Chapter 831

Some things can't be forgotten even if you want to forget them. It's really a fear inherited from the blood. It has been engraved and passed down from generation to generation. Time can make it dim, but it can't really be completely erased.

At this point,

Deep in the soul,

In this dark sea,

Before this bone continent,

When the figure of this man appeared in front of him,

Hao swine,

I recall the fear that my ancestors were killed and cooked!

"Ah ah!!!!"

Hao swine opened his mouth,

He began to scream in horror,

It's loud,

But it's not frightening at all,

Because in this cry, there is too clear and obvious fear, the hysteria that has almost made it collapse.

Yinggou didn't speak, he just stood here, standing quietly;

The mountain like terror pig has begun to relax.

It did not dare to step forward, did not dare to touch the scales of the man in front of him, and did not dare to let the other party misunderstand itself with the slightest offence.

For a long time,

Hao swine barely calmed his mind,

But still buried his head,

Keep your eyes down,

Ancient fierce beasts,

It's like becoming a Peppa Pig.

Yinggou raised his hand,

"Remember... Get... I...."

If you don't take the takeout when you get home, you have to send it to your mouth by yourself.

Rao is leaning behind boss Zhou, who is also speechless. He is too arrogant and lazy.

Hao swine didn't get angry. On the premise of recognizing the identity of the man in front of him, he didn't even dare to feel angry.

In that era,

It seems that their ancestors have always had a destiny,

That is to become the food that the owner of the netherworld sea can take and use,

Even in his own sphere of influence, he is a giant,

But when the man was hungry or wanted to eat the taste, a consciousness came,

The patriarch of the clan tied himself up,

Take the initiative to come to the depths of the sea of the nether world,

even to the extent that,

You have to prepare your own cooking utensils,

Cook your own food.

This is humiliation,



But after a long time of humiliation, there is no longer any sense of humiliation, which seems to have become a ritual. The sense of ritual dilutes sadness, and the sense of ritual brings intoxicating glory.

It seems that being able to become the dish of that person can make the younger generation yearn for more than being the patriarch of the ethnic group.

It's just a pity,

Although he likes to eat Hao swine, he never puts their bones under his white bone throne,

The reason is simple,

Not qualified.

"It's you..."

Hao swine raised his head carefully,

He summoned up a hundred and twenty thousand care.

Rational thinking kept telling it that the man in front of him had fallen. Even if he was not dead, he was no longer the terror of that year.

It has nothing to be afraid of. There is really no need to be afraid. Even the other party needs to be afraid of himself!


Most of the time,

The advantage of perceptual thinking can crush the so-called rationality.

Especially when yinggou says the next sentence:

"Stay... You... A... Meaning... Knowledge..."

It's not easy for you to get out of the seal and sneak into the sun. It's encouraging to leave you a sense.

The rest,

Just give it to me.

This sentence is more excessive than "giving you a whole corpse",

However, Hao swine was extremely excited and almost shed tears of gratitude.

This is glory, glory, glory!

It is the first one, which can make this backward Hao swine in front of us!

"I have something to tell you."

Yinggou nodded silently, motioning for the other party to go on.

"I'm not the only one who came up this time, but also the original consciousness of the other two."

"Yes............ who............."

In turn,

Yinggou asked again:

"OK... Eat........."

Hao swine bowed his head wrongfully,


"I don't know."

Yinggou's eyes sank slightly.

Hao swine's huge pig head began to tremble and immediately said:

"I really don't know. At that time, when my origin was divided, I could feel that my divided origin was replaced by two consciousness at that time.

I don't know who did it, and I don't dare to try and ask. "

Boss Zhou couldn't sit still when he heard this.

Hao swine is really scared like a piece of pork head in front of yinggou,

But outside, in hell, there are also famous giants, otherwise they would not have been suppressed by the early Taishan mansion.

Can play the trick of grafting flowers and trees under Hao swine's eyes,

This kind of existence,

How terrible is it?

Zhou Ze knew better that the current Hao swine was broken by the bookstore and others, which was equivalent to being bundled up and sent to yinggou.

In fact, yinggou was also a little cautious in dealing with this matter. Maybe in his opinion, it was a little too humiliating to expose himself in order to eat a mouthful of pork.

The original plan of the bookstore was to hunt all the way and catch the source of Hao swine one by one.

This meal is pork head,

The next meal is pig's feet,

Then ribs,

Streaky pork or something,

Give yinggou a pig feast.

Just now,

They seem to be mixed with parts that do not belong to pigs,

If you continue to hunt according to the previously set plan,

It's hard to say who is the hunter and who is the prey.

Yinggou nodded slowly,

The huge pig head began to dissipate slowly,

It turned into green circles, and then separated wisps of cyan smoke, which slowly approached yinggou with anxiety.

Yinggou slowly began to breathe in,

The green smoke began to be injected slowly along his nose,

A flattering voice came:

"My Lord, it's all due to the early generation of Taishan, who broke my body, so that you can't taste my real flesh and blood today. What a pity."

Zhou Ze licked his lips,

Look how sensible people are when they say this,

In a trance,

Zhou Zedu is a little confused,

Who is the real watchdog.

All the green light is absorbed by yinggou,

The existence of this part of Hao swine has been completely erased,

Yinggou turns around,

Look at Zhou Ze.

Boss Zhou can clearly detect the smell on tie Hanhan, which is much more condensed than before. Sure enough, pork is a great tonic, and eating pork may be more tonic than eating donkey hide gelatin.

"There's a pig's hoof outside. Let's swallow it later, or we'll do it ourselves?"

Lao Zhang probably hasn't recovered yet, and the little boy is also injured. It's a little difficult for them to hunt off the big pig hooves on Gengchen in a short time.

"You..... Look..... Do......"

It seems that I just ate a meal, which made me hungry;

Or because he agreed with Zhou Ze's deep concerns,

That's it,

The next pig's hoof will be over.

If you continue to hunt, you may have problems.

It seems that there is a more terrifying existence than Hao swine in this defection event. It is unwise to be rashly involved in the vision of such a powerful existence when yinggou has not recovered to a sufficient degree.

Yinggou passed by Zhou Ze,

Raise your feet,

Stepped on the white bone ladder,

Step by step to his throne.

Zhou Ze raised his head,

Looking at the high steps above,


"You used to run the steps for so long when you got in and out of bed every day. It's like climbing a mountain. Is it tired?"

Yinggou ignored him.

"Hey, I said, I've sat on that chair. It's too hard. To be honest, you might as well put a sofa bed on it."

In the middle of the vast sea of the nether world, the top of the continent with white bones symbolizes the true supreme position of hell in that era,

Put a sofa bed?

Yinggou's footsteps trembled slightly, and he continued to go up.

it seems that,

He is breathing deeply.

Zhou Ze laughed,

Sure enough, the mouth is soft,

This is not angry.

"Hey, I said, why is there a hole under here?"

Zhou Ze pointed to the seat where he had just sat and said.

There is a golden cushion inside, which is still a sunken area.

"I said, don't go up and down every day. It's good to just lie here."

Yinggou stopped,

A meaningful smile appeared at the corners of his mouth,


"Are you... Very... Happy... Happy?"

Zhou Ze shrugged his shoulders,

"I still like it here rather than climbing such a high distance."

"That............ inside............ is............ dog............ nest............."

"........" Zhou Ze.