Chapter 179

Suddenly, there was a feeling of shaking around, and Zhou Ze subconsciously lowered his center of gravity to prevent himself from falling.

But he saw that the old man in the bathroom was still holding his faucet and screaming;

Xu Qinglang on the sofa in the living room is still sleeping, and he doesn't seem to feel anything different.

Zhou Ze suddenly realized that the earth was not really shaking, but that there was a great deviation in all the light and shadows around, creating an illusion of violent shaking.

Everything around that can reflect light seems to come to life at this time. They become very active and begin to actively want to mislead and affect you.

This is a very unimaginable feeling, as if at this time you have been rejected by the whole environment around you. They are no longer dead objects around you, they no longer allow you to choose the tools you trample on. After they have their own consciousness, they instinctively begin to repel you and hate you.

Zhou Ze opened his mouth and wanted to wake up Xu Qinglang, but when he shouted, Xu Qinglang continued to lie on the sofa and fell asleep, as if he hadn't heard at all.

No matter how fast he sleeps, he can't die like this.

"Old way!"

Zhou Ze shouted again.

Lao Dao was standing in the bathroom. He was still staring at his faucet and yelling. He didn't look back at how Zhou Ze called him.

Gradually, Zhou Ze found that the figure of the Taoist priest was distorted, and Xu Qinglang's body, who was lying on the sofa sleeping, was also distorted. He seemed to be in a mirror room, and the light around him was broken and bent, bringing a very painful visual impact.

Take a deep breath, Zhou Ze began to close his eyes. He was not just a kid of ghost. He had experienced ups and downs in the past six months. He knew that the first thing to do in the face of this situation was to calm down.

If the heart is clear, the sky will collapse without surprise!

However, as soon as Zhou Ze closed his eyes, he felt a sense of weightlessness under his feet, as if he was about to fall into the cliff at the next moment.

This feeling often appears when sleeping, and suddenly there is the illusion that you are falling, and then the whole person will subconsciously tremble and wake up quickly, and find that it is a false alarm.

But for Zhou Ze at present, this feeling lasts for a long time and is getting worse.

Zhou Ze could only choose to open his eyes. At the moment of reopening his eyes, white lights suddenly burst out around him. The brightness was like a car in front of you suddenly turned on the high beam at night.

After a moment of dizziness and blindness, Zhou Ze found himself still standing in the living room when his vision returned to clarity.

Everything around, there is no change, as if everything just now is just an illusion that can't be counted. It's all glass illusion, but soon, Zhou Ze found it wrong.

The sofa is still the same sofa, but Xu Qinglang on the sofa is missing.

The bathroom is still that bathroom, but the old way of urine bleeding in the bathroom is also gone.

All the furnishings are there, and nothing has changed. However, there is only myself left here.

Zhou Ze took a deep breath. The light was on, but the brightness of the light was obviously not enough, even very low, making everything here look very dim.

Walking into the bathroom, through the cracked mirror on the wall, Zhou Ze suddenly saw the figure of Lao Dao and Xu Qinglang in the mirror.

The old Taoist leaned against the wall, his face frightened, and his body was covered with blood. Xu Qinglang helped look at him next to him, as if comforting the old Taoist.

Are they in the mirror?

Zhou Ze was a little stunned. Then, Zhou Ze saw Xu Qinglang helping the old Taoist leave the bathroom, and he couldn't see them.

"Hello! Can you hear my voice?"

Zhou Ze shouted without any response. Then, Zhou Ze withdrew from the bathroom and walked to the living room. There was a huge picture frame in the living room with an oil painting of eight horses in it. From the mirror, Zhou Ze saw the old Taoist sitting on the sofa in the living room, and Xu Qinglang brought him a glass of water.

Then, Xu Qinglang lit a piece of Rune paper into the water cup and handed it to Lao Dao to drink.

The Taoist priest frowned painfully and drank the Fushui in one gulp, and then kept breathing.

Zhou Ze couldn't hear their voices at all. He could only see their images and actions.

It was not until Zhou Ze saw that he also had himself in the picture of the situation that his heart sank,


It really turned into an unimaginable node.

On the sofa, I just lay there, motionless.

Xu Qinglang and Lao Dao looked at themselves on the sofa with concern from time to time. Xu Qinglang also wiped his face with a wet towel, but he didn't feel it.


got it,

It's not that they don't know why they entered the mirror,

in fact,

Really enter the mirror,

It's yourself!

Zhou Ze tried to scratch the mirror with his nails. He instinctively wanted to break this thing and go out, but at this time, his nails, which had been successful, really couldn't help this small mirror. This mirror was like King Kong, which was so strong that it was hopeless.

After trying for some time, Zhou Ze gave up and sat down on the sofa.

After sitting down, Zhou Ze found that the furnishings in the room were indeed the same, but in fact, the layout was reversed. After all, the things in the mirror were indeed the opposite of reality.

Reaching out and touching, Zhou Ze found that his cigarette was still there. He took a cigarette and bit it in his mouth. It turned out that he could really light it with a lighter, and it really smelled like tobacco.

Zhou Ze doesn't know what state he is now. His body is still in the reality outside the mirror, but everything here is so real that it doesn't look like his soul is out of the body.

Zhou Ze experienced the state of soul out of the body, which was a feeling of weakness and hesitation, but now obviously there is no such feeling, which means that he is not the so-called soul being sucked in now.

Zhou Ze remembered that when he was in the restaurant in the afternoon, his nails were useless to those "ghosts", which seemed to mean that he was in the same state as those "ghosts" who were eating in the restaurant?

Not the soul,

Not flesh,

A... Strange and indescribable state?

This is it.

The state in the mirror?

This night, Zhou Ze was basically sitting on the sofa. He was thinking about how to get out and how to leave here. Zhou Ze also tried to open the door and look outside, but he found that the door, including the wall of the yard, was isolated by a layer of "glass". He couldn't get out at all and could only move in this narrow area.

Therefore, this night, either sit on the sofa and meditate on life, or stand in front of the picture frame and see how Lao Dao and Xu Qinglang are anxious to find various ways to try to wake themselves up.

In fact, Zhou Ze is most worried about whether Xu Qinglang and Lao Dao will take their bodies back to the urban bookstore the next day?

Although Zhou Ze's character is determined, he really doesn't want to be abandoned by his companions, even if his companions may not know that he is actually in the mirror now.

Zhou Ze even tried to put water into the hot spring pool and went in for a few times. He found that even if he stuck his head in the pool, he still couldn't leave the area. Zhou Ze implemented and tried any possible way, and failed.

In short, the night passed so long that Zhou Ze felt a little suffocated.

When the faint sunshine came out, Zhou Ze slowly raised his head,

It's dawn, isn't it.

"Click... Click..."

As if there was a sound of something breaking, Zhou Ze stood up, walked to the door, stretched out his hand to open the door, and found that a piece of glass outside was broken, enough for a person to go out normally.

It's like a tunnel for children in the amusement park. Zhou Ze walked in and could only walk along this unique route, because there is a thin layer of glass around, you can see the people outside and the scenery outside, but you just can't get out.

No matter how hard you use, you can't break this layer of glass at all.

Walking, Zhou Ze saw a door. The door was open. Zhou Ze went in.


click into place.

After all, after walking through the narrow glass corridor for more than ten minutes, I suddenly walked into an open area. It really felt like a fisherman had entered the peach blossom garden by mistake.

However, what Zhou Ze walked into was the restaurant.

The pattern of buffet,

Familiar environment,

It's the restaurant in the hotel.

"Sir, please give me your room card."

A voice sounded from Zhou Ze's side.

Zhou Ze turned his head and looked at her.

This is a waiter, but her mouth is above her eyes, and her facial features are upside down, giving people a very creepy feeling.

Zhou Ze didn't move,

The other party stretched out his hand and felt out a room card from himself.

"Hello, have a nice meal." The waiter smiled.

This smile is the most penetrating smile Zhou Ze has ever seen in his life. Picasso can't draw this effect.

There were not many people in the restaurant, but when Zhou Ze sat down, more and more guests began to come in for dinner, which was exactly the same as yesterday's scene.

However, Zhou Ze was a bystander yesterday. This time, he entered the game.

He didn't get food, but just sat down again in the position yesterday. If so, Zhou Ze would like to look forward to whether Xu Qinglang and Lao Dao will also come through the hot spring pool.

Before Xu Qinglang and Lao Dao, Zhou Ze waited for the three members of the family first. They also sat down first in yesterday's position, or the little girl sat down first, and their parents went to get food.


The three members of the headless family were dazed at the dazzling food in front of them.

"Hi, Hello, see you again." Zhou Ze is having fun in bitterness.


The three members of a family who had been unable to communicate before suddenly turned their bodies to Zhou Ze,

They have no head,

It's reasonable to say that they can't talk. After all, they can't eat,

But they made a sound, collectively made a sound,

Although there is only one simple word:



PS: from today on, long will participate in a charity activity of "network writer" grass-roots travel, and go to poor counties in mountainous areas. It is estimated that it will take more than a week. Long will try to ensure that it is updated as much as possible;

Of course, if there are unexpected circumstances that cannot be updated in time, long will issue a single chapter to tell you in advance.

Don't panic,

Hold the dragon!