Chapter 3461

A number of gods and generals swarmed on. They saw that ye Lingyue was a man and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to take ye Lingyue down.

Those generals are all subordinates of the military headquarters. Their strength is about three or four steps in the void. There are more than ten people. They are comparable to a team with amazing combat power.

Tanshui fairy also knows that once ye Lingyue enters the army King camp, she may not be able to win ye Lingyue so easily with the intervention of several judges.

"It's shameless to bully more people than to bully them!"

Ye Lingyue shoulder, small Wuya and Zhi yo see shape, especially small Wuya, Teng jump up to ye Lingyue, a wink, back.

Ye Ling moon god consciousness move, bursts of light in its feet flash.

"Mirror technique door, up."

Ye Lingyue says something in her mouth. She has inherited the Dharma from her uncle mirror.

Along the way, ye Lingyue practiced the Dharma when he was free, and now he has achieved little.

Although there is no way to have eight mirror images like mirror sound, it is a small test to compare one mirror with the God general.

A mirror suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

When they saw the mirror, the gods and generals were confused. They didn't know what ye Lingyue was using this mirror.

"even a broken mirror dare to obstruct you

A red faced giant Han, who was the leader, gave a violent drink, but saw that his fists and fists were full of wind and smashed at the mirror.

Those gods and generals behind him are not willing to be outdone, one by one, and the attacks are like the tide.

Ye Lingyue looked behind the mirror, in the dark.

The harder the attack, the worse you'll die.

A large number of attacks, like locusts, fell on the mirror.

In the mirror, the light flashed.

The Tanshui fairy only had time to hear a burst of screams, and felt that her eyes were almost unable to open by the mirror light.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw more than ten gods lying on the ground.

Tanshui fairy's face suddenly changed and looked at ye Lingyue in disbelief.

The mirror has disappeared, ye Lingyue stands in pavilion and looks at Tanshui fairy indifferently.

"How can it be, your strength Ye Lingyue, you dare to resist arrest

Talk about water fairy did not expect, but more than a month did not see, ye Lingyue is like a completely new general.

She had always thought that ye Lingyue's most powerful skill was Fu Dou because of his apprenticeship with Guan Jiu and others. But when she saw that ye Lingyue clearly used the array.

Can you say, when did the woman in red become so powerful?

"Dare to ask Tanshui fairy, what is my crime? You want to arrest me? If you want to arrest me, even in the name of the army headquarters, you should have a proper wording. "

Ye Lingyue sneered coldly.

Different from the past, ye Lingyue's current level is no longer an ordinary general.

In the divine world, the 13th Marshal can not capture at will, except the God Emperor of the gods mountain, even the military headquarters.

"You neglect the military affairs and leave the camp of the king of soldiers without permission. I am ordered by the emperor to arrest you."

Tanshui fairy's face was awe inspiring.

"I dare to ask who ordered you

Ye Lingyue had a good idea. She also guessed that if it was not for the orders of the gods mountain, even the first imperial censor, Tanshui fairy would not dare to make trouble at the gate of Bingwang camp. She asked back.

"It was the Ninth Night of the new emperor Xi. He learned from the Nudi that the Nudi kidnapping was probably related to the traitor Chi Yin. And you, as the partner of traitor Chi Yin, bear the brunt of it and have to be investigated. "

Tan water fairy said righteousness is awe inspiring, ye Lingyue listen, but sneer repeatedly.

What a night Xi nine, has forced her mother and father, forced her grandparents, now want to harm her?

He must make the night home, no one left.

"If the new emperor suspects me, let the new emperor come to the barracks to ask questions. There is no place where I feel sorry for the divine world when ye Lingyue is sitting. However, some people look at me with dignity, but actually they do some things about men and women prostitutes behind their backs. It's really ridiculous."

Ye Lingyue's words are ironic. The implication is to satirize Xi Jiu's sitting on the throne of God at night.

Tanshui fairy was blushed by Ye Lingyue. She thought ye Lingyue was talking about her army headquarters. She became angry.

"How dare you let the God Emperor come to the barracks and ask you something? Ye Lingyue, you are arrogant and deceive the king. I will arrest you today. "

Tanshui fairy was about to break out, but he heard a sound of drinking.


Seeing the sentimental, he came out of the camp in a hurry.

When he saw ye Lingyue, his eyes were full of joy, but he was somewhat surprised to see ye Lingyue alone and not see the night Beiming.

"Style God, this is my and ye Lingyue's business, you'd better not interfere, lest the gods mountain blame down, bear the responsibility of sitting together."Tanshui fairy has no good airway.

"Tanshui fairy is not right. You said that you came to investigate at the order of the God Emperor, but there was a purpose in your hand, which was given by Huoyan God Emperor and new emperor. This is the emperor's order to absolve Ye Shuai from all the crimes related to Chi Yin's rebellion. "

In fact, there is an imperial edict in the hands of Bo Qing, which is presented to me.

The tan water fairy listened, and her face was red and white.

Two of the four great deities in Zhushen mountain are new emperors. Now the four gods are quite different from the four gods in those days.

Although it was the new emperor recommended by Fenggu God Emperor, Zeng Sixuan has not been associated with Fenggu God Emperor and Xi Jiuye since he ascended the throne.

But it is very close to the fire God Emperor.

Qingqing first step, arrived at the Bing Wang Camp, can not wait until ye Lingyue father and daughter.

He was worried and wrote back to the gods mountain.

After the fire God Emperor and the little monster knew about it, they issued an emperor's decree and gave it to Qingqing. As soon as ye Lingyue appeared, he asked him to rescue him.

The same is the emperor's decree, the same from the gods mountain, Tanshui fairy listen, his face changed.

She just doesn't care whether it's true or not. She just wants to embarrass ye Lingyue.

Let her leave Bingwang camp like this, let ye Lingyue go, she is very unwilling in the bottom of her heart.

When Tanshui fairy tried every means to win ye Lingyue.

Her face changed suddenly.

"It seems that the meanings of the four gods are quite different. I'll let you go this time. Next time, you may not be so far away. We'll see. "

Tanshui fairy took another look at the lying generals on the ground. His face was gloomy and he left in a hurry.

"Tanshui fairy looks like something's wrong."

Ye Lingyue is very surprised.

"That woman is so weird, don't pay attention to it. Ling Yue, how can you be the only one who respects the eight wasteland gods? "

Ye Lingyue and Qingqing talk about what happened these days. Two people and two animals went into the king's camp together. , the fastest update of the webnovel!