Chapter 266

The early morning sun shines down, bringing warmth and beauty at the beginning of the day.

On the first floor of the bookstore, near the window,

For the first time, no one was lying there,

There is no coffee or tea on the tea table that was bound to appear at this time in the past,

None of the pressed newspapers were neatly spread there,

No old man in Taoist robes looked at the video while watching the long legs on Aerobics and followed "Hey, please, hey, please" to do sports,

No man who looks better than a woman sits there and takes care of his skin by "waking up in the morning",

The maid who didn't walk back and forth was busy,

There is no cute and itchy "Yingying",

In the corner,

There are no serious OS enthusiasts sitting there who have been paying attention to the bookstore environment although they are motionless.

This bookstore,

It seems that something is missing.


on the other hand,

Boss Zhou is very busy,

Very, very busy,

His salted fish life needs to be suspended, not because he is motivated and angry, but because his bookstore has almost become a bare knuckle commander since that night.



And a little monkey.

Wearing a white coat that I haven't worn for a long time and holding a slightly rusty scalpel, boss Zhou carefully treated the wound and changed the bandage for the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist had several fractures and serious injuries. Although the mud of the monkey continued to survive, the treatment of other injuries was also a little complicated.

Fortunately, although boss Zhou has been out of battle for a long time, he was also an excellent surgeon in his previous life. With him personally responsible for the treatment, the problem is not great.

The Taoist priest has woken up. After waking up a while ago, he immediately went to sleep again. When his body needs to recover, sleep is actually very important. Sometimes when the Taoist priest wakes up in the middle of the night "humming", the little monkey runs over to feed him some water or get him some small pieces of fruit to eat.

When Zhou Ze changed his dressing today, the Taoist priest was awake and seemed to be recovering well.

The Taoist priest has always raised the little monkey as his grandson, and the monkey also reciprocates, at least making the Taoist priest feel that he has someone to wait on and accompany him when he is ill, which is not a loss.


In addition, Zhou Ze recently answered several calls for Lao Dao, all of which were from students or parents in the mountains funded by Lao Dao. He asked Lao Dao why he hadn't called the subsidy fee this month. Zhou Ze simply shut down after answering several times.

Lao Xu was lying on the bed in the room and was infusion. His skin injury was not much, but some organs in his body were damaged to varying degrees. This damage was irreversible to a large extent. At least there was no way to actively repair and restore it in modern medicine.

For his problem, Zhou Ze just took a conservative treatment. Wait until he wakes up.

The dead waiter was placed in a glass container, and he was wriggling. Zhou Ze didn't worry about him. When he passed by, he picked up a bottle of glucose next to him and poured half of it down. Looking at those meat pieces wriggling and squeezing each other, it really made people feel numb.

Fortunately, boss Zhou has also been used to drinking the remaining half bottle of glucose while walking. Even after a week, Zhou Ze is still not used to starting work in the morning.

Bai Yingying's ward is the most exquisite, and the furnishings inside have also been rearranged. The pink theme is also hung with many thousand paper cranes and other things.

For him, it's better not to have surgery or other treatment. Modern medicine teaches people how to treat human problems, but there is no discipline to treat zombies.

Put down the glucose bottle, Zhou Ze sat down beside Bai Yingying, his nails grew a little, and began to give her massage physiotherapy.

Only her nails can stimulate her, which is a bit similar to acupuncture. Ordinary massage is not even itching for her.

The massage lasted about 40 minutes, and Zhou Ze's forehead was sweating. Then he helped Bai Yingying cover the quilt and went downstairs to the bathroom to take a bath.

Zhou Ze, who changed her clothes, came up with a towel and a plastic basin, and went back to Bai Yingying's bedroom. First, she took off her clothes, and then wiped her body with a towel dipped in hot water.

In the past, Bai Yingying did this for herself. This time, it's her turn to do it for her.

Yingying's injury is recovered at least from the outside, but the internal injury and the loss of vitality are still extremely huge.

In this regard, Zhou Ze can only hold her to sleep every night and try to pass on some evil spirit to her, but somehow, he failed for several consecutive nights.

The girl's body is very beautiful, like a work of art from the creator. Boss Zhou is not Liu Xiahui. It's also false to say that she really doesn't feel excited at all, but she can also restrain some blind thoughts in her heart and finish what she should do.

Every patient patrols both sides of the day. After that, it is already afternoon. Boss Zhou really has a feeling of returning to the hospital.

Moreover, it's a good feeling to go back to the old business. Zhou Ze even thought about whether to open a clinic in the future?

Back on the first floor, I poured a glass of ice water, drank it slowly, and half lay down to have a rest.

A taxi stopped outside the door, and little Luoli jumped down from it and entered the bookstore.

These days,

Zhou Ze is responsible for taking care of the patient, and the task of investigating the old man's affairs is entrusted to Xiong Luoli.

As for the old man's "pee cow pill" body, Zhou Ze, in addition to leaving a few pieces of broken meat as specimens, directly cremated it. He can't leave a complete body for the old man anymore. In case of any more moths, it will be in trouble.

"What did you find?"

Zhou Ze lit a cigarette and spit out a smoke ring.

"As before, the old man was indeed dead long ago, and his account was closed. I also interviewed some old people, and they could also confirm this matter.

As for whether he borrowed his identity, although the old man has no direct descendants, I found a nephew of his generation, extracted DNA with the little meat you left, and compared it to prove that there is indeed a blood relationship between the two. "

"So, it's really him, not his identity?"


"That's interesting. A great metaphysical figure has been carrying his previous identity certificate and had a well-documented first half of his life. What did he do this arrangement for?"

"I don't know."

At this time, the little monkey suddenly ran down from the upstairs, grabbed Zhou Ze's clothes and began to "squeak".

"What's the matter?" Zhou Ze asked.

The little monkey has been pulling Zhou Ze.

Zhou Ze nodded, followed the little monkey up the second floor and entered the room where Lao Dao was located.

At this time, the Taoist priest opened his eyes and looked OK. Seeing Zhou Ze coming in, the Taoist priest said seriously:

"Boss, please forgive me for being injured in my humble position. I can't salute."

Zhou Ze twitched at the corners of his mouth,

Suddenly, I really want to go up and beat him again.

"What is it?" Zhou Ze asked.

"Boss, I want to get out of bed for a walk. I've been lying down for more than a week and want to go out for a breath of fresh air."

This is a normal request of an old man,

Whether in hospital, nursing home or in front of children,

This is a perfectly normal requirement.


Zhou Ze is neither a nurse nor a nurse, nor is he the child of an old man,

You let Zhou Ze have nothing to do, push the Taoist priest out for a walk, chat and sigh that the sunset is infinitely good,

This is really too difficult for boss Zhou.


Zhou Ze agreed.

The Taoist priest was stunned for a moment,

He just made this request tentatively, but he didn't expect the boss to agree!

For a time,

The Taoist priest had an impulse to "die for a bosom friend".

Sure enough,

The road is far away, the horse power is far away, and the hearts of the people are seen day by day,

The boss is kind-hearted, and he doesn't waste his blood and sweat for the bookstore!

Zhou Ze helped Lao Dao up from the bed, slowly led him downstairs, and first placed him on the sofa.

The old Taoist is very relieved,

Touching the monkey's head while looking at Zhou Ze's back,

In a trance,

He seemed to have a feeling that his sons and grandchildren were all around.

of course,

The old man dare not say such words, otherwise he may be beaten by Zhou Zebao and lie back in bed.

But then,

The old Taoist is stupid.

He saw Zhou Ze push out a wheelchair from the grocery room in the inner room.

This wheelchair,

How familiar it looks!

It seems that I bought a wheelchair specially for the boss before.


It can't be true,


Zhou Ze came over and picked up the Taoist priest.

"Boss, this... This..."

"What's the matter?"

"I suddenly feel that it's better to lie in bed and have a good rest, or don't go out and mess around, and let the boss distract you, don't you?"

"Going out for a breath of fresh air is good for your recovery."

"Er... Boss, don't bother so much." The Taoist priest's face is almost twisted into fried dough twist.

"It's okay, no trouble."

"Don't, boss, this can't be used. This is the wheelchair I bought you to honor you before. How can I sit in this, inappropriate, inappropriate."

"It's all right. You're welcome."


Zhou Ze put Lao Dao in a wheelchair.

"Lin Ke, open the door." Zhou Ze said.

Lin, who is standing by the door, can open the door of the bookstore.

"Don't... don't... don't do this... Boss... Can't... don't allow... I... I refuse..."

Zhou Ze ignored the words of the Taoist priest,

Help Lao Dan press the button.

The next moment,

The wheelchair began to "toot toot", and at the same time began to play beautiful songs:

"I have a little donkey. I never ride it,

One day I rode to the market on a whim,

I have a small whip in my hand, and I am proud of it. "

The old Taoist's face turned red and was the same color as the fart egg smashed by the monkey. He really wanted to cry without tears. At the beginning, he bought this wheelchair for Zhou Ze,

But he didn't expect,

I will sit on it one day.

"Doodle doodle............."

The electric wheelchair took the old road directly out of the bookstore,

In this way, Lao Dao sat in an electric wheelchair with nursery rhymes and entered the pedestrian street of South Street where people come and go in broad daylight,

Accept the review of the people.