Chapter 723

Hearing this, Feng Jiu, who had some anger, chuckled directly.

She looked at the front of the Deputy hospital one eye, smile rather than smile: "Deputy hospital, you learn very fast ah!"

"Hey, there's no way. Don't you like food? There are delicious things you can't eat outside The Deputy courtyard chatted with a smile. I didn't expect that one day they would use delicious food to keep a person.

"All right! Call me in now She turned and walked back. In fact, at the moment when director Lu apologized, she didn't want to leave.

Although she didn't have much contact with director Lu, the students and tutors of the college said that he was a rigorous and serious person. As a tutor who taught the students seriously, she could not say that she could not stand by and stand by.

What's more, the director Lu apologized to her, so she didn't have the reason to leave the burden behind.

Seeing Feng Jiu go back again, several people are happy. They call for two doctors to explain again and again, which makes them change their clothes and go in to fight for Fengjiu.

At this time, Guan Xilin and Ye Jing also came outside, but they were not allowed to go near the teaching office.

After changing her clothes and washing her hands, Feng Jiu took out her tools from the space and looked at the two doctors and asked, "did the Dean tell you about it? Follow my command and do not send out any exclamations to disturb me. At the same time, what you see in this should not be publicized to the outside world. "

"Well, we know, the Dean told us." The two doctors nodded, but in their hearts they doubted that the students in the Dan hospital really had such medical skills to save Lu Dao?

"Let them see that my brother is outside and let him change his clothes and come in after washing his hands."

Smell speech, one of the doctors went out, told a, not long, Guan Xi Lin then walked in.

"Xiao Jiu, but what can I do for you?" Guan Xi Lin asked, came to the bedside, eyes swept on the body of the guide Lu, fell on the body of Phoenix nine.

Feng nine looked up at him and said with a smile, "elder brother, heavy responsibility, when I have an operation, you should remember to wipe my sweat and never let the sweat drop down."

"No problem." Guan Xi Lin said with a smile.

The room inside the teaching office was covered and everything inside was covered. People outside only knew that the student named Fengjiu was treating Lu Dao, but they did not know how he was treating him.

The president and the vice hospital, who were outside, looked at each other and felt nervous and worried.

Even though they have heard of the name of ghost doctor for a long time, but they have not really seen his medical skills. At this time, they really can't completely relax. What's more, any doctor can't cure this kind of thing. What will director Lu do? We can only see the result after treatment.

"Does Fengjiu really know how to cure? How can they believe him, Dean

"That is, he is a college student just like us. He dares to take over the disease that can not be cured by the college pharmacists and doctors, and can not be saved?"

"I reckon that the dean of the hospital is the dead horse as a living horse doctor. When the vice hospital went to the black market and didn't find out the whereabouts of the ghost doctor, they had to let Feng Jiu try."

"That boy is also a bold man, and he is not afraid that Lu will lead him to death. He can't deal with it."

Outside the school of the teaching office, people were waiting to discuss, while paying attention to the movement inside. However, one hour passed, and there was still no movement. Two hours later, there was still no movement.

It was not until four hours later that the door of the closed teaching office opened , the fastest update of the webnovel!