Chapter 309

"Sleeping trough, wake up, really wake up, mom!!!"

The Taoist priest looked at Xu Qinglang in surprise,

He just saw Xu Qinglang's finger move,

Then, the body also tilted a part.

"Lao Xu, wake up quickly and start your harem!"

The Taoist priest shouted, planning to add a fire!


Xu Qinglang's body twitched. He subconsciously turned sideways and retched under the bed.

Lao Dao directly emptied the plastic basin containing his dirty clothes, put the basin under him, and then stroked Xu Qinglang's back with his other hand:

"Just wake up, just wake up."

Xu Qinglang retched for a while, but he didn't spit out anything. If Zhou Ze was here, it should be seen that part of his body fell into a semi dormant state due to a long-term coma. This retching phenomenon is a bit like a car that has been stored for a long time in ice and snow. It starts to warm up again.

After all, Lao Xu is just in a coma, which is an active self closure caused by "heart disease", and does not make a boundary with the so-called "vegetable".

In fact, most vegetative people are very unlikely to wake up, and even if they are lucky enough to wake up, it is basically impossible to become like normal people. Most of them continue to be in a state of confusion and cannot take care of themselves.

As for those vegetative people who can remember everything before when they wake up and can continue to "Hi" and fall in love,

That kind of thing can only happen in romantic novels and TV dramas.

After vomiting for a while,

Xu Qinglang opened his eyes,

Glancing at the old Taoist and little Luoli around,

Then he fell asleep again with his head on his side.

This sleep is just a rest for the body. People actually wake up.

"Wait, I'll get you some soup to drink and nourish your body."

The Taoist priest ran out happily,

Little Luoli glanced at Xu Qinglang, who was lying on the bed with slight fluctuations in his chest,

Pie pie mouth,


"It's really not that a family doesn't enter a house."

Lao Xu woke up. It was a happy thing. Lao Dao was busy and waited on him. After drinking and eating something, Lao Xu continued to sleep. Lao Dao finally had time to take a bath, put on a clean Taoist robe, walked downstairs and returned to his bar.

A pot of yellow rice wine, a stack of dried white cattail tea,

Put another newspaper in front of you,

From time to time, I sipped a sip of yellow rice wine, picked up two dried tea and threw it into my mouth. I hummed a song, watched the tabloid, and also learned from the boss, stealing a half day's leisure.

The big pot plant was placed beside the Taoist priest to prevent mosquito bites. In the past, it was only the treatment enjoyed by the boss, and the Taoist priest also enjoyed it.

During the day, there are usually few guests. The Taoist priest sometimes has nothing to do sitting here all day, but this time, just after entering the state, three people entered the bookstore.

The Taoist priest shrugged helplessly and put on a smiling face,

"What would you like to drink, three?"

"A pot of Longjing."

The visitor is two young people plus an old man who is older than the old man.

"OK, sit there and wait."

The Taoist priest went to the back to make tea.

Two young men helped the old man choose a position not far from the bar and sat down.

The old man's face was covered with old people's spots, leaning on crutches and wearing a white hole short sleeve, sat down with the careful help of the people next to him.

Two young people sat opposite him. One took out a recording pen, and the other took out a notebook, ready to record anything at any time.

"Yo, interview?"

The old Taoist came over with the teapot and cup, put them one by one, and poured the tea.

"Well." One of the young men answered, pointed at the old man in front of him and said, "this is a war veteran."

"Oh, old brother, I admire you!"

The old man in front of the old road compared a thumb.

The old man sitting there just nodded modestly. He had few teeth left. It seemed that he spoke reluctantly, and his ears were not very good.

To put it in a bad way, at this age and in this state, half a foot has really been put into the coffin.

The old Taoist was very worried and said directly, "in this case, I'll invite you three for today's tea, and I'll bring you some snacks."

"Thank you, boss." The two young people thanked the old Taoist priest.

"You're welcome, you should, you should."

The old Taoist, who always haggled over every penny, was generous this time. He returned to the back of the bar and picked up several plates such as dried fruit and melon seeds and brought them. After putting them on, the old Taoist didn't go far. He grabbed some melon seeds himself and leaned against the bar while listening.

Lao Dao was born in the two years after the founding of the people's Republic of China. He had never experienced the war years, but he was such a person that he liked to listen to stories through hearsay.

In the early years, there were still many storytellers, and then they gradually disappeared.

"Old man, let's start now."

The young man asked.

The old man nodded.

So the interview began.

Two young people should be reporters from a small newspaper, and they are doing a column to interview Anti Japanese War veterans.

The first thing the old man said,

The Taoist priest was excited,

Just because the old man spoke slowly and vaguely, but the Northern Shaanxi accent of that couple made the old man really friendly.


Fellow villagers!

The old man hesitated to give them something more. He would put the money into the bar by himself. The public things are public and his own are his own. He would not secretly take advantage of boss Zhou.

After all,

Boss Zhou is so poor.

Looking at the boss holding on to the silver coin last night,

The Taoist priest felt a little pitiful,

What a deep obsession it must be.

The old man's interview continued. He spoke slowly but clearly.

It seems that I have practiced in my mind. No, I should be faced with a lot of interviews like this. Slowly, I get used to it.

"Because I have been in the national army, I have been unable to lift my head for a long time. Slowly, I have formed the habit of being quiet."

When the old man came to this point,

The young reporter immediately said, "hard work, Mr. Jia."

Another reporter picked up a teapot to give the old man a cup of tea and sent it to the old man.

The old Taoist continued to eat melon seeds and listened with interest.

Many things in that era were difficult to explain clearly, but at least the current social atmosphere is improving and correcting mistakes, and people's cognition is no longer as limited as before.

As long as they are people who have shed blood for the country, in fact, they don't have to worry about their identity, and they don't have to worry about private morality. They themselves are already worthy of respect.

"When I joined the army, I actually wanted to eat a full meal. At that time, I was young. I was only 14 years old when I joined the army. I didn't have much culture and didn't understand any major principles. I learned many principles later. I knew that I was very proud to fight in the beginning.

The troops were scattered and stumbled. In 45 years, the troops were stationed in Shaanxi.

I was in the 2nd platoon of the 3rd company of the 3rd Battalion of the 90th division of the 30th army of the first group army. The commander was Hu zongnan, the commander was Lu Chongyi, the commander was Wang Huimin, the commander was Gao Shuxun, the company commander was Chen, and the platoon commander was Liu.

I remember very clearly. I have been remembering the serial number of the troops at that time. What the people above forced us to remember at that time was that even if we were killed in the war in the future, after we went to hell, we might as well ask the old Department to continue playing devil below. "

The two reporters patiently recorded these reports, which will be published in the newspaper soon, in order to call on the society to care for and love these anti Japanese veterans, especially the national army.

Just look at the state of the two reporters whose eyes have become red,

I knew that after this report was published in the newspaper, many people will surely cry because of this report. Everyone will be moved by this anti Japanese War veteran and scold at the same time

The Taoist frowned beside him,


In 45 years, Gao Shuxun was the leader?

How can the Taoist priest remember that Gao Shuxun was the commander in 40 years?

Besides, Gao is a veteran of Feng Yuxiang's northwest military department. How did he go to work for Hu zongnan?

Look at this old man again,


It should be a mistake,

After all, I'm old,

Also normal.

The Taoist priest said nothing and continued to eat melon seeds.

"The troops moved to Hanzhong, Shaanxi, and then fought with the devils in Baqiao and Weinan, Xi'an.

I forgot my troop number with the devil. I only remember that others' guns are much better than ours. They use the 38 style and our troops use the Hubei style.

The battle is fierce, and our casualties are always more than the devil. Because I was young at that time, my comrades in arms took good care of me. Once I fought with the devil, and the enemy's shell exploded on my thigh. I didn't know it hurt at that time. My trouser legs bled and my shoes were full of blood. It was my comrades in arms who saved me to the field hospital to recuperate


After the war of liberation, our company commander led us to uprising.


The Chinese don't fight the Chinese

A reporter was already wiping his tears with a napkin,

Another reporter nearby sobbed: "the Chinese don't fight the Chinese. Well, it's good to say. I've wronged you, Mr. Jia. Over the years, you've suffered and suffered, and you will be rewarded.".

This is our reward for this interview. Please take it and improve your life.

The people of the motherland will not forget you, and the society will not forget you. We will help you publicize

"Wait, wait!!!"

The old Taoist on the side couldn't listen anymore. He immediately came forward, knocked hard on the table, and shouted:

"Aren't you bullshit!"

"Boss, what do you mean?" The young reporter frowned at the boss.

The Taoist priest was not in a hurry to finance the two reporters, but first pointed to the old man who had just finished talking and was taking away the thick red envelope and scolded:

"The more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes!

Well, one of the proudest things of the older generation in Tongguan is that no matter how the devil's plane exploded, they didn't let the devil cross the Fenglingdu!

You fucking fought in Weinan, Baqiao,

Fuck your grandma,

Go back and ask little Japan if they could pass the Hangu pass! "

With that,

Lao Dao pointed to two young journalists who were still "moving China":

"Are you two out of your minds? Invite any liar to interview, and you're still crying. Is your brain full of paste?"