Chapter 301

"What on earth does this mean?"

Zhang Yanfeng didn't understand, because he had never seen a ghost. Before, when the ghost of Huang Mao came to the bookstore, he was not there.

Zhou Ze was thoughtful. He didn't care about the noise below, thinking that the police were coming to eliminate pornography, but began to search room by room.

It used to be similar to the old office building. It was estimated that it used to be an apartment tube building for some time. Now, several rooms have been cleaned and some young ladies will use them as gun rooms, but most of the rooms have been locked and accumulated a lot of dust. Obviously, no one has taken care of them for many years.

The owner of the ballroom knew that he was playing a marginal game, so although he didn't stop this derived behavior upstairs, it was not stupid enough to support it, so naturally no one cleaned here.




Zhou Ze kicked the door open one by one,

There were bursts of dust in it, which was very choking.

Since the ghost sang the song here when he came to the bookstore for reincarnation, if the Taoist priest was right and the song was indeed original, it is likely that Huang Mao died here.

At this time, the security guard of the dance hall ran up. First, he heard the sound above, and second, the police did not come. The aunt who reported said that it was a bad old man in robes upstairs who was "playing with princes in the war".

Zhang Yanfeng consciously walked to the entrance of the corridor. When the security guards came up, he stopped them.

Several security guards also wanted to force a few words, and even directly began to clean up these "joking" second forces, but after Zhang Yanfeng took out the certificate and put it out in front of them,

Several security guards just laughed with their faces,

Like a stupid husky,

I dare not make any more moves.

"Lao Zhang, here!"

Zhou Ze shouted.

Hearing this, Zhang Yanfeng ignored these security guards and ran directly. In a dusty room, a man was hanged under the electric fan.

At first glance, it doesn't look like yellow hair, because his hair is not yellow, but gray, but a closer look, it is indeed yellow hair, because his hair is covered by dust and dyed silver gray in disguise.

Zhang Yanfeng did not enter the scene of the crime without authorization. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone, ready to call the police for support.

After the call,

Zhang Yanfeng frowned,

Looking at Zhou Ze,


He really found it.

If you don't know his particularity,

According to the previous process and habits,

Zhang Yanfeng will not hesitate to arrest Zhou Ze as the first suspect and go back for interrogation.

There are many murderers who kill people themselves and call the police to find the scene. In fact, nearly 80% of the murderers will mix with the gourd eaters after the police find the scene of the murder,

This habit is like sitting on the toilet and taking a shit. The first thing to do when standing up is to look down at the poop just pulled out.

Soon, many police cars arrived here, which scared the managers and bosses of the dance hall silly.


It doesn't need such a big battle to eliminate pornography,

I'm just playing football, and it's love football, not selling powder.

The police quickly blocked the scene, and the men and women in the ballroom were temporarily detained here. Because of the murder and the chaotic environment here, a transcript was required.

This makes many men, er... And women who have families sneaking over, very scared.

The professional medical examiner came and began to deal with it on the scene. Zhou Zexiang finished the task and returned downstairs to the Nissan car smoking.

"Boss, it's so strange. Two of the six tomb robbers died in the tomb. Now the tomb can't be found, and another died in this ghost place.

I estimated that the rest of the day did not catch, it is estimated that bad luck. "

Zhou Ze nodded. There was indeed a smell of something wrong with this matter.

"Is it true that the ghost of the tomb owner came out and claimed his life?" The old Taoist guessed.

Zhou Ze can't decide. If it's really a ghost murder, it belongs to his jurisdiction.

To be honest, even boss Zhou rarely sees ghosts who can come out to retaliate for murder. Most of the dead souls walked into the bookstore according to the guidance of the dark, and then were "exploited" by Zhou Ze and sent to hell.

However, ghosts are much worse, and Zhou Ze also has a deeper understanding of ghosts.

Most of the impression of modern people on Tomb theft comes from tomb theft novels or film and television works, but in fact, the kind of tomb that is easily comparable to or even completely explodes the underground palace of the mausoleum of Qin Shihuang is really very few, even ten fingers can't be used up.

Zhou Ze had a task when he was a doctor in his last life. He took the lead in organizing a medical emergency team to follow an archaeological team to participate in a protective excavation.

The object of the excavation was the tomb of a Ming Dynasty prince. At that time, it was the hottest time for tomb robbing novels. Other young doctors in the group all seemed to be young ladies who stretched their necks in front of the door and ignored cars and horses, trying to find a chance to get close to the excavation site.

Zhou Ze also saw it, but the result was disappointed. The tomb has a Zhumen, behind which is a corridor less than 10 meters, ear chambers on both sides, and the main tomb inside. The area is about the same as that of the rural bungalow, and there is nothing to look at inside.

The reason why a medical team is needed is to prevent the risk of injury and infection during excavation. As for the tomb owner who suddenly turned into zongzi and jumped out to kill the four sides, Mao didn't see it.

Zhou Ze estimated that those archaeologists who have seen zombies in their lives have not seen more zombies this year than they have seen in their own lives. Many people have never seen one in their lives,

I can look in the mirror and see Yingying,



However, a scholar of the archaeological team had a chat with Zhou Ze at the beginning, saying that in fact, the tombs of such princes and nobles are actually good, and they all have rules. There are clear standards and rules to follow for the burial objects in them, but the tombs of local small landlords and small rich men are really unimaginable.

There is a saying that the crystallization of the wisdom of the working people is unimaginable, and in the tomb, it can also be changed to borrow this sentence, that is, the thrilling creative wisdom of the ancient working people is unimaginable.

The archaeologist and Zhou Ze gave an example, which made Zhou Ze's memory fresh. A landlord died and his family was afraid of his loneliness below, so they bought two children, a man and a woman, and put the children in before the tomb was sealed. There would be some water and food in it, but few.

After the child ate the food inside, he starved to death and went down to serve the dead.

Therefore, the owner of the tomb may have been reincarnated in hell long ago. The person who was forced to be buried with him was the one who really complained.

Put yourself in another position,

In the dark, sealed tomb,

Next to you is a coffin. You have very little food and water. How would you feel?


Zhou Ze was startled and jumped out of his mind.

It's Zhang Yanfeng.

"The cause of death was initially presumed to be suicide, and no fingerprints of others or traces of homicide were found at the scene."

"So fragile?" The old Taoist muttered, "tomb robbing is not a peddler D, can't you be shot?"

Zhang Yanfeng shook his head.

"Suicide?" Zhou Ze tasted these two words,

The most suspicious thing should be suicide. How did you choose this place?

When there is a candidate for the tomb, he considers to be close to the mountain and near the river. Huang Mao chose to commit suicide here because he thought he could dance when he was lonely in the future?

Can you touch it?

Moreover, a suicidal person means that he has put aside all his distractions and wants to die. How can he come to his bookstore? He should go to hell by himself.

"Team Zhang, just received a notice that another body was found."


Drive for 40 minutes,

They came to the Haohe River,

The body had been salvaged and placed on the lawn, covered with white cloth.

The person who found the dead was a restaurant worker on the night shift. At first, he thought someone was swimming below in the middle of the night. After looking carefully, he found that it was a dead man floating on the water.

Boss Zhou squatted next to the body and looked at it for a while, then walked out.

"Boss, did you commit suicide by diving again?"

The old saying of "suicide" bites hard.

Zhou Ze shook his head. "How long has it been since I saw him in the morning and he slipped away? But the body looks like a giant who has been soaking in the water for a week."

Zhang Yanfeng squatted on the Bank of Hao River and smoked cigarettes, one by one. It was a good achievement to crack a tomb robbery case. When writing propaganda reports, he could also write that he saw them on the roadside and directly found that they might have problems. Evil has nowhere to hide in front of justice.

It's alright now,

Two suspects escaped, one of whom was hanged and the other drowned. Quite simply, a tomb robbery case is developing into a serial murder case.

"Boss, is it possible that the souls of two accomplices left in the tomb came out to revenge?" The old Taoist guessed nearby.

"Yes, find the tomb first." Zhang Yanfeng bit his teeth and threw his cigarette butts on the ground. The soles of his leather shoes stepped on them severely.

"Help me find the tomb." Zhang Yanfeng looks at Zhou Ze.

Zhou Ze shook his head.

"What's the matter?"

"If I were you, I think I should do another thing first."

"What is it?"


At this time, Zhang Yanfeng's mobile phone rang. It looked like it was from the Bureau. Zhang Yanfeng first motioned to Zhou Ze to say later that he answered the phone first,

Listen, listen,

His face immediately changed. After hanging up the phone, he looked at Zhou Ze absently.

"Why?" The Taoist asked.

"The two suspects you and I caught during the day, the older ones, bit their tongue and killed themselves.

The young man also tried to swallow a foreign body and commit suicide. Fortunately, he was found in time and didn't die. "

Zhou Ze stretched out his tongue and licked his lips.

"What did you just say?" Zhang Yanfeng asked.

"Said that you should consider sending more people to protect the two arrested people;


It's meaningless now. "