Chapter 4517

The Witch King did not deny, but also did not admit, just said in a calm tone.

"Natural selection and the replacement of the old and the new are the laws of nature. Even if you don't come, my natural power is also declining. This is not due to human factors, but to the natural environment. The emergence of ancestral stars began to absorb the aura between heaven and earth, turning them into heavenly power, thus forming a river of heaven. Wangwu is the place where the power of heaven and earth is the most strong, and the place that is influenced by the ancestral star is the most. If the ancestral star does not fall, the power of the wizard will weaken day by day, until Tianhe is born and Wang Wu dies. "

Wu Wang's words, let Xi nine night at the foot of a meal.

Even the imps in the ban have stopped their useless struggle.

How could the existence of ancestral stars directly affect the existence of Wang Wushan?

This point, however, was unexpected by Xi Jiuye.

However, what surprised him even more was that the ancestral star continued to absorb the aura between heaven and earth.

"In this way, 99 places will also be affected?"

Xi Jiuye was shocked.

"Most of the regions will be affected, and only the one that eventually soars will be the winner. As for the other 98 places that have been eliminated, their vitality will be greatly damaged and they will not recover for ten thousand years. In a long time of ten thousand years, the spirit of heaven and earth will be slowly restored. Of course, the practitioners of the ninety-eight places will also be affected, and their accomplishments will plummet. "

The Witch King's tone was ordinary, and he didn't pay any attention to the death of the ninety-nine land.

Those ordinary people like ants are only valuable as stepping stones to the sky.

However, once Wang Wushan collapses, he will also disappear with him. For ten thousand years, the Witch King has already integrated with Wang Wu.

The wizard is there, the Witch King is there.

Wang wubeng, Wuwang meteorite.

This is why, after discovering that Xi Jiuye is a descendant of the Xi family, the king of the witch is willing to open the seal for him for the next day.

After all, it takes at least half of the wizard King's own power to open the next day seal.

Changed to the former Witch King, he would never do such things as making wedding clothes for others.

However, once the King Wu fell, Xi Jiuye could at least protect himself, becoming the last hope of Xi people's return to the motherland for thirty-three days.

"But ancestors, you didn't have to Do we have a way to stop the king and wizard from collapsing

Xi Jiuye moved.

"Another way is to take the king and wizard to fly together. However, to achieve this, one must have the strength of the emperor or the Immortal Emperor. Unfortunately, we don't have either of these two conditions at the moment. "

The wizard king lived for tens of thousands of years, experienced the fall of heaven and man, reduced from the existence of man and nature to the existence of half man and half mortal. For him, everything has been ignored.

The dog God, at least some conscience, at the last moment, sent Xi Jiuye, retaining the last hope of the Xi people.

"Ancestors, we will certainly find other ways. Maybe we can entreat the Immortal Emperor who is about to be born. As long as he is gracious, you can return to the thirty-three days."

Xi Jiuye still has the last glimmer of hope in his heart.

Perhaps it is lonely for a long time, for this ancestor who just knew for a few days, Xi Jiuye has a special feeling.

"I'll talk about it later. I'm bringing you to the magic mountain wall today to show you the real strength of Xi people. "

As he spoke, the Witch King stopped.

Xi Jiuye raised his eyes and saw that in front of him, the fog of the wizard King's divine sense gradually dissipated, and a mountain wall stood in the distance.

Because of the fog, Xi Jiuye could see the whole picture of the mountain wall.

Dark nine night, except for some of the dark in Xi's eyes.

"Use your heavenly power to open the seal of the next day."

The Witch King reminded.

On the second night, Xi's eyebrows appeared again.

Xi nine night's pupil, also from the initial black brown, into a leopard only yellow brown.

With the power of heaven in the body, Xi nine night in front of this piece of mountain wall, also changed.

A burst of beeping sound, covering the wall of moss fell off a large area, revealing the original face of the mountain wall.

In this view, Xi Jiuye could not help breathing.

On the mountain wall, a large number of words and pictures were drawn.

These pictures, one after another, are a series of skills. There are also pictures that record some historical events of the Xi people before the death of the Xi people.

The mountain wall is wide and boundless, and the records above are also comprehensive.

"This piece of magic mountain wall was opened and left by the ancestors of Xi nationality when they arrived at Wang Wu ten thousand years ago. In order not to forget the glorious past of Xi people. After they left, I was the only one to open up independently. Ten thousand years passed by, but this mountain wall has not been completed yet. "

The words of the Witch King are full of melancholy.In order not to forget the past, they used this special method to record the history of the Xi people in the past.

He also discussed with the Xi clan chief at that time that all the descendants of the Xi nationality would return to the king and worship this mountain wall.

But when those people chose to integrate into the life of 99 places, they forgot the past and the glory of the Xi people and chose to be mediocre.

This piece of mountain wall is also annihilated in the memory of countless descendants of Xi nationality, leaving only the Wu King alone, waiting for the glorious reappearance of Xi people in the past.

"On this mountain wall, there are some heavenly skills and ancient sacrificial techniques of the Xi people, which are very precious. Some of the above words are in ancient style, I will teach you personally. With your wisdom, you can learn all in a few days. I am afraid that the fog which is used to cover up the mountain wall will not last long. Today, I will deliver this piece of mountain wall to you, and you will replace me to guard this piece of treasure. "

The language of Wu King has a long focus.

This mountain wall can only be seen clearly after using the force of heaven. However, even if you see it, it is useless if you don't understand the ancient saying of heaven and man.

"Ancestors, but my strength..."

Xi Jiuye pondered.

Inheritance and history are the most precious things for an ethnic group.

Xi Jiuye never knew that Xi people had such wealth.

The Witch King gives these to him, which means that the king of the sorcerer has fully valued it.

But Xi nine night on their own strength, is not very confident.

In particular, the road to the sky is about to open. Once the Immortal Emperor of the dark leader arrives, it is still uncertain whether he can keep the mountain wall.

"Your next day's seal has just been opened, and you are in the ninety-nine land again. It is very difficult for your strength to make rapid progress under the condition that the ancestral star absorbs the aura of heaven and earth. But you don't have to worry. I'll give you the magic mountain wall. I have my own arrangement. Besides this mountain wall, I'll give you a sharp weapon. "

The king said, and went forward. , the fastest update of the webnovel!