Chapter 106

At this time, Luojiang mobile phone rang, ran to one side to answer the phone. Xu Jia stops and looks at Mo Zihang behind him.

"Are your eyes OK?"

this sentence made Mo Zihang's heart tremble, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he fixed his eyes on the strange woman in front of him.

Xu Jia exudes quiet and dignified all over her body. She never talks much. All her words are appropriate and make people feel very comfortable.

Mo Zihang opened his mouth and was about to say something when Luo Jiang came by and said, "Why are you still standing here? Let's go!"

Xu Jia gave him a gentle smile, as if nothing had happened.

However, a huge wave surged in Mo Zihang's heart. Few people knew that something had happened to his eyes. At the beginning, he went back to his old house to have a rest. In addition, during that time, the Mo family had to let the servants who served him get close. How did Xu Jia know that?

was she

Mo Zihang's heart trembled, but he soon recovered his former calm and followed him.

Three people in Mo's old house around, return to the house, Xu Shang and Mo father just finished playing chess, Mo father said with a smile: "brother Xu, you are excellent chess skills, willing to be inferior."

"Where, where." Xu Shang saw the three people back and stood up. "It's late. Jiajia and I went back first."

Mo's mother took out the gift and handed it to Xu Jia. She said with a smile, "Jiajia, this is a little gift from my aunt. I hope you like it."

Xu Jiada generously accepted the gift and Tiantian said, "thank you, auntie."

Her eyes inadvertently glanced at Mo Zihang, and the man was also looking at her. Their eyes mingled. Xu Jia gave a very gentle smile, and then came to Xu Shang's side.

After another greeting, Xu Shang left with Xu Jia.

Mo's mother looked at Mo Zihang beside her: "Zihang, stay here tonight. Xiaowan is still outside. Don't go back alone. Tomorrow my grandfather will be out of hospital, so we can get together

Mo Zihang had no objection and nodded. Of course, Luojiang also lives in Mo's house.

Mo's mother asked the servants to prepare some fruits and brought them to Mo Zihang's room.

Mo Zihang sat on the sofa and thought of Xu Jia's words in his ear. He noticed the movement behind him and turned his head to look at it.

Mo's mother put the fruit on Mo Zihang's hand and said with a smile, "these fruits are delicious. Try them quickly."

Br >

, Qi Zihang and his relatives are very lazy. Jiajia is such a poor child. When her mother died, she didn't talk much, and now she doesn't have much. " Mo mother sighed and said.

"Mother died?"

"well, I died of illness a long time ago. Poor child

"Why don't I know?" The relationship between the Mo family and the Xu family has always been very good, but he never knew about it.

Mo's mother continued: "it happened that you had eye problems at that time. Naturally, you didn't know about it. Jiajia went to see you at that time, but you were angry with others. Then Jiajia's mother died, and your Uncle Xu took her to the United States. "

Smell speech, Mo Zihang eyebrows more and more tight, is Xu Jia really that accompany her person all the time?

Mo's mother noticed the change of Mo Zihang's expression, and she was very satisfied, and she picked up the corners of her mouth. She knew the son very well and attached great importance to his feelings. Of course, she would never forget the people who had been kind to him. Before Xia Xiaowan appeared, she sent someone to look for it. The woman who had not been looking for many years appeared in front of her. She believed that Mo Zihang would be shaken.

Mo's mother told me, then turned to leave. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Luojiang standing at the door.

"Auntie, I'm looking for my cousin."

Mo's mother nodded and turned away. Looking at her disappearing figure, Luo Jiang rushed to Mo Zihang quickly and was shocked: "my God, cousin, Xu Jia was the woman who took care of you in those years. You won't like her any more."

Luo Jiang continued: "you have been looking for her for a long time. Brother, you are married now. You will not leave your sister-in-law and be with your benefactor."

Mo Zihang put out his hand and hit him hard on the head: "go away!"

Luo Jiang screamed with pain and said, "brother, I think sister-in-law is much better than Xu Jia. You must not abandon your sister-in-law!"

Mo Zihang put out his hand again and hit Luo Jiang hard on his head. He roared again: "get out of here!"

Luo Jiang only reluctantly left.

Mo Zihang, who was sitting on the sofa, looked for it for a long time, but there was no news. Now he suddenly came out.

Xu Jia is that person?

why does he always feel that he is not?

Xia Xiaowan's face appears in Mo Zihang's mind, which seems that Xia Xiaowan is more suitable for that person. He thought of someone who held back his tears, his thin back, his clean and bright smile, his shy face, and his begging for mercy under him.

Mo Zihang felt hot all over his body. He rushed to the bathroom, opened the shower, and let the cold water wash his body, but the fire in his heart was still not extinguished.Xia Xiaowan's name was shouting in his mouth. The woman really ate him to death.

At that time, she was really special to him, so I always looked for her trace.

He once thought that if there was to be a Mrs. Mo, it should be her.

But since Xia Xiaowan appeared, everything has changed.

At the moment, after that she appeared, Mo Zihang found that he didn't care. The things he cared about were no longer important.

At the moment, he just wants to know what Xia Xiaowan is doing?

After a long time, Mo Zihang calmed down and came out wrapped in a bath towel. Mobile phone makes a sound, Mo Zihang looks down, frowns tightly, reply way: want the top.

As soon as the text message was sent out, the mobile phone rang, and a howl came from the other end of the phone: "mogo, you are too demanding. Carat has requirements. Diamonds can't contain any impurities. This top-level diamond can't be found at all!"

On hearing this, Mo Zihang picked up the corner of his mouth and said, "the bright star is not it?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time, and then there was a bigger explosion: "bright star, this is a rare diamond for thousands of years. If you want this kind of diamond, mogo, you can wait slowly."

Compared with the extremely irascible man on the other end of the phone, Mo Zihang was very calm and said: "improve efficiency."

After that, he hung up the phone

looking at Xia Xiaowan's empty ring finger that day, Mo Zihang noticed that he had lost his wedding ring.

She is already his wife. Of course, she wants a wedding ring.

A city airport, Xia Xiaowan, Qi Yanqing and Xia Jianguo three people out of the airport, just arrived at the door, they saw a familiar car stop.

Mo Zihang stepped down from the car, dressed in a suit, handsome and threatening, with a smile on his mouth, and became more and more wild and uninhibited.

Xia Jianguo saw Mo Zihang and rushed to meet him. He said, "Zihang, would you like to pick up Xiaowan?"

Mo Zihang looked indifferent, nodded slightly at Xia Jianguo and went straight to Xia Xiaowan: "how was your play?"