Chapter 357

Fang Miaomiao looked at Zhou Ting at this time. He was really very cold, as if he was going to eat him.

To tell you the truth, Fang Miaomiao is very terrible at this time.

I didn't see her girlfriends around. I didn't dare to look at her.

Even Bai Yingqi, well, Bai Yingqi is completely guilty. She had agreed with Fang Miaomiao, but she just teased Zhou Ting, but who knows, she lost her wife and broke her soldiers, and even broke herself in. Now she felt a little like meeting empress Zhenggong, so she didn't dare to see Fang Miaomiao.

The more she is like this, the more she makes Fang Miaomiao angry.

However, Fang Miaomiao also understands that Zhou Ting is mainly responsible for this matter.

Well, when this happens, it's the girls who suffer in the end.

Just then.


Zhou Ting cleared his throat and rubbed it with his hand. Then he turned his eyes to Fang Miao. He knew that he could not retreat at this time. So, I have to go. He looked at Fang Miaomiao, "if I tell you, I'm treating her, do you believe it?"

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned.

Then, Qi Qi was speechless.

Nima, do you dare to find a worse reason? When we are two hundred and fifty. Fang Miaomiao's mood was magnified a hundred times. Seeing that she was about to get angry, Zhou Ting suddenly smiled calmly, "You have rheumatic pain in your left leg and lower leg. Once in mid March every year, it will hurt badly. About nine years ago, you found someone to treat it once, and the effect is good. After that, it turned into an attack every three years. You have to take some medicine every time. The other party told you that this is a normal phenomenon. It won't hurt too much if you don't take medicine every time. After eating the medicine, you will feel endless strength."

Then, Zhou Ting's eyes swept over the girlfriends behind her, and then called the roll one by one.

"Mia, there is a purple dot on the Xiongkou on your left. It appeared four months ago, and now it is the size of a little thumb finger. Every time you cover it with cosmetics, you have to take a medicine called purple hairpin to boil the soup, which can disappear for more than half a month, and it will appear again in the next half a month. Moreover, when it appears, the color is thicker than before, and it starts to slow down in the second month Slowly fade into the previous purple. "

"And you, Hongling, you! There's no big problem. It's irregular menstruation. It hurts badly every time and there's a lot of bleeding, so you have to take a lot of blood tonic products and drugs every month. Recently, you took a tonic stuffed with herbs in the stomach of hens. The prescription, I think, bupleurum and Rhodiola......"

"And you..."

One by one, count them carefully. The people he said were stunned one by one.

The first fool was Fang Miaomiao, who whispered to himself, "I remember I didn't tell you about my leg. In addition, I did treat it once nine years ago. Later, I almost forgot it. Only me and my mother know."

Then she stared at Zhou Ting, "how do you know? I don't remember many people know about it."

Zhou Ting looked at her with a smile. No one found that he blinked vaguely at Bai Yingqi, who was already stunned. His eyes were full of pride. Then he turned to Fang Miaomiao and said proudly, "I forgot to tell you that I am actually a traditional Chinese medicine."

"Ah!" everyone was shocked. "You mean, what you just said is what you saw."

There was a smell of disbelief in this tone.

Zhou Ting had expected it for a long time, so he turned his eyes to the girl with irregular menstruation and smiled, "Hongling, you're here today. Believe it or not, you'll run to the toilet in ten minutes. Moreover, it will hurt very much and last for a long time."

So everyone looked at him with an expression of 'I believe you have ghosts'.

"If you don't believe it, just wait."

Everyone had this meaning, so a group of people found a place to sit down and looked at the girl named Hongling.

The girl named Hongling was frightened, but she didn't believe it and waited. She was just looked at by so many people without moving her eyes. That feeling was really uncomfortable.

Everyone didn't notice that Zhou Ting's mouth pulled up a faint smile.

In fact, if someone who knows psychology is here, he will know that 99% of Hong Ling will be watched by so many people. The psychological pressure will cause physical discomfort. Then, it happens that these days are the days when her great aunt comes, and then there will be a chain reaction.

So, about ten minutes later, Hongling suddenly covered her stomach, covered her face with pain, and the sweat on her forehead overflowed. She covered her stomach, couldn't care anything else, and ran to the toilet.


Everyone was dumbfounded and stared at Zhou Ting.

Zhou Ting, on the other hand, was very calm and let go. "Now you can trust me." then he pulled Bai Yingqi, who was startled and was pulled to his side by Zhou Ting. Then Zhou Ting waved to a girl sitting next to him, "go away and make a place for me to treat her."

The girl didn't dare to object. Now they basically believe Zhou Ting.

No, Fang Miaomiao hasn't finished yet. In fact, she is jealous, so she won't give up until the last minute.

Zhou Ting didn't care about her and pushed Bai Yingqi down on the sofa. Bai Yingqi knew what he was going to do and immediately frowned, "well, I don't need it. I'm not uncomfortable."

Fang Miaomiao immediately shouted, "what are you doing? What's wrong with her?"

Zhou Ting Hei hei smiled, then the complexion was whole, "she! The problem is serious, breast cancer..."

Before he finished, he frightened many people. Zhou Ting immediately added, "hidden dangers have not appeared, but they are not far away. Traditional Chinese medicine says that diseases start from shallow traditional Chinese medicine, so ah, I was just treating her."

Why do you listen to that? You don't believe it.

But Zhou Ting didn't care so much. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he directly grabbed Bai Yingqi's two full balls and gently kneaded them. Slowly, his strength grew stronger and stronger. The pair had been kneaded into different shapes.

Zhou Ting is excited. Think about it. Knead Bai Yingqi's plumpness in public in front of so many girlfriends. Others haven't said anything yet. Don't be too cool.

When Zhou Ting was excited, oh, by the way, there was another girlfriend in his name, who was also Bai Yingqi's best friend.

Fang Miaomiao finally couldn't stand it. Although she told herself that Zhou Ting was treating Bai Yingqi, she was just uncomfortable. She immediately shouted, "stop, stop, you stop." then she pulled Zhou Ting's hand up.

She glared at Zhou Ting angrily. "I tell you, you said our problem. I admit you're right, but these are information. Once it's information, it's possible to reveal it. I'm sorry to speculate about you like this, but I have to do so."

Zhou Ting was angry when he heard the speech. "Then you just don't believe me. If you treat me like Zhou Cheng, I don't have to stay here. I won't serve you."

In the past, when Zhou Ting encountered this situation, he would definitely try his best to stay. Well, in fact, Zhou Ting hasn't changed now. He also tries his best to stay. But this time, he changed his way.

He swore that he would ask Fang Miaomiao to come and beg her to touch Bai Yingqi.

It's really exciting to think about that taste.

Zhou Ting was so angry that he was about to leave.

As a result, it was naturally held by several girls. Zhou Ting can't hold them, but Zhou Ting doesn't want to go, so he looks like it. He was pulled aside angrily.

Just then, a girl's cell phone suddenly rang. She looked at the caller ID and said, "it's Hong Ling."

Suddenly, a group of girls looked at each other.

"Hello! Hongling, what's the matter?" the girl answered the phone, but she didn't listen to the phone for a while. She was in a hurry and ran out. Before running, she left a sentence, "something's wrong with Hongling."

"Ah!" several girls immediately panicked when they heard the speech. They just wanted to chase him out. Then they seemed to think of something. They immediately ran to Zhou Ting, picked him up and left.

Zhou Ting naturally acted, struggled constantly, and finally succumbed to the silver power of several girls.

The party came to the toilet. The girl who answered the phone ran into the women's toilet and found Hongling in a compartment. When she saw Hongling, she immediately screamed, "come on, Hongling is bleeding."

Several girls immediately pulled Zhou Ting into the women's toilet. Then, everyone pushed him to the front. Seeing that he was still in a daze, the girl was anxious, "what are you still waiting for? Save people."

Hearing the speech, Zhou Ting looked at Fang Miao without delay.

The latter suddenly snorted coldly when he saw this, but he already knew that he had wronged Zhou Ting. But she wanted face. For a moment, the atmosphere was deadlocked.

This can be nasty to other girls. Even Bai Yingqi can't help persuading Zhou Ting, "well, Zhou Ting, you'd better save Hong Ling. After all, human life is important."

"But some people don't believe my medical skills."

As soon as Zhou tinggang was tough, he saw Bai Yingqi's threatening eyes and immediately changed his tone, "well, who calls me a miracle doctor to save the world and help the people!"

He farted and walked to the compartment.

But when he walked over, he couldn't help but swear, "shit, why didn't you tell me she didn't wear pants?" he was speechless all over his face.


Suddenly, all the girls were shocked. When I just saw you touch Bai Yingqi's Hun department, I didn't look at you. I'm sorry.

So, intentionally or unintentionally, they turned their eyes on Bai Yingqi, which made her a burst of embarrassment.

Then at this time, Zhou Ting shouted again, "Emma, I almost forgot that doctors are parents. As a doctor, I shouldn't be divided between men and women. She is a patient in my eyes."

Everyone was speechless.

What I said seems very reasonable. I can't refute it.

With that, Zhou Ting went up. In everyone's blushing eyes, they lifted Hongling's skirt, and immediately Hongling was exposed in Zhou Ting's eyes.

Hongling's Valley is trickling with blood at the moment. It looks thrilling.

Zhou Ting dare not neglect. Although he likes to take advantage of girls, he never makes fun of other people's lives.

He first took out a piece of cloth and wiped it clean. Suddenly, it was exposed, which made Zhou Ting's breath stagnant.

Then he took out a bag of silver needles from his pocket.

Seeing him take out the silver needle, someone couldn't help asking, "do you want a needle? Where? Where? What if it's all small holes?"

Zhou Ting just pulled out a silver needle and almost shook his hand. NIMA, that's what he said.

Several girls around suddenly glared at the girl.

Zhou tingsheng was afraid that they would say something funny again. He coughed quickly, "be quiet. Don't affect me to give her an injection."