Chapter 1515

Gulina Zha's walking is trembling. Zhang Fan is not curious about the things in her anatomy, let alone pay attention to them. If Na Zha says she has rich and fierce research results, it is estimated that Zhang Fan will be a little interested. He directly called Ouyang for this oil thing that is anti ultraviolet and anti freezing.

To tell you a bad story, it is estimated that among the military representatives stationed outside the army in China, the tea vegetable hospital is the most sad. The military representatives of other enterprises have really good treatment and high status. But it's different at the tea vegetable hospital.

Even party a can't count. Sometimes when assessing or practicing any subjects at the end of the year, Ouyang is asked to let the rescue helicopter of tea vegetable hospital go out for a few days.

Therefore, although the troops stationed in the tea vegetable hospital are not under local management, Ouyang still has a great voice. Zhang Fan is not very involved. He thinks others are professional. He can't even count two knives, so there's no need to get involved.

But Ouyang, an old lady, likes to carry guns. I often supervise people's running exercises early in the morning. Really, when a group of young men run, they have to hide and wait for Ouyang, otherwise the old lady can't keep up.

"Zhang Yuan, won't our hospital hold a winter sports meeting? It's said that the garrison will carry out armed cross-country training in a few days." Gulinaza finished his business and chatted with Zhang Fan.

Among all the department directors, there are not many directors who can chat with Zhang Fan at will. The directors who used to joke with Zhang Fan now dare not. However, gulina Zha has not changed much. Except for the change of name, there has been no change in others.

"Why, you also want to participate. Let the European Academy say that you will run with them at that time, not to mention taking a ranking. You can follow the whole process. I will decide this year's model worker for you." Zhang Fan turned over the latest data while talking nonsense with gulina.

"Cut!" Guli rolled her eyes and made a disdainful voice. "I don't want to be an official. Just two bags of rice flour oil. What's the meaning? When has the tea vegetable government been generous? I want to lose weight!"

"All right, go and be busy if you have nothing to do! There are many patients in the Department. No, you can't go to the clinic!" Zhang Fan is impatient.

"Do you want to do long-distance running in winter? People have long-distance running marathons in big cities every year. At least we are provincial hospitals now. We should keep pace with the times!"

Gulee is not afraid of Zhang Fan. At the beginning, Zhang Fan was embarrassed. She took it out to people from time to time.

"Ha ha!" Zhang Fan looked up at Guli, then smiled and shook his head.

Gulina Zha was not happy, "why, look down on people?"

"Director Gu, you are not from orthopedics and may not be familiar with human muscles. I suggest you don't run any marathons. You're not fat and very rich."

"Why not? I'm a surgeon anyway. Don't look down on people."

"Then you are not familiar with marathon!" Zhang Fan said helplessly.

"Why not? Why not? When I was young, I won the long-distance running champion in school. It's just that you don't have time to toss in recent years."

Zhang Fan is helpless. If you don't press her, she can go to your head.

"Well, I'll tell you a set of data. This is sent to me by Professor beiti kinematics. I'll read it for you."

Then Zhang Fan opened a paper from the computer and looked at Guli. Guli thought Zhang Fan looked at something, but she wasn't sure.

"One of the causes of adult women's disease after long-distance running. When adult women participate in the 50km marathon, the chest fluctuation distance of grade C women can reach 4km. For the suspensory ligament of the breast, it can cause irreparable damage. If it is light, it will cause sagging, and if it is heavy, it will cause aseptic inflammation in the fiber bundle between the fascia of pectoralis major!"

"What a broken Professor!" After saying that gulina Zha was unwilling to stand up and scolded, and then left. Zhang Fangang wanted to look down at the data. Gulina Zha came in again, "I don't believe it. Send me the paper!"

Then he slammed the door and left with a blush. As he walked, he held his chest with both hands, and then said to himself: no wonder it sagged. I thought it was

Gulina Zha left, and Zhang Fan continued to look at the recent gallbladder data. Sometimes, it's really unexpected to inadvertently insert Liu Chengyin.

With the development of winter training, the frontier military and police have all entered the deep mountains and forests for live ammunition drills. Zhang Fan once heard that there are death places for such drills.

Sometimes think about it, is your work tired? I'm tired, but compared with a group of young guys who protect our country, what's my point.

Ouyang didn't know how to be fooled by gulina. Several dermatologists and Ouyang directly followed the army into the mountain. They didn't say hello to Zhang Fan when they left. When they entered the mountain, they asked the tea officer to inform Zhang Fan.

They said they followed the team into the mountain to test the effect of frost resistance.

When Zhang Fan asked where he had gone, people didn't tell him it was a military secret.

What Zhang Fan sighs is not Ouyang's escape from work, but what to do once something happens at such an old age.

In a week's time, Ouyang came out of the mountain. Ouyang took gulinaza directly into Zhang Fan's office. Zhang Fan looked and said, oh, what he knew was that you went to test. What he didn't know was that you were going to wear minks.

Ouyang is a little better. It's nothing to put on a coat, but gulina's fat body puts on a black and yellow fur coat. From the back, it really looks like a bear blind. Zhang Fan mutters in his heart that he is not afraid to be treated as a bear for you biubiu!

"This kind of thing, let us young people go. Why do you join in the fun?" Zhang Fan was not very happy and said a word to Ouyang.

Ouyang did not refute, but said to Zhang Fan with a smile: "the effect is very good. Every year, there are layoffs due to frostbite of hands and feet. There is none this year, especially the wrapping of oil, which is directly equivalent to the production of an effective isolation area."

"There is no such exaggeration. The temperature this year is not higher than that in previous years!" Zhang Fan didn't believe it and took the composition list in Guli's hand. Since Li Cunhou came to tea, Zhang Fan has not been very concerned about burns and skin.

I don't know that they even set up a scientific research team in their own department. While Zhang Fan watched, gulina chatted, "President Li inspired us. He said that it was too cold here in winter, which would damage the capillaries of the face. If there was a special antifreeze skin care product, it would be much better.

Later, we thought about it. We are no longer a small department. How can some departments even academicians not have their own scientific research projects? Therefore, we carried out our own research and development with the doctor in the golden mean dermatology department of tea element. "

"What department's small Treasury, that is, the scientific research reserve reserved for each department!" Zhang Fan glanced at gulinaza. There are some things that can't be said, such as the coffers of tea and vegetable departments, and even the coffers of hospitals.

Everyone knows this, but Zhang Fan never admits it. When he asks, he is the reserve for scientific research. You have a name for this thing. You can, but if it's really a small Treasury, there must be superiors to urge reform.

"Yes, yes, yes, scientific research reserve. Zhang Yuan is smart!" Gulinaza is in a good mood. I thought I could have a scientific research project team. Don't let other departments look down on it. The result is really good.

"Li Yuan, if you are busy, come to my office." Zhang Fan asked Ouyang and gulinaza to have a rest, and then called Li Cunhou directly.

Before long, Li Cunhou came. Looking at the ingredients list of protective oil in Zhang Fan's hand, he was surprised and asked gulina Zha, "did it come out so soon?"

"Not only did they do it, but they encouraged the European Academy to let the training team try it out!"

Old Li Leng, this is a little bold! If it doesn't work, the training will be reimbursed.

But now that it has been successful, needless to say. "Yes, yes, unexpectedly, unexpectedly!"

"What now?" Zhang Fan asked.

Ouyang, who was sitting on one side, was not happy. "What should I do? The logistics director of the Garrison has reported it to the police and said he wants to purchase."

Zhang Fan covered his forehead. "My European Academy depends on which crucible in the laboratory. How many kilograms can you supply!"

"If I had a way, I would have given birth long ago and come to you?"

Zhang Fan looked at Li Cunhou, and Li Cunhou left his hand: "it's supposed to be the golden mean for you, but the doctor of the golden mean has given advice on this ingredient list. You can give it to the golden mean for your production. I think we will suffer!"

Lao Li's family has always been a scholar's temperament. Since he came to tea, those affected began to calculate.

Zhang Fan thought about it. He originally wanted to give it to the doctrine of the mean, but Lao Li said, he immediately interrupted the idea, "yes, give it to the doctrine of the mean, and you will directly become a beggar and enter the main room. The owner can't help it. Wait for me to ask first. There's really no way to say it."

Then Zhang Fan called the boss of the bird market in front of Lao Li and them. At the time of disaster relief, Zhang Fan met many bosses. They gave the car to people without saying a word, and didn't ask for a little return. Zhang Fan felt very sorry.

"Mr. Mo, ha ha, why? It's like this. I've made a report on logistics and want to purchase, but we don't have production capacity. If you don't mind the small list, you can do it."

At the beginning, the other party heard Zhang Fan say that he had protective oil, but he didn't take it personally. He directly said that he helped Zhang Fan do it, and didn't want any processing fee. If there was no processing fee, Zhang Fan would just give them raw materials.

As a result, when Zhang Fan said that the Army wanted to purchase, he paid attention to it and directly told Zhang fan that he would buy air tickets to tea now.

Mr. Mo is also a strange man. It is said that his family's ancestors were religious. In his generation, the goods didn't believe in religion, and they almost broke off relations with his family. When he was young, this guy traveled everywhere. Later, he made fatty alcohol for some enterprises in the frontier.


"Good stuff! This is good stuff. I'll give you the agent for our cooperation. But we need to add some high quality flavors."

In the evening, Mr. Mo killed the tea vegetable. With a beard on his face, he said he was Han and a strange man.

"This thing makes money?"

"My God, this can definitely make a lot of money. If it's done, it may make more money than your tea vegetable hospital! Now there are two ways, one is to hang the brand of moderation and follow the scientific and technological route, and the other is to find a foreign half dead enterprise and take a foreign brand. In the future..."

"Which makes more money?" Zhang Fan is not worried about the future. He is worried about making more money.

After struggling with gulina Zha for a long time, Zhang Fan wants to take half of the profits, and the rest is divided by President Mo, dermatology and Li Cunhou, who gave important opinions at that time. Anyway, Zhang Fan, no matter how they do it, takes shares in technical patents and pays dividends every year.

Guli looked as if she had suffered a big loss. She couldn't find her eyes on Zhang Fan's smiling face in the office. She didn't expect Zhang Fan to directly let the department participate in the dividend. She thought Zhang Fan would only give some bonuses, but she didn't expect to participate in the dividend directly!

Guri swayed up and down and trotted all the way to the Department.