Chapter 31

Zhang Qingqing and I helped each other to leave the alley. Zhang Qingqing's high-heeled shoes on her right foot broke their heels. Her clothes were a little messy and looked a little embarrassed. And I was covered with shoe prints, black and blue, even more embarrassed.

Zhang Qingqing said that I was injured. Don't go to class these days. She called a taxi, took me to the hospital to see a doctor, and then took me home.

When they got home, it was already 11:30 p.m. when Zhang Dagui and Xu Shuqin heard the news, they came out of the bedroom sleepily in their pajamas. When they saw me with scars and Zhang Qingqing, who was also very embarrassed, they were shocked and hurried to ask what had happened and how did it happen?

I bowed my head and dared not speak. If Xu Shuqin knew that I had provoked an enemy outside, Zhang Qingqing was almost in danger tonight, she would scold me to death.

At this time, Zhang Qingqing avoided the important and said a little gangster who met robbery on the road, then fought, and finally let us run away.

After hearing this, Zhang Dagui and Xu Shuqin were both surprised and angry. They all surrounded Zhang Qingqing and asked whether they were okay. Zhang Qingqing shook her head and said, "I'm okay, but Chen Yu got a lot of fists in order to save me."

Xu Shuqin looked at my face full of bruises and expressed concern for me for the first time: "there is safflower oil in the cabinet and the iron beating wine made by your father-in-law. Take it out and wipe the bruises. The effect of iron beating wine is very good. Your bruises will disappear in a few days."

After that, Xu Shuqin went back to her room to sleep. After Zhang Qingqing helped me take out the iron wine, she went to the bathroom to take a bath and said she would wipe the iron wine for me later.

After listening, I suddenly remembered that I was beaten by Qin Yong on the first day of school. Zhang Qingqing also helped me wipe safflower oil in the school medical room. Her soft little hand touched my wound. The gentle feeling from her fingertips can make people tremble.

Then I thought of the beginning of the new week. When Zhang Qingqing asked me to carry the black pot, she promised me a kiss every week. Last week, she perfumed me with a flying kiss. Now do I want to ask her for a kiss?

"Oh, forget it..."

I said to myself, thinking that it is rare to establish a good impression in Zhang Qingqing's heart, or don't destroy the good impression that has just been established.

At this time, a neutral voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "Xiao Yu, what do you say?"

I was surprised when I heard the speech. When I looked back, I found that my father-in-law Zhang Dagui had not returned to his room to sleep. He was staring at me with a solemn face. I just looked at Zhang Qingqing's back and sighed about myself. He was a little embarrassed.

"Dad, it's nothing. I just remembered whether to call the police, but those little gangsters may have left long ago, so I'd better forget it."

I scratched my head and found an excuse to cover up the past.

Zhang Dagui nodded. He carefully asked me about the process of meeting gangsters tonight. In addition to hiding that Zhang Zhegan was my enemy, I told Zhang Dagui everything else. Finally, I said that several people who passed through the alley after supper helped us.

After hearing this, Zhang Dagui shook his head and said that I really lost a man's face. I couldn't beat several gangsters. I had to kneel down to each other. What a waste.

I smell speech face a red, retort: "the other party has several people, but it is normal to fight?"

Zhang Dagui snorted and said, "you can't beat just a few people?"

When I heard the speech, I stared at my father-in-law Zhang Dagui and said, "two fists are hard to beat four hands, not to mention that the other party has four people and eight hands."

Zhang Dagui raised his old face slightly, looked a little proud, and said, "that's because you haven't practiced. When you're free, I'll teach you some martial arts. I dare not say a few, but you can protect yourself after you learn."

"Dad, you really know martial arts?"

All I know is that my father-in-law Zhang Dagui is a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. He runs a traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Xinxing street. He has several guys. The business of the hospital is very good on weekdays. Although the saying goes that medicine and martial arts are not separated, my father-in-law goes to the park to exercise almost every morning and evening, I really don't believe he can do martial arts.

Because a lot of old men and grannies in the park are playing swords and practicing Tai Chi, but it's all superficial Kung Fu. Move your hands and feet to relax your muscles and bones and make your body healthier. It's similar to Aunt dancing square dance. Can this so-called martial arts really be useful in fighting?

Zhang Dagui probably saw my suspicion. He was immediately unhappy and hummed: "of course, your father-in-law, I'm the honorary president of the local martial arts association. I've practiced eight gun boxing for more than 30 years. If I met those little gangsters tonight, three punches would make them vomit blood."

Honorary president is a false name. In fact, he has no power in the martial arts association, and I often see some so-called martial arts masters beaten down by people practicing boxing or Sanda in the news, so I don't yearn for these martial arts in my heart. I yearn for those military boxing, capture boxing, big catcher, small catcher, etc. practiced by military people in the army, I think this is the real fighting boxing. It is simple, not fancy, but very practical. If you practice well, you can defeat the enemy with one punch.

However, I dare not say that my father-in-law's boxing is not good, so I perfunctorily praised him: "Dad, you're great."

After listening to my praise, Zhang Dagui became a little proud, and then stared at me. He thought I would take the opportunity to beg him to teach me eight gun boxing, but he waited for a long time and didn't see that I had any intention to learn.

Of course, my father-in-law was not stupid. He immediately guessed that I looked down on his eight gun boxing. He immediately slapped the table angrily: "good boy, you look down on my eight gun boxing in your heart?"

I was suddenly surprised and thought I was paralyzed. This can let him see what I was thinking at the bottom of my heart?

I repeatedly denied: "no, Dad, how can I look down on your old gun fist?"

Zhang Dagui asked, "then why didn't you ask me to teach you boxing?"

I cried and laughed and said, "Dad, I'm afraid you won't teach me, so forget it."

Zhang Dagui was a little happy when he heard the speech, but then he looked up and said, "how do you know I won't teach you if you haven't asked me?"

Obviously, he wanted to teach me boxing, but he asked me to ask him to teach it. I have no choice but to follow his meaning and beg, "Dad, I don't know if you can teach me two hand gun boxing?"

Unexpectedly, when Zhang Dagui heard what I said, he farted: "no, eight gun boxing is not easy to teach others..."

I almost fell out of my chair after listening to it. I looked depressed, but I was not disappointed, because I didn't want to learn it at all. I think this skill of going to the park to practice every day is similar to aerobics. Exercise is OK, but it doesn't have much practical effect.

But Zhang Dagui changed his words and said, "well, you're my son-in-law, and you're not an outsider. And you're fighting to protect Qingqing tonight. You don't even want your dignity. A man is willing to kneel for a woman. Even if Qingqing didn't choose you wrong."

Zhang Qingqing had already taken a bath by this time. She came out of the bathroom in a set of pink pajamas and was wiping her hair with a dry towel. She glanced at both of us and asked curiously, "Dad, what are you talking to Chen Yu?"

Zhang Dagui said proudly, "nothing. Xiao Yu begged me to teach him boxing."


Zhang Dagui blew his beard and glared: "what is rare? Xiaoyu doesn't know how rare it is. He just begged me to teach him. He was lazy to tell you, Xiaoyu, you have bruises all over your face. You must not go to school these days. Get up early tomorrow, go to the park with me, and I'll teach you eight gun boxing."

With that, Zhang Dagui stood up, stretched, and then went back to his room to sleep.

Zhang Qingqing frowned when she saw the iron beating wine on the tea table: "Chen Yu, why don't you wipe the iron beating wine? Forget it, you'd better take a bath first. After taking a bath, I'll wipe the iron beating wine for you."

When I heard the speech, I hurried to take a bath. It took me about ten minutes. When I came out of the bath, Zhang Qingqing had dried her hair with an air blower and waved me over. She wiped iron and drank wine for me.

I honestly sat down on the sofa. Zhang Qingqing poured some medicine wine into her hands, and then wiped the bruises on my face, and then asked me to take off my coat and lie on the sofa. The warm air-conditioning wind blew on her, and she couldn't feel the cold at all. Zhang Qingqing even went to the air conditioner, stretched out her hands and blew her palms warm in the air conditioner wind. Only then did she come to me, began to pour medicinal wine on her hands, and then rubbed my back and shoulders.

A month ago, Zhang Qingqing blacked her face when she saw me and didn't say a word to me. I didn't expect that she would wipe medicinal wine for me like a little wife tonight, which I didn't dare to think before. I closed my eyes and enjoyed Zhang Qingqing's tenderness to me for a moment. I wanted to have her faith more firmly. One day, I want to really deserve her and let her personally announce to the world that Chen Yu is my husband.