Chapter 988

Haohe river was the moat of Tongcheng long ago, but now with the development and expansion of the city, it has long become the landscape river of Tongcheng

Therefore, many times, the so-called vicissitudes of life are not as far away as imagined.

At this point,

On the bench by the river,

A woman with long hair and a shawl was sitting there.

Back, gently rely on the bench, sitting gracefully;

There was no despair when she was on the verge of collapse, nor any resentment. At any time, she seemed to be able to maintain her own elegance.

She sat there, should be blowing the wind, watching the night scene.

Across the river is the New Times Square. Although the fountain is closed, the neon is flashing, while on the bank, it is much colder and quieter.

Her eyes were still bright, bright. When Zhou Ze came out of the darkness, the already made abdominal manuscript was completely useless.

She doesn't need comfort. She is very strong. Even, you can clearly feel that she doesn't seem to care much.

"Here you are."

Dr. Lin stood up,

Today, she is wearing a khaki windbreaker without buttons. Under it, a pair of long legs in black silk are faintly visible, solemn and charming.

Zhou Ze nodded, took the initiative to the other side of the bench and sat down.

"I didn't mean to disturb you."

Dr. Lin turned his head sideways, and his long hair fell to one side, like a gentle waterfall pouring down.

Her mouth, with a smile, the whole person also appears very sunny, not that kind of artificial sunshine, there is no meaning of forced laughter.

The whole person seems very relaxed.

"I just want to see you, but you haven't been here for half a year."

"Well, there are some things outside that need to be done."

Dr. Lin nodded, "yes, you are very busy."

Dr. Lin knows some of Zhou Ze's identity, but he doesn't know much. He only knows that Zhou Ze is now doing work similar to that in ancient stories.

"I know about you." Speaking of this, Zhou Ze suddenly frowned and said with an angry meaning, "why didn't you protect yourself? How did I teach you at the beginning!"

Zhou Ze knows that although Dr. Lin has her own hospital, she often participates in surgery.

Some medical practitioners will eventually follow the administrative line, thus gradually alienating themselves from the medical front line. However, some people just like the feeling of simply doing surgery and the sense of sanctity of treating patients and saving people. They can be said to be dismissive of other things and mundane affairs.

The solution to this problem is actually very simple, that is, open your own hospital.

She is very young, really young. Her life and career should have a long way to go.

Occupational exposure, for doctors, is almost a nightmare. The nightmare that happens in reality can change everything in an instant,

Your life,

Your unemployment,

Your past,

Your future,

A nightmare to be buried together!

All aspects of the country have indeed developed rapidly in recent years, but the protection of doctors' occupational exposure has really attracted attention and changed since the * * in 2003.

It was a wake-up call and change made at the cost of the safety and lives of those medical practitioners.

"Too late, car accident, rescue, too late to check in advance, and then messy, just..."

Doctor Lin pursed his lips, and the corners of his mouth were still smiling.

Many times, it's really not just the doctor's unilateral attention that can avoid it. When things happen to you, you are often so caught off guard.

The operation with preventive measures is better. There are risks, but as long as the protection is in place and the operation is proper, the problem will not be great.

Zhou Ze has also participated in many operations on patients with this condition before.

But accidents are not accidents if they can be controlled by others. Besides, there are those who will deliberately hide their condition or even find excuses to avoid preoperative examination.

"There will be a way."

"Modern medicine can't help this disease."

"What I said is that I have a way."

"It's unnecessary. Anyway, I won't die immediately. I really don't care very much. When I first knew the situation and took blocking drugs, it was too late.

The only pity is that although I have my own hospital, I can't stand on the operating table anymore.

However, it's also good. You can have a lot of free time to do something you wanted to do before but felt it was a waste of time. "

"I said."


"You are so cheerful, how can I comfort you?"

Wen Yan,

Doctor Lin bit his lip,

The smile is stronger.

"Zhou... Teacher."


"In fact, I don't know whether I still like you."

"What do you say?"

"It's not easy to see it once. If you can sit down and chat, you must find something to talk about."

Doctor Lin tonight is really cheerful.

"OK, you go on."

"Don't say, suddenly don't want to say."


"If after all, I finally feel that I don't like you and miss you as much as before, just a little obsession, then I will definitely regret it."


"Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Boss Zhou heard the speech,

Raise your head,

Looking up at the starry sky,

After thinking for a while,



"Then say, I'll listen."

"I don't have to worry now. Anyway, you won't sleep with me."

"......." Dr. Lin.

"Really, this problem bothered me for a long time at the beginning."

"Teacher, you don't have no chance. If you don't have a chance at first, how can you have no chance later?

Whether it's ethical or moral condemnation and torture, I'll bear it. You just need to find the pleasure you want.



When I talk like this,

Will it make me look very disrespectful? "



"A little."

"A little?"


"Hehe, it doesn't matter anyway. This problem doesn't need to be tangled anymore."

Zhou Ze scratches his head,


"In fact, my body is most afraid of viruses, so theoretically, this problem is still there."

"Teacher, you can actually not tell me, so I may be more moved."

Zhou Ze's Adam's Apple moved.

Dr. Lin stood up,

Facing the Haohe River,


"I always feel that the reason for all this is caused by me. Sometimes, I feel like Zhu Yingtai. Sometimes, I feel that I should be the kind of shameless woman who is immersed in a pigsty.

At the beginning, I have been avoiding Xu Le's things. I try not to think of him. It's best to never think of him again.

If a woman like me dies and goes to hell, the king of hell will not let me go. "

"In fact, the king of hell has been killed by me..."

"I'm glad you can find here and talk to me."

Zhou Ze shook his head and said, "I can find a way to help you

"Please give me the opportunity and power to choose to face death."

Zhou Ze was stunned,


Is it all this reply?

Are you all so conscious?

Boss Zhou suddenly fell into deep meditation.

Dr. Lin bent down,

Facing Zhou Ze's side face,

A gentle kiss.

Both are doctors, so it is clear that this level of contact will not be contagious.

Even if it's kissing, it's basically not, unless both sides have wounds in their mouths, but if both sides have bloody mouths and insist on kissing, it really deserves to get sick.

"I'm leaving. Recently, I plan to visit several scenic spots in China to relax. I originally wanted to see you before going out, but you haven't been there."

Dr. Lin said,

Wrapped his windbreaker in his hands,

Turn around,

She walked to the Audi she parked on the roadside and sat in the car.

Zhou Ze is still sitting on the bench,

After Audi started and left,

Zhou Ze suddenly smiled,

He said to himself:

"That's it?"

"Still... Want to... How... Like?"

"........" Zhou Ze.

"You suddenly come out at this time, which really destroys the atmosphere."

Boss Zhou silently took out his pen.

"Ha... Ha..."

This is revenge, deliberate revenge!

Zhou Ze knew that it was when he was in hell that he kept bubbling, so yinggou remembered. Now, he is back.


At the thought of the atmosphere, the environment and the dialogue just now,

There is a third party,

An old man who has lived since ancient times is eavesdropping nearby,

Zhou Ze had a deep feeling of coldness.

Just like when yinggou ate an old ginseng in hell, he had to feel heartache once. That's suffocating!

"Hey, tie Hanhan, let me ask you something."


"Can you cure this disease?"

Modern medicine can't solve it, so we can only expect some other ways.


Zhou Ze is unwilling to turn Dr. Lin into a zombie,

Because he felt,

If Lao Dao becomes a zombie, then Lao Dao is still Lao Dao;

Lao Dao's character, experience and adaptation in advance, even if Lao Dao becomes a zombie, you can still feel at home in the bookstore.


The number of zombies in bookstores has always accounted for a large proportion,

Becoming a zombie is like going home.

But for Dr. Lin, Zhou Ze has kept a reasonable distance. At most, when he meets occasionally, his eyes stay on others' silk stockings for a few more seconds.

But Zhou Ze has always hoped that she can have her own life, and he will not change, nor do he want to change.

"Make a statement in advance, excluding the kind that directly turns into a zombie or walking corpse puppet. Simply, treat her illness and treat her body well, so that she can continue to live as an ordinary person."

"What................. Disease............."


In my heart, I was silent for a long time.

When Zhou Ze was impatient,


Yinggou's response came,

"Say..... People..... Words......"