19 Chapter 18 - End of the Game?

I couldn't change the plot. I wasn't that I didn't want to, but that just like Kirito, I wasn't strong enough. Yui ended being stored in Kirito's NerveGear and we later killed the King of Lakes. It was all peaceful until we heard the news that half of the scout team was wiped in the 75th boss room.

"In the end, we have to go fight?" (Zhong Yuan)

"As members of the KoB, we have to attend this! This is the third checkpoint in the game after the 25th and 50th and you know how dangerous those floor bosses were!" (Asuna)

"Calm down guys!" (Kirito)

Knowing it was the end soon, I asked Kirito.

"Kirito and Asuna, before this can we have a 2 vs 1?"

"Huh!" (Both)

"I know you are stronger than me, but I don't think you can handle us both." (Kirito)

"You won't even last a minute." (Asuna)

"Just accept it." (Zhong Yuan)

Wondering if my skill was good enough to beat Kayaba, I wanted to test myself against this duo. Sending them a letter, they both accept and the countdown started.

"Just saying before it starts, good luck!" (Zhong Yuan)

"You too." (Both)

The countdown reached zero and Kirito and Asuna both started the offense by launching themselves. I reach for my katana and mutter my my highest skill.

"Unyou: Lighting!"

This attack launched Kirito's Dark Repulser off his hand. Asuna, suprised, easily collects her calm and starts a skill.

"Quadruple Pain!"

I get a short knife from my belt and redirect all her quick stabs. Asuna, not knowing what to do, moves back and regroups with Kirito who got his sword back on his hand.

"I think I never saw Zhong Yuan this strong!" (Asuna)

"He's broken!" (Kirito)

"I'm coming for you now! Tsujikaze!" (Zhong Yuan)

Kirito and Asuna back off, realizing my STR value was ridiculously high. I sheath back my sword and go to a drawing pose. I close my eyes and use my heightened senses to feel them moving. Feeling Kirito in the front and Asuna above, I abruptly open my eyes and use two skills at the same time.

"Rerugan! Iai!"

I throw a ball similar to a rasengan to Kirito that hits on his stomach, making him cough. I also jump and quickly slash through Asuna's chest like what Kayaba did.

"Asuna! Bastard! Eclipse!"

Hearing the 27 combo only usable by the Dual Blade user, I grin in satisfaction.

"I expect great things from you Kirito! Hiogi!"

Before Kirito could have any chance, I activate my skill interrupting his skill process, leaving him low.

[Swift Sewing Wins!]

I gnash my teeth.

'I need to change my name!'

"So how did the fight feel?" (Zhong Yuan)

"Absolutely powerless. You blocked all my really fast attacks. How did you do that?" (Asuna)

"Yeah. How?" (Kirito)

"Hear this tip, improve your calculation speed. If you're just like Kirito who fights only using his instinct at his peak, you can't grow further. My head now calculates really quickly like a machine."

"Ha ha, very funny," said Kirito not believing.

"Now, we don't have enough time. It's time to fight the 75th floor boss." (Zhong Yuan)

"Yeah, let's go!" said Asuna in a naive voice.


After the battle with the boss (watch the anime episode 14)...

Kirito rushed with a thrust skill into Healthcliff, but a purple barrier blocked it. Asuna came to see what Kirito had just done until she saw the purple [Immortal Object] like when she saw Yui fight.

"Immortal Object? Wh-what's going on commander?" (Asuna)

"The game ensures that his HP will never fall into the yellow zone" (Kirito)

"Something has always bothered me, ever since I arrived here. Where does he hide while he watches us and adjusts the world? But I'd forgotten a simple piece of psychology. Something any kid knows. There's nothing as boring as watching someone else play a RPG. Isn't that right, Kayaba Akihiko?" (Kirito)

'Damn, my boy just said it!' (Zhong Yuan)

"Would you be so kind as to tell me how you figured it out?" (Heathcliff)

"The first time I felt something was wrong was during the duel. In that last instant, you were far too fast." (Kirito)

"I suspected as much. That was an unfortunate mistake. You overpowered me to the point that I needed to engage the system's over-assist mode." (Heathcliff)

Everyone started gasping.

"Yes, I am Kayaba Akihiko. And if I may add, I am the game's final boss, who would have awaited you at the top floor." (Kayaba)

"That's pretty bad. The strongest player betrays us to become the last boss?" (Kirito)

"Not a bad storyline, is it? I always thought you would be the one to stand before me in the end. Well, except your friend." (Kayaba)

'Let's get the paralysis antidote ready.' (Zhong Yuan)

"Dual-wielding is the skill given to the player with the fastest reaction time, who will then act out the part of the Hero that challenges the Demon King. But your power and his exceeded my expectations. Well, these unexpected events are part of the fun in a MMORPG." (Kayaba)

'Now!' (Zhong Yuan)

A guild member of KoB trembled and attacked Kayaba, who then paralyzed him. He started paralyzing everyone in the vicinity, all players falling down.

"What are you going to do? Kill us all and cover it up?" (Kirito)

"Of course not! I wouldn't do anything so unfair. Very well, then... I will await you on the top floor within the Ruby Palace. I've put a lot of time into developing the Knights of the Blood Oath and the other front line players, so it's a shame I have to leave them partway. However-"

"You're not going to leave." (Zhong Yuan)

"What! How are you up?" Kayaba went into the GM options.

"You're not going to do something so unfair, right? I used an antidote that I always kept with me so that I wouldn't be paralyzed so it's all fair." (Zhong Yuan)

"Hahh, I guess you're right." (Kayaba)

"Since Kirito deduced that you were Kayaba, give him an award, he deserves it." (Zhong Yuan)

"Then Kirito-kun, what reward do you want?"

"A chance." (Kirito)

"A chance of what?" (Kayaba)

"A chance so that I can kill you." (Kirito)

"Ah! So a duel. I'll agree. You win, everyone is free and if you lose, you die. Fair?" (Kayaba)

"Don't do it Kirito! Let's fall back, it's much safer." (Asuna)

However, Kirito was stuck in his memories of his friends dying one by one. Gritting because of those painful memories, he made up his mind.

"Don't insult me. That's fine. Let's finish this."

"Kirito-kun!" (Asuna)

"I'm sorry, but I can't run away here." (Kirito)

"You aren't going to die here, right?" (Asuna)

"No, I'm going to win. I'm going to win and end this game." (Kirito)

"All right." (Asuna)

And starting then, everyone who knew Kirito gave him regards like Agil and Klein.

"Enough chit-chat. Kirito, I give you my best regards and good luck." (Zhong Yuan)

"Thank you for the cheers."

Going up to face Kayaba, Kirito first makes a request.

"I don't plan on losing, but if I die here, I want you to make sure that Asuna can't kill herself, just for a little while." (Kirito)

"... Very well."

Kayaba then lowered his health and they started fighting for the other's death. Kirito was doing random attacks so that Kayaba couldn't use the system until he accidentally activated a skill. His last attack was a powerful thrust, but Kayaba defended using his shield and Kirito's Dark Repulser broke.

"Sayonara, Kirito-kun." (Kayaba)

Kayaba activated a skill that glowed red, but Kirito then saw Asuna moving foward to protect him from danger. Her health lowered immensely and disappeared, her body glowing. All she did after was look back at Kirito and smile.

"No, Asuna... This can't... This can't be..." (Kirito)

"I'm sorry. Sayonara." (Asuna)

Her body glowed more brilliantly that others. Kirito, started panic and got a mental breakdown.

"That was a surprise. I knew Zhong Yuan could escape because of the his antidote, but I don't believe I programmed a way to neutralize paralysis on your own. I guess these things happen sometimes."

Kirito grabbed Asuna's rapier and got up. He started swinging his sword, but Kayaba was disappointed and made his sword fly away. Kirito, not caring, just looked back at Kayaba and was stabbed on his chest.

'Not yet.' (Kirito)

Thinking of what Asuna said a while ago, he managed to stay alive for a few moments and thrusted Asuna's rapier into him. Kayaba surprised, just smiled and allowed it to pierce his body.

'Damn, he has some determination.' (Zhong Yuan)

Seeing it just happen, I glanced at Kirito dying and becoming crystal shards.

'The thing I'm lacking most, Soul Strength.' (Zhong Yuan)

Smiling, I look up to Kirito's shards in the air flying, as the game officially ended.


Sinon was running to the hospital. Apparently, the death game SAO has finally been beaten. While running, she a figure in long black hair walking muttering, "Asuna."

'Is he back? Can I meet him again?' (Sinon)

Sinon opened patient room 7 and saw it. An almost mummified body with his bangs covering his entire face. However, his eyes didn't open and all doctors and nurses were working with him. Realizing something, she started crying.

"Are you still asleep?"