Chapter 859

A person's destiny, of course, depends on self struggle, but also takes into account the process of history

For example, now, I just went to the cemetery to celebrate May 7th for the big sister of the massage shop who was killed by traffickers,

He himself did not know that he had been given a new sacred mission by his boss who was far away in Yangzhou.

Fang Xinger left. According to people in the police station, her family came from their hometown, but because the news that the murderer was also dead soon broke out, seeing that she could not get any compensation, her family simply left without even taking care of Fang Xinger's body.

The morgue has been kept for a long time. This is not an ownerless body, and it is not convenient for the police to deal with it according to the process of treating the ownerless body. What if you deal with it, and the family of the dead suddenly comes out and accuses you of compensation?

This kind of thing is not new.

Later, Lao Dao heard about it from Lao Zhang. After that, he went to the police station to sign the claim form, took the body back, and personally paid for a cemetery, and buried Fang Xinger.

In the eyes of outsiders, the old Taoist may be a little silly, infinitely close to 250.

But the Taoist priest felt that he should do so. Fang Xinger knitted herself a red sweater before the accident. Even for the sake of that sweater, it was also right to do these by herself.

Besides, Fang Xinger actually died a great death. If it weren't for her sensitive identity and unsuitable for hype, it might not be such a cold situation.

Fang Xinger's husband and son both rely on Fang Xinger to earn money by "working" outside.

One is playing with money in his hometown and the other is in college. The two men are absorbed in Fang Xinger's body and are thirsty for blood. But when she left, no one really looked at her any more.

The old Taoist is not worth it for Fang Xinger.

But there are so many such things. The desolation of the world and the indifference of human relations seem to have gradually become the theme of the current atmosphere.

Out of the cemetery park, the old road got into a car, which was still Xu Qinglang's.

The Taoist priest didn't plan to buy a car recently,

Because he found a problem,

The car in the library is easy to break down.

It was either smashed or blown up,

In short,

The service life is really terrible.

Only lawyers like Lao Xu and an, who don't need money, can happily choose a new car as soon as a car is scrapped.

The little monkey stayed in the car all the time, with a bag of peanuts peeling in front of him.

After the Taoist priest sat in, the little monkey grabbed a handful of peanuts and pulp in front of him and sent them to the Taoist priest.

"Zhi Zhi!"

Grandpa, eat!

The Taoist priest smiled, took the peanuts, put some in his mouth, and put some in the little monkey's mouth.

One person and one monkey are happy in the car.

I started the car and went back to the bookstore. On the way, I passed a farmer's market. The old man went to buy some fruits, dried fruits and so on. After waiting for the bookstore, I went to the pharmacy next door first, sent some fruits to Fangfang and them there, and then paid a visit.

Encourage him to rest assured and strive to leave the hospital as soon as possible.

I should have listened to the salary request with tears in my eyes.

Back in the bookstore, put the fruits in order, and then put the dried fruits and other things in place. The old man picked up the broom and began to sweep the floor.

In the past, the cleaning of the bookstore was done by the dead waiter, but since the dead waiter was planted in the field by the black chick every three or five times, the cleaning work has been empty.

The Taoist priest naturally took over. He was idle anyway.

After sweeping the floor, he picked up a rag and began to clean the tables and chairs.

The sofa the boss often sits on doesn't need to be managed by the old way. As long as the boss is at home, Yingying will replace the sofa cover every day.

Sometimes, the Taoist priest envies the boss for having a Yingying.

Beautiful, sensible, considerate, willing to pay everything for you and rich girlfriend,

Where can I find it?

This is more magical than making Korean dramas.

Get busy, get busy,

When it was getting dark, the Taoist priest finally stopped.

White fox walked in gracefully from the door of the bookstore, jumped on a tea table, crawled down, through the glass window, and looked at the sunset outside.

The orange light shines on the white fox,

Don't say,

There is really a smell of oil painting.

White fox is calm. Since it became five tails, white fox gives people a feeling of cutting off threethousand troubles;

Not as coquettish as before.


Xu Qinglang came out and put the food on the table.

The boss left with five ghost errands. There are not many people who can eat in the bookstore now, so Xu Qinglang didn't cook much. We made do with a few small dishes.

In fact, the taste is very good, especially the crucian carp soup in the middle. It's nothing more than three crucian carp plus a few pieces of tofu, but the soup tastes delicious. The old Taoist drank three bowls alone.

After dinner,

The Taoist priest sat at the door of the bookstore with a bench,

You say you are taking a cool shower. This weather is not suitable for taking a cool shower. The Taoist priest just sits here and looks at the men and women passing on the pedestrian street, a pair of empty nester's visual sense.


Xu Qinglang came over and handed the Taoist a cup of tea.

The Taoist priest reached out and took it, bowed his head and took a sip.

"Oh, don't mention it. After they left, the boss really felt that the room was very deserted."

The Taoist nodded.

"OK, keep watching here. I'll go out and buy some raw materials."

Although Gengchen and lawyer an left the bookstore together, Xu Qinglang's puppetry still needs to continue to practice. This thing really consumes materials.

Thanks to him, he is a man with more than 20 suites,

Otherwise, I really can't afford to play.

The old Taoist continued to sit at the door. In front of him, neon flickered, weaving the main color under the noisy night.

At the windowsill of lawyer an's room above the old Taoist,

The little boy stood there holding the window,


Look far away.

On the first day of her absence,

Miss her!

I don't know what happened to her in Yangzhou, whether she was in danger or bullied.

In the next room next to it,

Yingying sits in front of the desk,

There are some introductions of financial products in front of her. She has been reading them for a long time, but it seems that the best financial management is not understood

Yingying, who has surpassed Xu Qinglang in the number of properties, is not very happy today, because it is said that the state will soon introduce a property tax.



Isn't it,

The maid of other people's house just serves the master well, and she can also get a lot of money every month. When she comes to Yingying, she has to give money to her boss to live a life of drinking Cat Shit every day.

After thinking for a while,

Yingying decides to let the boss make a decision when the boss comes back,

But she immediately frowned again,

The boss doesn't seem to like being annoyed by these things!

Yingying leaned back on the chair,

Pick up the hot water cup next to you,

Took a sip of hot water,

Then put a large stack of real estate certificates on the table that can be used to play poker into the drawer.

get up,

Yingying lay on the bed,

Then he immediately stood up again.

Although the boss is not at home,

But some habits were imperceptibly influenced by her.

Bed is a very sacred place. You can't defile it before taking a bath.

Yingying went down to take a bath,

Half an hour later,

Yingying returned to her bedroom,

Lying down on the outside side of the bed,

Turn on the lamp,

Pick up the "maid's self-cultivation" on the head cabinet and start to review it again.

She only sleeps in the outer part, because the position inside is the boss's.

Listening to the wind outside the window while reading with a lamp,

Yingying suddenly has an illusion,

That is, the boss is lying beside him, sleeping soundly. The wind is the boss's even breathing.

I read books for about an hour,

Yingying closes the book,

At this time,

She saw a figure appear on the window of the wardrobe in the room.

Yingying got up in some doubt and walked over.

In the mirror,

She saw herself,

But slowly,

His clothes in the mirror began to change,

From the original pajamas into a very retro clothes.

A skirt made of peacock feathers, exquisite bracelets, and glittering bracelets on the ankles.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

Yingying shook her head,

She also shook her head in the mirror.


Yingying understood, stepped back a few steps, looked heavily at herself in the mirror, turned around, and returned to bed.

She closed her eyes,

Start to calm down your heart.

It is a long process to digest the legacy of drought. In this process, it will naturally be affected by her, but you can overcome it as long as you calm down.


Yingying's consciousness began to fall into chaos,


Went to sleep

"Close the door, close the door!"

Late at night, the boss pulled down the shutter door of the bookstore. In the past, the bookstore would be open until the second half of the night, but now there is no ghost in the bookstore. It is meaningless to stay until the second half of the night, and it is impossible to do business.

Close the door, lock it, and the old Taoist goes to the bathroom to wash with a towel and washbasin,

The little monkey also took a small basin, a small towel and a children's toothbrush and washed with the Taoist priest.

"Throat...... decadent!

Crash! "

The Taoist wiped his face,

Reached out and grabbed the monkey's hair,


"The hair is long again. I'll trim it for you tomorrow."

The little monkey nodded and began to gargle with a small cup of water.

At this time,

The old man's cell phone rang,

"Whose electricity... Eh, the boss's."

Lao Dao hurriedly answered the phone:

"Hello, boss."

"Lao Dao, are you in the bookstore?"

"I'm here, boss, what's the matter?"

"Oh, I have a friend here who wants to come back with me this time. She wants to have fun in Tongcheng and find a guide."

"It's nothing to say, boss. Your friend is also my friend. Let me be this guide!"

"Well, I think so, too. We'll probably come back tomorrow morning. Then you can pick it up at the highway toll station."

"Ah, it's so urgent. Don't you go to the store for a meal first?"

"No, she has something to do. You just need to be responsible for leading the way."

"OK, boss, what's the problem!

Ensure to complete the task! "

"OK, that's it."

"OK, boss! Trust me, it won't embarrass you."

"Well, you never let me down."