Chapter 295

The Taoist priest still refused Ottoson's help,

Because the Taoist priest felt that Ottoson's move was somewhat inexplicable,

This is the territory of Chinese people. If Chinese people lose something in their own territory, how can their police not look for it carefully?

Do you need to meddle in your affairs, foreigner?

Do you think that if you are a foreigner and lose something, the police will be more concerned about your family?

What's the reason!

Foreigners will never die if they kill me, and the old road will never be fooled!

The old Taoist gave otterson a wink, and ran to the police station to call the police.

Otterson shrugged awkwardly. Seeing Zhou Ze looking at him, he said helplessly:

"I just want to help."

"Thank you."

Zhou Ze responded.

"Are you the owner of this shop?"

Ottoson sat next to Zhou Ze.


"I have always dreamed of opening my own bookstore, and I have to be like you. In downtown, this kind of day is really wonderful."

"You can try."

If you are not afraid of losing money.

Seeing that Zhou Ze's attitude towards him was a little cold, oteson immediately said:

"I like your Chinese culture very much."

"It's the same as when British people meet and talk about the weather."

"What do you mean?"

"It's all nonsense."

"I really like Chinese culture. I'm different from others." At the same time, he got up, took a Chinese textbook from the table of the middle school student next to him, flipped it, and read it to Zhou Ze:

"If a man is angry, he will lie down and bleed five steps. The world is plain, and today is also."

Utterson's words were read out smoothly, and he also told Zhou zedao:

"I can also understand the meaning here, and I admire the character of Tang Ju, the protagonist, who is not afraid of power. It is very similar to our ancestors who fought against the storm at sea."

Icelanders consider themselves descendants of Vikings, the so-called Vikings.

What Utterson just read is actually an excerpt from.

This article has been selected into textbooks in many places, and many people have been asked to recite it by their teachers at school.

It probably means that the king of Qin pretended to force Tang Ju,

Tang Ju took out a sword and said to the king of Qin that if you force me again, I will cut you to death,

The king of Qin immediately subdued and shouted:

"It smells good."

Zhou Ze lit a cigarette,

Spit out a smoke ring,


I'm not going to talk to him.

"Sir, do you still think I don't understand Chinese traditional culture?"

Zhou Ze shook his head and said:

"If you really understand, you should understand that this story is false."

"Fake? He comes from a book."

"It's really fake. Move your smart head and think about it,

When the king of Qin summoned Tang Ju, Tang Ju was able to walk to the hall with a long sword on his back. Is it possible?

What's more, the king of Qin had experienced the lesson of Jing Ke stabbing Qin before. Moreover, Tang Ju was more than 90 years old at that time. "

"........" Utterson.

Zhou Ze shook the ashes,


When I recited this classical Chinese at school, I also felt very uncomfortable, because you knew it was fake, you had to recite it, and you had to deduct points if you made a mistake in the exam.

Ottoson returned the book,

Back to the original position,

While holding the dried tea in his mouth, he fell into meditation.

When the afternoon came, several middle school students went back. With Zhou Ze's eyes on him, otterson settled the bill with YingYing and left.

"Are foreigners so rich? The RMB set meal has really been sold."

White Yingying is a little incredible,

Dried tea, cloud cake, rice wine and other things were not rare in her era, let alone now.

"What is valuable with national characteristics? This is called cultural added value."

Zhou Ze remembers that when he was in college in his last life, he had a roommate living in Xichuan. He used it as a joke to tell everyone that they took the initiative to order a batch of national costumes he had never seen on the stockade side to develop tourism. When tourists came, his mother greeted his aunt for a while:

"Here comes the tourist. Get dressed and cheat!"

Then everyone put on those customized clothes and ran to the gate of the village to perform to attract tourists.

He got up and stretched. It was almost dusk, and the summer heat outside was also reduced. Boss Zhou simply walked out of the store and squatted on the sidewalk smoking.

Lao Dao ran back happily, holding his mobile phone high in his hand.

"Got it back?" Zhou Ze asked.

"Well, I got it back. The police comrades at the police station retrieved the monitoring and helped the poor man identify the suspect. Then most of the people at the police station went out to help the poor man find it. After working hard for most of the day, they finally caught the thief, helped the poor man recover his mobile phone, and the thief was also caught.

Police comrades still care about the people and serve them wholeheartedly! "

"Well." Zhou Ze nodded.

"I'm going to send a banner tomorrow." The Taoist priest is very interested.


"Boss, do you eat ice powder?"

The old Taoist pointed to a stall across the road and asked.

Zhou Ze didn't notice before that there was a small stall on the opposite side. It's reasonable to say that stalls are not allowed in this area. It's estimated that that one is also fighting guerrilla warfare.

The stall sells ice powder, which is Sichuan cuisine. It is a good product to relieve summer heat in summer.

"Bring me one without any seasoning."

With that, Zhou Ze also took out his Bian Hua oral liquid and took a sip.


The Taoist priest went to buy two portions of ice powder and squatted on the pavement with his boss to eat.

Zhou Ze's one is plum juice ice powder, which is very refreshing, while the old one with many spices such as brown sugar and peanuts looks particularly rich.

Eat, eat,

A black van came over there. The word "law enforcement" was written on the side facing Zhou Zexiang, and the word "urban management" should be written on the other side if there was no accident.

The car stopped,

Four or five Chengguan came down.

Two of them are still familiar faces. At the beginning, Zhou Ze asked Lao Dao to sweep the roads and make contributions to the creation of a hygienic city. Lao Dao was sent back by those two Chengguan.

The two also saw the two people squatting here eating ice powder together,

One of them raised his hand and said:

"Oh, father and son are eating!"


The Taoist priest was so scared that he sprayed the ice powder directly out of his mouth,

Because the spray is too urgent,

Even the nasal cavity is ejected together,

There are also many peanut seeds on it.

Zhou Ze didn't say anything, but continued to eat with a disposable spoon.

Several Chengguan ran over and said something to the stall owner,

The stall owner is an old woman with all white hair,

Talking and talking,

Grandma began to make ice powder,

Several Chengguan, with several boxes in their hands, gave money, and the old lady sold out of ice powder, so she obediently pushed the stall car away, and repeatedly promised that she would not come here to set up a stall tomorrow.

The others drove back with ice powder, presumably to distribute ice powder to their colleagues.

The young Chengguan, who greeted the Taoist priest before, came over with an ice powder in his hand, and then squatted down on the road teeth and ate.

After he squatted down,

The Taoist priest was uncomfortable all over, for fear that this honest little brother would "surprise himself" and kill himself.

"I'm really not used to this ice powder,"

The Chengguan brother ate a few mouthfuls and said helplessly.

If it weren't for the old lady to close the stall early, they wouldn't buy the rest. It's not expensive, but they're really not used to eating.

Ice powder is popular in Sichuan, but it doesn't accord with Tongcheng people's taste, especially with a lot of seasoning and ingredients. Instead, it's clear and refreshing like Zhou Ze.

"It's still not as delicious as the jelly here." Chengguan said.

Zhou Ze nodded,

I think so.

When I worked in the hospital in my last life, I was assigned to a medical team and went to Xichuan to support for a month. I was not used to eating there, but I suffered.

Zhou Ze still clearly remembers that a young doctor who was in the same department as himself went to the small stall below to buy a large piece of jelly and asked Zhou Ze to eat it together.

At first, Zhou Ze refused, because he really couldn't enjoy the taste of the local jelly sliced with pepper, vinegar and minced garlic.

But the young doctor only asked the boss for a few garlic and a little soy sauce,

Smash the garlic, add some soy sauce, and cut the jelly into large squares like mahjong. Zhou Ze ate and drank with him on this dish for most of the evening.

Zhou Ze never forgot that taste.

Unfortunately, the doctor who ate jelly with him later concealed the fact of his disease when treating a patient due to medical exposure, resulting in his being infected.

At that time, he had sent an invitation to marry.

He didn't survive. It can be said that he was weak or not strong enough. He finally chose to jump off the high building and ended himself.


"Boss, boss?"

When Zhou Ze squatted there and fell into thoughts, the Taoist priest reached out and gently "poked" Zhou Ze's shoulder.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Ze regained consciousness.

"Well, just boss, you didn't hear clearly. This little brother said he wanted to invite me to his house to do a Dharma."

Zhou Ze looked at the Chengguan brother with some surprise.

"It was my mother who asked, not me. I don't believe this, but my mother is a rural person. She wants to have peace of mind. In a few days, it will be my father's tenth anniversary."


Zhou Ze looked at the Taoist priest again,

"Just go."

"No, boss, I want you to go with me."

"Father and son soldiers."

Chengguan brother laughed.

"Can you stop talking?"

The Taoist priest stood up and shouted at the Chengguan brother.


You want to meet your father underground. I don't want to go!

Chengguan brother is inexplicable.

At this time,

The Taoist priest stretched out his hand behind Zhou Ze to look at the back of the Chengguan brother.

Zhou Ze looked over his head,

I found that I didn't know when the Taoist priest had pasted a piece of Rune paper on the back of the Chengguan brother.

This product has developed a good habit of sticking stickers everywhere, right,

The ancestral talisman paper is pasted everywhere like the dog skin plaster on the electric pole on the street.

Last time I went to the toilet and put a toilet,

This time it was posted casually to passers-by.


Zhou Ze still saw what the Taoist priest wanted him to see,

The position of the sign paper on the little brother's back,

A black palm print emerged