C29 Effect

"Zhou Ting, the effect of your push is almost the same as that." Zhang Fang who was gasping for breath said.

"The effect is to increase the speed of your blood flow, causing your body to be excited. Under my control, it will have a rapid tightening effect." Zhou Ting laughed.

"I've never been so comfortable being touched by a man before." Zhang Fang gasped for breath, looking extremely enticing.

Zhou Ting's mouth moved closer to Zhang Fang's ears and asked: "Aunt Fang, did you give your husband your first time?"

"Of course, when Aunt Fang gets married, she would be there for real." Zhang Fang said proudly.

"How did you get along with the other three men after that?" Zhou Ting asked curiously, his hands moved even faster, the jubilant feeling continued to intoxicate Zhang Fang's mind.

"One is Bai Xiangcao's father, that coveted for my beauty to stay behind, do you think that anyone can become the Young Miss's babysitter? In the past few years, he still came to find me frequently, but as her physical strength gradually weakened, she rarely came to find me. " Zhang Fang said as her cheeks flushed red.

"And then? "How did the other two get along?" Zhou Ting continued to ask.

"One of them was a colleague of my husband. They got drunk together, so they took advantage of the time when my husband was asleep to … I had a drink, too, and I was in a daze. He was a lot better than my husband, so we had an intermittent connection. "

"The other one is the one on WeChat. It's a young man more than ten years younger than me, a very fierce young man. He's so young and strong that people like him. I'm still connected to him, ah!" Saying that, Zhou Ting's finger suddenly slipped past her shoulder, and like an electric current, he suddenly rushed over, causing Zhang Fang to cry out comfortably.

And when Zhou Ting heard Zhang Fang's words, his heart was filled with both shock and helplessness.

With yesterday's experience, Zhang Fang felt comfortable under Zhou Ting's touch, and she no longer suppressed her own voice. Under Zhou Ting's nudging, Zhang Fang occasionally let out a melodious and loud voice.

This voice, made Zhou Ting feel as if his heart was being struck by evil fire, the ecstatic voice resonated inside the carriage, and Zhou Ting felt that he was already in a stalemate.

Zhang Fang was wearing only a short skirt and was extremely close to Zhou Ting. Due to the intense stimulation, Zhou Ting found it even more difficult to endure.

After around ten minutes, Zhang Fang suddenly raised her butt, and reached her hand into the bottom of her skirt to pull.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Ting asked suspiciously.

Twisting her body, Zhang Ru chuckled: "Don't move."

After he finished speaking, he swiped his hand across the face of the Little Inner Zhou Ting, causing a cool feeling to instantly spread over him.

Smelling the strange smell, Zhou Ting could not help but roll his eyes, and asked helplessly: "What are you doing?"

The hand that was originally playing with the handle suddenly moved forward …

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Caught off guard, a strong sense of joy spread across Zhang Fang as she let out another resonant cry.

"You, you're courting death!" Zhang Fang gasped and glared at Zhou Ting.

Zhou Ting's pushing did not stop, but very quickly, Zhang Fang's shouts filled the entire carriage.

Zhou Ting cooperated and settled the matter, and the two of them faced each other honestly. Zhang Fang's exquisite and curvy body continued to stick to Zhou Ting's body, and a faint fragrance continuously wafted over, causing Zhou Ting's reason to gradually get lost.

"Aunt Fang, the first time you met the person who was much younger than you was?" Zhou Ting gasped for breath and asked.

"Yeah, I was chatting on my phone and felt like I was on good terms with her, so I went straight to the hotel. That kid is still quite strong, he only stopped after 20 minutes. " Zhang Fang gasped for breath as she recalled.

"Is it really that powerful?" Zhou Ting asked in ridicule.

"What? How much stronger are you than him?" Zhang Fang turned and asked.

"About an hour." Zhou Ting said with certainty.

In an instant, the car also began to shake, and a sense of spring quickly filled the interior of the car.

"She's so beautiful." Zhang Fang gasped for breath heavily.

"Hurry up and put on some clothes. I'll send you back later. I don't know what time it will be when I go back." Zhang Fang said, urging Zhou Ting to get dressed.

"Let me drive. If it's faster this way, then you should rest first and save some energy to drive back by yourself later." Zhou Ting slapped Zhang Fang's full butt.

"You can drive?" Zhang Fang asked in surprise.

"Yes. He got his driver's license two years ago, but didn't drive much." After Zhou Ting finished speaking, he sat on the driver's seat.

Zhang Fang did not reject, she had just been tormented by Zhou Ting and did not have much strength left.

After seeing Zhang Fang walk to the front passenger seat and fasten her seat belt, Zhou Ting skillfully started the car and drove towards the main road.

Men love to play with cars and have a strong aptitude for them. He drove steadily, and felt the lightning speed, Zhou Ting's heart was at ease.