Chapter 17

For people who don't understand cars, buying a car is a headache. You can't help but consult your knowledgeable friends or relatives. After all, some cars do have their own disadvantages, and there may also be some problems, such as quality, such as performance.

But in the final analysis,

The door can burn a hole directly with a cigarette end,

Can't be vague about the quality of the car?

All this shows only one thing,

This is a car,

Paper cart!

The driver is middle-aged, but his eldest son is estimated to be the age of primary school students. Therefore, the driver said that the car was brought to him by his son,

In fact, here's "Dai",

It can also be written as "burning".

Dad died,

My son burned a paper cart for him.

Zhou Ze shook his head. To be honest, he really didn't see it in advance, and he realized something wrong after he knew it in the car, but he still wanted to pretend to be confused.

He himself was a smuggler, and he didn't want to be master Zhang,

After all, he is also a ghost,

If he goes to carry the flag of eliminating demons and defending Taoism, it is really no different from the traitors, called "ghost traitors".

Put his palm on it and cover the small hole. Zhou Ze pretended to be sleepy, half closed his eyes and pretended that nothing had happened.

Zhou Ze remembers that when he was in the orphanage, there was a teacher in the orphanage who usually took everyone to sports classes and had a part-time job - watching the gate.

Because his surname was Qin, the children called him uncle Qin, the porter at that time.

Uncle Qin is very good at telling stories and often tells ghost stories. He seems to be very satisfied with the children's fear when they hear his stories. For this reason, the Dean also talked to him several times, but he didn't restrain.

Just before Zhou Ze left the orphanage to go to school outside, uncle Qin left because of a myocardial infarction.

Zhou Ze remembers that uncle Qin once told a ghost story called "ghost lift the sedan chair".

According to legend, in ancient times, ghosts were also divided into many kinds. After most people died, they went directly to hell, into the yellow spring, drank Mengpo soup, and then entered reincarnation. Few ghosts could stay in the sun.

But some ghosts still leave them. They may or may not know that they are dead, but anyway, they may still be doing what they did in their lifetime.

For example, the sedan bearer.

They specially appeared on the road in the wilderness or in the dead of night, asking people whether to take a sedan chair. The price was set very cheaply. When they arrived at their destination in a sedan chair, the money and goods were cleared.

However, it will not be so simple and ordinary for living people to do business with ghosts and enjoy the services given by ghosts after all. When a ghost lifts a sedan chair, what he wants is not money, but your longevity, or your spirit.

Underground, ghosts carry sedan chairs for people like the king of hell. What is the identity of living people? With it?

It's like an 80 year old man kneeling down to you, he will lose his life.

Zhou Ze remembers this story, and it's very clear. In fact, Zhou Ze still remembers many of the stories uncle Qin said, even after he joined the work as an adult.

Because Zhou Ze knew that the day before uncle Qin died of a sudden illness, uncle Qin, who had always only looked at the gate but not into the backyard, made an exception and walked into the children's dormitory. He looked at it one by one. At that time, Zhou Ze just didn't sleep and saw this scene.

It seems that uncle Qin knew his deadline was coming and came to say goodbye in advance.

Just as Buffett's fart can make people feel that there is a great mystery of wealth in it,

A person who can know that he may GG tomorrow can't really treat the ghost story he tells as absurd.

The driver is still chattering and continues to boast about the cow, and Zhou Ze is still calm behind.

Lose one's life?

Lose spirit?

Zhou Ze is not afraid. He is not a living person, and he is also a ghost.

To put it mildly, although Zhou Ze doesn't understand the hierarchy and class division of ghosts, he can walk in the sun and meet living people to open a shop and do business. After all, he should be much higher than the ghosts outside, right?

And even the faceless woman in the hell pool will be hurt by her fingernails. Facing the rest of the ghosts, Zhou Ze is actually confident.

"Over the years, there have been more people buying cars and driving, as well as more unruly people." The driver was still chatting. Even if Zhou Ze didn't agree or answer, he could still talk.

"When the forest is big, there will be all kinds of birds. In a word, if you really get angry one by one, you will really live for many years less.

Although I know in my heart that I shouldn't be angry, some people go out and stick the label "you hit me, you damn fast hit me" on their forehead. It's really annoying. "

Zhou Ze's eyes narrowed. He felt a little sleepy and even wanted to sleep.

But he knew that he couldn't sleep, so the clear feeling at this time should be false.

Zhou Ze suddenly burst into a dumbfounded smile,

He understood why the driver kept talking all the way. He didn't know that it was annoying to talk all the time,

Because he hasn't slept, he has to keep talking to pretend that everything is normal at this time.

He wants to sleep himself,

And his reaction to sleep has always been very slow.

Zhou Ze smiled at the corner of his mouth, put his hand on the seat and closed his eyes.

Go to sleep.

The car began to slow down.

The driver's voice became smaller and smaller as Zhou Ze fell asleep.

At the same time, the driver turned around and looked behind him.

However, at this time, the driver's face suddenly showed a struggling color, and finally shook his head violently, sighed, and continued to drive forward.

It seems that we are approaching the bookstore.

Zhou Ze doesn't know how a ghost drives a paper car to move himself, a man with body,

This is difficult to explain, because there is no "ghost mechanics" branch in physics;

Moreover, in ancient Chinese legends, there are statements such as "Huangjin Lishi" and "Qimen dunjia". Presumably, it should be similar to the above truth.

Zhou Ze woke up slowly, because he felt that the driver's body in front of him was slowly volatilizing light.


I seem to have met a good ghost recently.

The driver should have "collected money" from himself, but he couldn't bear to do it for the first time. As a result, he couldn't do it. In this struggle, he obtained self liberation and redemption.

He began to dissipate,

After dissipation, you will enter hell and reincarnation.

It can be seen that the driver said so much "nonsense" before, which is not all lies. He has four children. He likes the feeling of being a father. He works hard to earn money to support his family and provide a good growth environment for his children.

He is a good father, and his personality is fairly good. After being a ghost, he wants to have a "ghost sedan chair" business. After all, he is kind-hearted.

Zhou Ze slowly raised his head and opened his eyes. The driver didn't find it and was still driving the car by himself.

Slowly, Zhou Ze found that there was light coming in from outside. Through the window, he could see the traffic on the road.

The driver is about to disappear,

This should be a memory of the driver.

Similar to lightning and special environment, it is likely to record the principle of a picture.

Zhou Ze subconsciously started smoking again. Since the driver has freed himself, it doesn't matter if he burned the car himself.

There is music in the car, which is a recently popular song "cool";

The driver was humming and driving. He should have just received a big order. He was in a good mood. He planned to go back and add a plate of peanuts to himself, and then talk to the children in a video. Although it was hard, it was also a happy life.

At this time, Zhou Ze saw a medium bus on the road in front of the car.

It should be the school bus of the school, with the school logo printed on it and the words of XXX primary school.

Zhou Ze didn't take it seriously at first, but suddenly a girl stood up in the back seat of the car. She faced the back of the car. Even sitting in the car behind, she could clearly see her through the car glass.

The girl wears blue lilies and is very cute.

Zhou Ze frowned slightly,

This girl, he knows, was saved by him. It is said that she has woken up. A while ago, Dr. Lin told himself that the girl's father wanted to have a thank-you dinner, and he was going to invite himself.

Zhou Ze's eyes are slightly heavy, so this driver is the culprit of the car accident?

So many children were injured,

Even if you don't do it yourself, children will die.

"What a handsome girl, just like my youngest."

The driver said to himself, this is his last memory picture, so he didn't know that there was still a person sitting behind the seat.

Zhou Ze looked around. He didn't think the driver was drinking or had other problems. Then, what was the reason why the driver hit the school bus? Which car accident caused it?

Is it the serial rear end collision caused by the nearby car?

At this time,

The girl who was originally standing at the back of the school bus wearing lilies suddenly opened her mouth and her tongue stuck out.


Spit it out,

It's like the red carpet of a new man. He spit it out directly. It's very long... Very long... It's so numbing.

At the same time,

With a sarcastic smile in her eyes, the girl stared at the driver driving in front of her.

"Mom, ghost!!!!!!!!!"

The driver stepped on the accelerator in panic, and the car directly hit the school bus in front of him.


Mars scattered,

Zhou Ze stood at the door of the bookstore,

On the ground around, there are still paper car ashes that haven't been burned completely, which are scattered in the wind, rolling down and turning into final dots.

Zhou Ze was not injured at all.

And the driver also kept his promise and sent himself to the destination.

But Zhou Ze didn't hurry back to the bookstore,

In his hand, still holding the cigarette, slowly burning.

Take a deep breath,

Zhou Ze licked his lips.

"Uncle, you can't smoke in the hospital." The girl's voice still echoes in her ears.


to the end,

Saved a what thing?