68 Chapter 65 - Behind the Scene

After a few days, Touma managed to learn more about himself. Sakda was labelled as a genius, a prodigy, someone who was wanted by the top corporations. However, he somehow disappeared a few years ago for one year and was thought of as a tragedy. Unexpectedly, he came back alone, but he refused to tell his about his whereabouts and ever since then he lived as a NEET under his family household. Sometime later, he was persuaded to at least do some part-time jobs and to help out in family chores and studies.

"Brother… Can you please tell me why this paper won't be accepted?" Hachiman asked.

"It's simple, you can't force your dumb ideas and philosophies into a research paper. Stop using opinions and use facts instead!" I hit Hachiman's shoulder.

"Ouch!-!" he yelped.

I sighed, "if you really want to go to Sobu High and change, you should change your attitude to get friends and all."

Hikigaya sighed, "I'll try."

Spending all day trying to enter Sobu High, Hachiman laid down on his bed and Touma was trying to finish the rest of the paperwork. Entering their website and writing down an application form for Hachiman felt like a pain, but it seemed doable. Touma wasn't a genius or prodigy at all, he was simply spent a lot of time to plan out ahead. Writing down the last details, the application form was submitted.

"Hachiman… Next time you should do this. You'll have to learn about writing these documents later on in school." I told him.

"It seems like a bother… Either ways, I don't think I will be entering the the Student Council or a club," Hachiman responded while rolling his eyes.

I was speechless, "And you think you can enter Sobu with that attitude?"

"It's easy to enter as long as you get a good score on the entrance exams."

Hachiman then suddenly brought up, "Oh, it's on February..."

"You should study then. There's one month left and you haven't studied enough to enter Class J," I said. Class J was the highest leveled class that only the elites entered and usually 90% of it were girls.

"No way I'm entering there, I'm not like you brother. I'll do with an ordinary class... maybe even with the friend teacher"

I was quiet for a moment and asked, "Who again?"

Hachiman responded without a doubt, "Shizuka sensei, don't you remember? You used to bring her home often."

I have forgotten. I wasn't Touma anymore in this world, but Sakda. Sakda, that 24 year old, did a bunch of stuff, even if it wasn't part of that one year gap. Feeling out of place, I felt something different.

[2nd Curse - Solitude - 2%...]

"Hey... Are you okay brother?" Hachiman asked.

"...Try to finish by yourself. I'll be going out for a walk," I responded despondently.

Walking out of the house, Hachiman glared at me weirdly. I didn't know if he noticed something about me or if he was simply worried, but I threw the thought of it behind my mind.

'Is this what Sakda meant by learning this curse? If then, I hate it.'

Touma, wasn't like Zhong Yuan at all. He was shown all of this lore behind him and his past self and he still was a child. He didn't grow up at all. All this time in Konosuba was simply him having fun and fighting, not something mentally stressing.

[10th Curse - Dissatisfaction - in progress...]

Touma was oblivious to this message and kept on walking. The more he walked and noticed the people around him, he felt more distant from normal.

[2nd Curse - Solitude - 4%]

He found it weird, how could someone like Zhong Yuan understand this feeling so well? Touma couldn't tolerate and felt like yelling at Sakda.

"Piece of shit..." he said out loud.


Touma looked around and saw someone in front of him. It was a lady walking in a thick coat with long hair, smoking a cigarette. He looked straight at her eyes, but all he could see was pity hidden behind her eyes.

'Motherfucking Sakda... What did you do?' thought Touma.


In another world...

"Farewell, Romani. And you Mash, Candidate #48. Believe it or not, l have other things to do. My enjoyment of your destruction ends here. Now, be swallowed by the dimensional warp. But I'm

not that evil, I'll allow you to say a final prayer," said Lev.

"The underground cavern's collapsing! No, the cavern wasn't stable in the first place! Doctor! Perform an emergency Rayshift!" yelled Mashu.

"That won't be necessary anymore..."

Out of the dimensional gate, a body came out and the cavern became stable.

"Director!" yelled Gudako.

A figure carried Olga Marie out of the CHALDEAS, a body of information that broke her body down into a molecular level. However, it seemed that she was unconscious.

"How!! No body can survive a molecular breakdown! Who are you!" Lev asked.

"Me?" he smirked.

"I'm a ordinary servant, Berserker."

Whipping out a katana out of nowhere, he slashed at the gate and it vanished into nothingness.

"Hey! Take care of this girl for a second," he said and threw Marie's body to Gudako.

Gudako and Mashu were watching the scene in front of them. Out of nowhere, a powerful servant came out and saved their lives. However, the look of his eyes and his aura revealed no anger, happiness, or emotion. Only indifference and apathy were shown.

"Answer my question! What's your true name!" he yelled using the Holy Grail once more.

"My true name you ask? It's simple! I'm the Virtual Hero of Salvation, Zhong Yuan," he replied.

Taking out a desert eagle, a bullet was fired. The bullet curved and entered Lev's body, but it didn't come out. With blood coming out of his wound, Lev was confused as Flauros did nothing to protect him.

"What did you do!" Lev shouted.

After he talked, he started convulsing. His body finally reacted and turned to the Demon God Pillar, Flauros, but it seemed that he couldn't regenerate. Lev could feel his body becoming cold and despondent, not even moving.

"Thank you for your corpse. I'll take my sweet time taking over this universe under my control," said Zhong Yuan.

Shooting two more bullets and ray shifting Gudako and her party back to Chaldea, Zhong Yuan smiled.

"I've returned to this universe. Not as a servant though, but now as a Beast, Beast V."

Flauros tried to move away from Lev but his body was cut and his powers were being absorbed.

"I'll use your powers wisely. If you can by any chance, tell this to Goetia. Tell him that I've come."

Zhong Yuan, was now taking over these universes.