38 Chapter 36 - Human Sacrifice

-Listen to the Main Theme - The Fullmetal Alchemist soundtrack-

In the dark chamber, a man was tied to a huge wall with shadows binding him. On the wall, a transmutation circle with inscriptions were on it. Accompanying the bonded man, there was a really old man in front of him, sitting on a chair with his eyes closed.

"Come soon... rascals..." lightly muttered the Ishvalan.


After their apprenticeship with their master in Dublith, the brothers came back to notice their uncle gone. However, this didn't affect their secret plan of reviving their mother. So for two years, the brothers collected the materials that composed the human body.

"Water, 35 Liters."

"Carbon, 20kg."

"Ammonia, 4 Liters."

"Lime, 1.5kg."

"Phosphorus, 800 grams."

"Salt, 250 grams."

"Niter, 100 grams."

"Sulfur, 80 grams."

"Fluorine, 7.5 grams."

"Iron, 5 grams."

"Silicon, 3 grams."

Getting out a huge metal tray, the brothers start emptying all the materials inside.

"All right, let's write construction formula." said Edward.

With chalk, Edward started drawing the circle. It was made with six circles, with symbols of materials inscribed to form a hexagonal figure and enclosed with circle parts.

"All that's left is the information of the soul." Taking out knives, the brothers both cut their index finger and give drops of blood onto the tray.

"I told you Al. We didn't need that geezer's help." said Edward.

"I trusted you brother." replied Alphonse.

Looking back at their creation, Edward smiles.

"Let's do this Al."


Placing their hands on the circle, it starts glowing up. In some few seconds, electricity starts popping out. Then, the circle glows red and purple, releasing a dark mist around the circle.

"Brother...Something's very wrong-" and an eye popped out of the circle.

"AHHH!" shouted Al.

"What's wrong?" Edward looked at Al to see his left wrist gone.

"AHHH!" Edward looked back to see his left calf gone, with shadowy hands gripping on it.

"Could this be... rebound?!" cried Edward, who tried to keep his tears in.

"Brother! Brother!" yelled Al.

Edward looked at his brother's body being encased by more shadow hands.

"Brother! Brother! Not yet! I don't want to die yet!" cried Al.

"Al!" Edward reached his hand to Alphonse, who was screaming brother repeatedly. Alphonse kept on resisting the hands who overtook him and disintegrated all his body. And light exploded everywhere.


In a room of light, Edward spawned in front of a big gate.

"Al? Huh, what was I doing?" said Edward who was going through his memories.

"Yo!" Edward realized he wasn't alone.

"Who are you?" asked Ed.

"Why thanks for asking. I'm an existence that you folks like to call "the world". In other words, the universe. In other words, God. In other words, truth. In other words, all. In other words, one." said the white figure.

"And." pointing at Edward, "I'm you." he said.

The huge gate behind Edward opened up, revealing an eye, just like the one when he transmuted to bring his mother back.

"Welcome... Mr. I'm-an-idiot-who-all-high-and-mighty." Looking back, Ed saw the huge eye and black vine like tentacles appeared. Getting scared, he started screaming and ran away, only for the tentacles to grab and drag him in.

"Noisy... Isn't this what you wanted?" complained God.

"I'll show you the "truth"." And the gate closed completely, leaving Edward inside.


Falling deeper in the gate, Edward screamed as he saw all these memories and information being crammed into his head.

"Save me! Save me uncle!" he shouted in pain.

Feeling his head bursting from knowledge and his body disassembling into pieces, Edward could only say to stop it.

Edward whined, until he realized he could see something in the distance. It was his mother, but another where, his uncle could also be recognized. However, his uncle was dressed differently and was waving his hands, as if to signal goodbye.

"Mom! Uncle!" he reached for his hand, not understanding truth was cruel, and his body vanished, teleporting him right back into the white place with the huge metal gates.

"So...How was it?" asked God.

"That's right... There were no errors in my human transmutation theory... But I'm missing something!" placed Edward his hands back to the gate.

"If I only had gone a little further... I would've found what I was looking for, the truth for human transmutation!" Facing back at God, he asked, "Please! Show it to me again!"

"Dame dame (no no), I can only show you that much for the toll you've paid." stood up Truth.


"Yes... T O L L." God's left calf turned to human skin. Sensing his balance being unbalance, Edward looks down to see his leg gone.

Turning his body again, Truth smiled, "Equivalent Exchange, is it not? Mr. Al-che-mist."


Back to the dark room, Father sensed a huge amount of energy being produced.

"Southeast? Some stupid idiot did human transmutation..." responded Father.

Hearing this, the body in the back wall jerked.

Father noticing this, he asked, "Do you know anything about this?"

The body stood still, not responding.

"You've become so silent after out fight one year ago. Why won't you talk to me?" sighed Father.

Hearing silence again, Father said, "What ever... We already located other human sacrifices, so get ready... It's your turn soon."

"aha...ha...ha...you never change, homunculus. I got my escape plan ready, so you better watch over me 100% of the time." I smirk.

"You finally talked... It won't matter what you do, you won't ever escape." retorted Father.

"Are you sure, old man? I depleted almost all of your energy reserves and you had to wage even more wars to recover. This country is sick as always... things like you shouldn't rule over it." I looked down on him.

"Tamare (Be quiet), it doesn't matter what I sacrifice, all that matters is the end results." responded Father.

"The promised day? You never understood, homunculus. You need to try harder to understand human psychology," I said.

Keeping quiet, Father stands up from his throne.

"You're gonna finally move gramps? You sure took your time," I joke.

"It's all setting up... and don't worry Kyofu... your turn will soon come." answered Father, without looking back at me.

'It's gonna be interesting. I thought I could defeat him, but I miscalculated... Doesn't matter... we're going by plan B.' Thinking of what I left behind in the house, I smile.

'Be careful homunculus! And you brothers better suffer! I changed the difficulty madly for you!'

In the dark room, the figure on the wall was laughing crazily to himself.

"FIVE YEARS!" yelled Zhong Yuan