Chapter 3049

"You saved me. As long as you don't dislike Qin Xin's ugliness, Qin Xin is willing to follow him." She looked at the man in green in front of her. She said such words to a man for the first time, and her ears were faintly warm.

Smell speech, Phoenix nine hook lip a smile: "think clearly?"


Where else could she go now, alone? To the family? No, she would never step into that family, never admit them.

"All right! I'll take you to buy two change clothes Feng nine said, and then walked forward.

Qin Xin was stunned for a moment, and then followed him. When she bought two sets of clothes and went to the inn, she was sent into a wing room to have a change. She took the clothes into the room and went to the hot water. She was a little dazed. She sat by the bath tub for a long time, then took off her clothes and soaked in the water

Downstairs, Fengjiu was drinking wine and eating dishes, when Wanyan thirteen came in with a few boxes of cakes in his hand.

"Midnight snack? Yes, I'll have a drink with you He put the cake on the table and said, "well, you can try these cakes. I asked someone to buy them at the best pastry shop in the city."

Thank you very much

Feng jiuxiao said with a smile, first put away the cake, helped him pour a glass of wine: "drink a few cups, then rest early, let's go tomorrow!" She's been out for a few days, and she's really missing her little boy.

"To return? You're done? The woman got it? " Wanyan 13 asked in surprise, and saw Feng nine turn a white eye.

"What do you mean to get hold of? It's like a bandit. " She sipped the wine and took a mouthful of small dishes to eat. Then she said, "I brought the man back, and killed the master of the beauty building."


Wanyan thirteen one, who was drinking wine, could not help being choked. He patted his chest with one hand and coughed twice, staring at Feng Jiu with a pair of eyes: "you, do you say you killed the master of a beauty building?"

"Well." Feng nine should a, way: "you don't have to worry, it's OK."

He glared at her and said, "are you too bold? I've told you that the beauty building is very powerful. There are beauty buildings in every city. How can you provoke them? You don't want to live? "

"Young master."

Qin Xin came down from the second floor. She changed into a blue and white dress, elegant and refined, with a wisp of hair drooping. The scar at the corner of her eyes and eyebrows was still painted by her as a delicate flower, which added some charm to her delicate appearance.

Feng nine looked at it and nodded with satisfaction: "good, it still looks pleasing to the eyes." She nodded and said to her, "sit down and have some."


Qin Xin answers, goes to the table and sits down. She sees Wanyan shisan staring at her all the time. She doesn't look at him much. She just pours a glass of wine, sips it lightly, and takes some dishes to eat.

"Leave at noon tomorrow. Remember to get up early and prepare." Feng Jiu, as if thinking of something in general, said to Wanyan thirteen: "she is called Qin Xin."


Wanyan nodded at 13:00. A pair of eyes were staring at the place where the flower was painted on her face. The flower was really lifelike. If he had not seen the appearance of her face destroyed, he could not imagine that there was an ugly face under the face of the prosperous age. , the fastest update of the webnovel!