Lao Ju be busy with his own things or achievements these two days? His head is smooth.

As a result, people reorganized the epidemiological clinical data in the tea element area. This is the doctor in China, and this is the old residence of the tea element hospital.

Face, this guy wants to wear a suit that he probably doesn't want to wear at ordinary times, but the rest is all for work!

"Hard work!" Zhang Fan sighed softly.

"What's the matter? This is our original work. We didn't do well in the past and didn't have that condition. However, Dean, I think you still need to snack on this data center. Otherwise, if you look at these cases, the data is incomplete."

"Don't we have a network center?" Zhang Fan was nervous.

"Which is a brand? We can't repair the computer ourselves. The Dean can't bear to let the children get the wolf. When it's time to spend money, we still have to spend it!"

Zhang Fan was originally very moved. At this time, NIMA was only vigilant. "There are always crafty people thinking of Lao Tzu's small Treasury!"

Lao Zhong and his party are very low-key. Except for the accompanying personnel sent by the frontier health department, there are no other irrelevant personnel. In fact, when the old man's golden body is brushed, he knows how powerful the old man is.

First, when they entered the ward, the families did not know the specific situation, so they watched the president of a hospital accompany a doctor who was not an old man to make a ward round.

"The resident director's respiratory department is powerful! When the capital was separated, it was not quite. Now the resident director's respiratory development is more powerful than many capital hospitals."

The old man looked at the bed ventilator without money, and looked at the code of artificial lung in the respiratory ICU. He said that it was false if he was not shocked.

This NIMA is too rich!

He is rich and wants to borrow some.

The old resident in the capital was also a front-line staff, especially in the intensive care unit. However, he was a little transparent at that time, because he was in charge of the intensive care, and discussed the patient's situation with old man Zhong.

Unexpectedly, the old man remembered him and called out his name at once.

Lao Ju's meticulous hair is trembling, and his lips are trembling. His already fluent Mandarin is even scarred.

Zhang Fan glanced at the old house. "NIMA, this guy is still very modest. Why is NIMA proud like a rooster in a hen flock in the hospital?"