Chapter 150

Although Chen Yuxin's attitude towards Ye Changqing is not very good, her level of cooking medicine is really good. After all, she graduated from Medical University and can't even boil traditional Chinese medicine. What's the matter?

When the medicine was cooked and the faint fragrance came out, Liu Xinxin said strangely, "isn't it a good medicine bitter? Why does it have a fragrance?"

"Do you know the fragrance of dragon birthday? It's more expensive than gold. It contains the fragrance of dragon birthday. It has the functions of opening orifices, resolving phlegm, promoting blood circulation and regulating qi. It mainly cures heartache and dissipates the crux, which is just in line with your little friend's condition."

After listening to Chen Yuxin's explanation, especially when she called Ye Changqing her little friend, Liu Xinxin smiled and said, "thank you, girl. I really don't know if you don't say it!"

Ye Changqing was startled by the spices that are more expensive than gold. Ding Lei really made a capital to save him! However, people have the identity of a billionaire. Maybe a medicine of 18000 yuan is nothing for Ding Lei.

Put the traditional Chinese medicine handed over by Liu Xinxin on your mouth and taste it. It's really refreshing! It is very different from ordinary traditional Chinese medicine!

"Gudong", "Gudong", "Gudong", several mouthfuls in a row. Ye Changqing drank the medicine and showed a comfortable look. Liu Xinxin carefully asked, "how about it?"

"I feel very comfortable!"

Hearing Ye Changqing's answer, Liu Xinxin is satisfied. It seems that she is right to stay in Ding Lei's mansion.

Just when she wanted to say a few words of gratitude to Chen Yuxin, ye Changqing's mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Qinhu Castle appears!" Ye Changqing said in surprise. It's only a few days. Qinhu Castle appears again. It's really unexpected!

Chen Yuxin's spirit was shocked. The mobile phone brought by Ye Changqing was very special and had been specially transformed by him. Now it is connected to the monitoring center computer of the mansion. After the computer compares the results for the first time, the alarm comes!

In any case, Qin Hubao could not have imagined that he had just appeared near the mansion and was known by the other party. Moreover, his appearance has changed greatly. Even so, he has not escaped Ye Changqing's golden eyes.

Ye Changqing, sitting in the monitoring room, pointed to a middle-aged man on the screen and said, "it's him. His appearance has changed, but his figure and face outline have basically not changed. His easy appearance can only be regarded as a failure."

Hearing Ye Changqing's comments, Jiang Xueju said with emotion: "with an expert like you, many people can't be invisible. Mr. Ding, shall we capture the old man directly or follow him?"

"I want to know where violet's nest is?" Ding Lei said.

"That's good. I'll follow the old man," said Jiang Xueju, and left the room. Ten minutes later, she appeared outside the mansion. Not only the appearance has changed greatly, but also the gender is male. Even her head is several centimeters higher. The most magical thing is that women wear flat shoes. Others don't know how to increase their head.

Seeing Qinhu castle in front, Jiang Xueju swayed and passed by each other. While she looked at Qinhu castle, Qinhu Castle also looked at him. As soon as the eyes floated by, I just swept them and remembered their appearance in my heart.

"The old man has some skills," said Jiang Xueju. The two passed by and soon left each other. When Jiang Xueju appeared for the second time, her appearance changed again, and her head increased by a few centimeters again, close to 1.65 meters. The body shape has also "gained" more than 20 kilograms, at least more than 130 kilograms.

You know, Jiang Xueju is small, thin and weak, and his weight is just over 80 kg. Such a change, generally 30 kg, is equivalent to an increase of more than half.

"Which is Jiang Xueju?" Chen Yuxin looked at the passers-by in the picture and wondered.

Ye Changqing frowned and said, "I don't know. Her ability to change her face is really high!"

Liu Xinxin stood beside and disdained: "Jiang Xueju just changed her weight and body shape. What's more, there are more little brothers under this woman. You can't distinguish them only in women!"

After Liu Xinxin's hint, ye Changqing suddenly realized, pointed to Jiang Xueju in the video and said, "is this her?"

"Yes, it's amazing that you know people with sharp eyes!" Liu Xinxin said happily.

Chen Yuxin looked at the screen and showed shock. What's the matter? Jiang Xueju's height increased by nearly ten centimeters, her weight increased by 40 or 50 kilograms, and even her face shape changed.

This is amazing! It's not surprising that she can't tell.

Qinhu Castle stayed outside the mansion for less than half an hour and left at more than 9 a.m. When the old man left, he "met by chance" with Jiang Xueju, but Qin Hubao didn't recognize it at all. In front of him, Jiang Xueju has incarnated into a girl in her early twenties, with exquisite body shape and lively expression.

Qin Hubao was ready to leave by bus, and Jiang Xueju followed.

They took a bus all the way. When Qin Hubao got off, they had already driven seven or eight stops. Seeing the old man leave, Jiang Xueju didn't get up. Just put the cell phone on her lap, the woman fiddled with it a few times, and the signal went out.

When Qinhu Castle got off and walked dozens of steps away, a woman in her early 40s came up. She held a little girl in her hand. The little girl looked a little like a woman, so she must have a mother daughter relationship.

They passed by, and the little girl put out her tongue to Qinhu castle, which amused the old man!

When they staggered, Qin Hubao went to the next fork in the road and didn't care where the "mother and daughter" went. After all, there are many people to meet in a day! It's impossible to pay attention to each other. Be careful, right?

In fact, the methods adopted by Jiang Xueju and xuemirong are very correct even if they are dangerous. After all, who will pay special attention to the people who meet each other?

Turning around and looking back at Qin Hu Castle leaving, Xuemi Rong, disguised as a little girl, smiled at Liu Xinxin, "that's good! We look a little alike after we change our appearance."

Liu Xinxin frowned and said, "this Qinhu castle is not simple. Don't let him see through our identity."

"Don't worry. We only met him once as we are now. Where will he pay special attention?" Xuemi Rong said.

"It's better to be cautious," Liu Xinxin said. Since she fell in love with Ye Changqing, Liu Xinxin has been cautious. She used to be a careful person. Now she is more cautious.

"You must be careful. It's a matter of life," said Xuemi Rong.

Such words came out of the mouth of a 13-year-old girl. They were very funny. No one noticed or heard them.

As Jiang Xueju, Xue mirong and Liu Xinxin changed their different identities and passed Qinhu castle, they knew all kinds of characteristics of the old man like the back of their hands. Even without comparison, the three can recognize at a glance. Which is Qinhu castle on the street?

Qinhu Castle knew nothing about this. It circled the street and confirmed that no one was following. Qinhu Castle returned to the villa where he temporarily lived.

The villa rented by Qinhu castle is two or three kilometers away from Ding Lei's mansion, and the straight-line distance is less than one kilometer. Standing on the second floor, he can clearly see the outline of Ding Lei's mansion.

When Jiang Xueju and them follow Qinhu castle, ye Changqing is worried about the continuation of his life. After drinking the medicine, he felt refreshed. Ye Changqing asked, "what should I do now to improve my physical strength?"

"Cold," Chen Yuxin said casually.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Changqing didn't understand. Chen Yuxin realized that she was wrong. "Well, if you drink more water and wait for some time, it will be good for your health."

Ye Changqing said anxiously, "why didn't you say it earlier?"

"You didn't ask me," Chen Yuxin rubbed her hands and didn't care about ye Changqing's words at all? Ye Changqing couldn't believe it. She looked at the girl and said for a long time, "is there any other way?"

The girl said, "in fact, I can find you some special water, and the effect will be better! It plays the role of washing and descaling."

"Is drinking water enough?" Ye Changqing questioned.

"You have to have depression and bad spleen and stomach, so you'd better have a companion to take care of you day and night," Liu Xinxin muttered.

Ye Changqing was surprised. "You know so much. Is it really...?"

"What is it?" Chen Yuxin raised her head proudly and said, "I've read the ancient strange recipe dozens of times, and a fool will recite it."

Grass, are you mocking me, not even a fool? Ye Changqing has nothing to say.

"Xuemi Rong!"

Xuemirong, who was tracking Qinhu castle, heard the familiar cry. The woman looked back and was stunned! This girl who doesn't have eyes wants to kill her mother!

Chen Yuting wore a short braid, dressed in capable jeans, with slender legs, stepped on the brake and looked at her mother quietly. Liu Xinxin was distracted by her elegant posture and beautiful eyes.

"I took my colleagues for a ride. Unexpectedly, I met you. Get in the car!" when Chen Yuting finished, I found something wrong! Why is mom young? No, is mom rejuvenated? Looks like thirteen or fourteen? Just the back.

Liu Xinxin snorted coldly, "you recognize the wrong person!"

"Ah, I'm sorry! I regard you as someone else," Chen Yuting quickly changed her mouth. Their conversation attracted Qin Hubao's attention. He looked back and saw Chen Yuting driving away. He didn't care, so he turned and continued to walk.

I was scared to death. Unexpectedly, she turned into a 13-year-old girl. Chen Yuting could recognize her at a glance. It's unimaginable!

The front Qinhu Castle continued to move forward. Obviously, they didn't realize there was a problem here. Liu Xinxin and Xuemi Rong didn't dare to follow, so they hurried to another fork in the road.

They didn't dare to follow Qinhu castle, but Jiang Xueju hung it far away. About half an hour later, Qinhu castle was gone. Soon the three women got together, took the nearby topographic map and studied it carefully.

"There is no doubt that Qinhu Castle lives in lanyue community, but I don't know which villa?"

"Why is it a villa?" said Xuemi Rongqi strangely.

"First, it's convenient. Second, it's estimated that the old man likes to be quiet and alone," Liu Xinxin explained.

"If you want to know which villa Qinhu castle is staying in, can't we just explore it at night?"

"Well, by the way, let your daughter stay away from us in the future. It almost broke a big deal!" Jiang Xueju said. Xuemi looks embarrassed. Such an accident is really unexpected!